Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fulgurite and its use in magic - Making petrified lightning

Fulgurites rare pieces of Silica that form in the ground when lightning strikes
sand. As Fulgurites are exorbitantly expensive to purchase you may try to make your
own. The method below will work but there is no guarantee that lightning will strike
when and where you like so you may have to try this several times. Having made one
this way I can tell you that it is worth the waiting. First I must say that safety
is a priority, you must make sure you have prepared fully hours before the storm is
set to hit. Remain inside far away from the site until after the storm has safely

1. Check with the Farmer's Almanac and the weather report to pinpoint a thunderstorm
in your area.

2. Dig a hole and place a lightning rod or length of rebar atleast 2' in length.
I chose to place a large quartz crystal point in the sand just below the surface up
against the rod when I captured mine.

If you live by the sea, the sand on the beach will be ideal as is. If you can not get
near the sea, dig a hole in a field and fill it with sand. In either case you will
drive a metal rod or rebar into the sand about 18" deep with some of the bar protruding
up toward the clouds. To maximize you chances of making a Fulgurite make sure that the
area you choose is very open and that the rod is the highest point around. Choose a
remote place where there are no animals, people or buildings near by.

3. When you have set up and just before you go inside to wait, pray to Thor to send
a bolt of mighty lightning into the rod so that you can have lighting of your own.
(You can pray to the force of lighting itself or any lightning God of your preference)

When the lightning hits the rod it will travel down it into the sand, turning the
Silica in the sand into a very rare glass imparting the imence power of the lightning.
These glass Fulgurites are extremely hot for quite a while after the strike and when
they have cooled they are very fragile.

4. Hours after the storm has abated, go to the spot where you set up your rod and
carefully dig around it so as not to break your Fulgurite. Gently pull it up and
brush it off and then rinse free of the excess sand.

Fulgurites contain imence power and even a small piece can be used to tip an Oak Wand
for powerful rites, keep a piece on your Altar or Sacred Space to draw upon when you
need extra power. Take care not to keep a Fulgurite in your bedroom as it will cause

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