Potion is a catch-all word for any herbal simple, brew or
tincture. Using heat the qualities of the magical herbs are
transferred into the liquid. There are many reasons to make
potions. An elixir for strength, a medicinal preparation, a
love potion ect.
Herbal simples are made by boiling any single herb in
purified water, sometimes called a Tea. Depending on the
plant that the simple is made from it may be drunk for
magical, culinary or healing purposes. You must take great
care never to drink a poisonous herb or plant! Get several
reputable Herbal Books and always double check, when in
doubt don't risk anything.
A brew is much the same as a simple excepting that it is
a synthesized combination of herbs combined specifically for
the purpose at hand. Both brews and simples rarely keep for
long. Tinctures on the other hand can be kept for longer
periods of time as they contain alcohol which has
preservative properties.
A tincture is most simply made by soaking an herb or a
combination of herbs in alcohol for a week, shaking it
everyday. At the end of the week separate the liquid from
the used herbs by straining through a cloth. Add new herbs
and repeat each week for another three weeks. At the end of
this period you will have a concentrated tincture.
For maximum effect, start this process on the appropriate
day of the week in the proper phase of the moon. Store
tinctures in a dark glass bottle with a tight seal away
from heat and sunlight.
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