Sunday, September 8, 2013

Magical Herbal Paper Making Techniques

Make your own paper for use in magical writing and spell work by recycling
old paper and adding herbs and flowers is simple, beautiful and powerful

choose the paper you want to recycle, you can use any paper but I recommend
paper that is more natural to begin with and less processed. Tissue paper
and brown paper bags as well as manila and construction paper. Computer
paper and writing paper can also be used, especially if you want a whiter
paper. Cut or rip the paper up into small pieces 3/4 to 1/2 inch square.
Boil some water in a pot and add the paper bits, let stand untill the fibers
disintegrate, from a few hours to a couple of days depending on the paper
you are using. When the paper shreds reach a pulpy stage place that in a
blender with about two cups of water. Blend for 15 seconds and then check
it, you just want it to separate into fibers and not too much more than that,
if necessary blend for another 10 seconds or so. Place this pulp into a bucket
and add some water. You may add any dried magical herbs at this time.

Construct a small frame from fine screening and 4 pieces of wood the size and
shape you desire. Mix the pulp with your hand to excite the fibers in the water.
Place the screen in vertically and shift it horizontally near to the bottom of
the bucket. Raise it slowly to accumulate the wood particles upon the screening
frame. Keeping the frame horizontal. While the pulp is still wet and draining,
place any dried flowers and herbs you wish to have as part of your finished
paper on top of the sheet and if necessary carefully spray over with water to
wet and fix the flowers to the pulp sheet. Set the frame to dry over night.
When it drys flip the frame and free the sheet from it. This may require cutting
at the edges to free the finished paper.

If you would like to make a very specialized piece of magical paper you need
only carefully choose the herbs and plant material with which you plan to
impregnate it with and possible an oil with which to scent it. Some good choices
would be:

Money paper; Clover, Patchouli, Cedar, Basil, Fern,
Love paper; Rose petals, Chamomile, Violet, Yarrow, Apple blossom,
Air Spell paper; Rosemary, Lavender, Sage, Lemongrass, Marjoram,
Earth spell paper; Mugwort, Patchouli, Cypress, Narcisis, Honeysuckle, Vervain
Fire spell paper; Sunflower petals, Carnation, Heliotrope, Bay, Tobacco
Water spell paper; Lemon balm, Eucalyptus, Lilac, Heather, Cherry blossom

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