Candle Magic is an effective, time tested way to perform your Spells. With a
few simple, easy to access ingredients you can gather, direct and send out any
intention you wish. By your Will the candle burns to your purpose.
Tools for Candle Magic:
You should have a hearty stock of 6-10" white taper candles on hand at all
times as they make excellent Altar Candles by which you can see during workings.
They will also serve in a pinch for any purpose if they are white.
For specific spells and workings you may want to keep a small collection of 4"
coloured taper candles in most every colour.
Jar Candles are ideal for devotionals and novenas also good gift giving. The
warmth of a candle is a boon to any home.
Anointing Oils - Oils embody the power of Water. By rubbing certain oils on your
candle you can further infuse your spells. Keep a small selection or make your own
as you have the need.
Candle Holders - A set of Altar Candle holders for your white tapers, small spell
cancel holder/s. You may require quite a few different types and develop a
collection as there are many sizes with which you can experiment.
Fireproof Dish/plate - Place this under your candle as it burns to prevent
accidental fires and make wax clean up easier.
Candle Chimney - A cylindrical glass shield can be placed around your candle to
protect it from drafts and things accidentally getting near the flame. This is
especially useful when working out of doors as candles are exceptionally difficult
to keep lit in the open air.
Flame - You should have at the ready; Matches, a lighter or punks with which to
light your candle. Fire born of friction is considered the most sacred. Try a
flint and steel?
Candle Snuffer - Blowing out a flame is considered an insult to Fire and should
be avoided. Snuffing candles with your fingers or a snuffer insures that the flame
is respected. Also, it is safer.
Types of Candle Spells:
Simple Spell: Single time spell, usually using a small
Spell Candle as the Intent Candle.
Useful for a great many spells and
workings. Use an unburned candle
dedicated to your intent burn till it
extinguishes itself.
Novena Spell: 3,5,7 or 9 nights of a spell repeated
once each night for the duration, the
repetition serves to anchor the spell in
the mundane world and maximize its
A Novena can also be done in payment for
especially good favor shown to you by a
God or Ancestor or to keep a vigil.
Always use an unburned candle and once
dedicated do not use it again for any
other purpose.
Devotional Candle: Light to honour or contact a God,
Spirit or Ancestor. Used at any time
necessary. Often times repeated once a
week, month, or year. Such as the
weekday that belongs to that God or
Spirit or on the Birthday or anniversary
of an Ancestor. One large candle is
reserved for each person/spirit/ect and
reused until consumed. Use only a fresh
candle and once it is dedicated never
use it for any other purpose.
Making your own candles gives you the opportunity to manipulate the candles from
their very creation, crafting the colour, scent and vibrational qualities to your
goal. While a candle from the shoppes will serve perfectly well making your own is
just that much better. Traditionally, candles are made in February during Candlemass.
You may choose to make a store of Altar Candle for the year at this time.
As a form of Spellcraft, Candle Magic is excellent for a number of reasons. There
are multiple mediums in which you can work spells and Fire is the most dynamic of the
Four Elements for spell craft and it works the fastest. Unlike the other three
Elements Fire is the only one that is not matter, it is the tangible effect of the
release of Energy as matter changes its form. Fire is Energy and transformation in a
literal sense. It is for this reason Candle Magic has persisted as a favored form of
Essentially you charge the wax and wick of the candle with your intent and light it
ablaze, then the fire transforms it into Energy that your Will can direct.
Outlined here are the basics of performing any Candle Magic spell.
Think of your intent, what it is you want to change and affect. Try to reduce and
simplify this until you have a single word or phrase. Use this word to choose
sympathies such as colour, Element, Day ect...
Workspace should face the direction that is best for the goal.
Place these items your altar or workspace:
Intent Candle: This is your goal.
Incense Stick and holder: Choose an herb that goes with your intent.
Altar Candles: Two plain white taper candles will light your workspace.
Charging Oil: Optional, the oil chosen helps to carry and set the charge you place
within the candle.
Lighter & Candle Snuffer
Additionally you may wish to place stones, herbs, talismans and pictures if they help
you to clarify and focus on your goal.
Before you actually begin your spell you should check your Aura and make sure you are
properly charged and have enough Energy to give to the Spell. If you are low you should
not cast the spell until you have recharged. You can draw Elemental Energy to charge up
for a working, this works either by drawing from your Power Element or by filling up on
the Element that rules your goal. An example would be to charge yourself with Earth
Energy before casting a spell to find work. You must be intuitive as well, draw from the
Sun for a Success spell. Draw from that which is available and has sympathies in line
with your goal. Never draw from your Life Energy or from a person without their consent.
How do you know when you are drawing on your Life Energy? You can feel the difference
when you expend excess, gathered Energy and when you are spending your Life Energy. If you
have you will feel very weak and quite like crap. Rest is the cure in this case.
Dress Candle with Oil:
Stand facing direction best for goal. Put some oil on hands and rub together till it
warms a bit. Place right hand on middle top and left middle bottom full palm contact. Feet
flat on the floor, candle held chest height, focus on intent.
Direct this energy to hands till it pulses. Slide right hand up concentrating this energy
into the candle, release your hand at the top and replace it around the middle. Do same with
your left hand with downward strokes and replace at middle. Continue until candle is fully
charged. You may be able to just hold it in your hands and charge it up.
Putting your Will behind your words speak your intent three times. (exp. "I will find a
Girlfriend" x3 ) and place in holder.
Light Candle:
With lighter or an eternal flame light the candle and the spell will begin to cast itself.
Let candle burn down completely and do not leave unattended. Try not to spend time thinking
of the spell after the candle is lit, this can only confuse the focus.
Ground excess energy:
Turn it into pink or Green and send it into Earth.
Disposal of Candle;
Dispose in a manner decided by the Element that meets goal.
Record all information in Magical Journal.