Monday, September 30, 2013

Magical Protection

Protecting ones self from negative spirits, spells, Fae and any other threat is not
only smart, it is a very serious matter! If you are not properly protected you are
constantly exposed to numerous threats. The negative energy that some people put out
is enough to make you stressed out or even physically ill. There are those out there
who seek to suck the Energy from your very being, they are known as psychic vampyres.
Any number of dangerous situations can be circumvented by being protected at all times.

Do not be afraid or discouraged, protecting yourself is relatively simple and not
terribly difficult. The most basic measure is sacred salt. Sea salt is magically charged
with protection visualizing a protective white light. This salt can be placed in a
circle around any magical working or across any threshold such as a door or a window.
This sacred salt when dissolved in water is useful for washing objects and sprinkling
mirrors as they can become portals for many things. This salt water can also be poured
down drains and toilets as every exit in a building can also be an entrance. Don't
forget the hearth, attic and basement!

If you need an extreme form of protection at your front door you can take a glass
jar and fill it with broken pieces of mirror, iron nails, brick dust and sacred
salt. Close this jar and bury it at your threshold, it will trap all sorts of nasty
things. If you can not bury it, you can keep it in a room.

Brick dust sprinkled across any threshold to prevent infernal spirits from entering.

Iron protects against Fae, but many Fae are highly beneficial so take care when you
choose to use this! Silver can be used to protect against Elves but the above applies
here too. Holy water can protect against Deamons of a lesser order, you do not need a
preist's blessing, your own or that of a powerful magical individual is all that is

Most magical folk wear a protective amulet such as their pentacle, hammar or any other
symbol they wear on a consistent basis, this is simply imbued with protective energy
that may be repeated when you feel it getting low. You can also call upon ancestors,
Gods and guardian spirits in times of need, they are usually quite happy to come to
your aid.

There are three coloures primarily used in spells and workings for Protection. Red is
employed in active protection, defense. Black is used to ground any energy and thus
prevent the attacks from landing. White is cleansing and purifying, like sacred salt.

There are several trees, plant and herbs you can either plant or make talismans from
which provide protection. Rowan, Holly, Oak are among the very best and can be planted
in the earth where you reside.

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