Thursday, October 10, 2013
Theosophy - The Theosophical Movement
The Theosophy Movement was spearheaded by Madame Helena Petrovna
Blavatsky. She founded the Theosophical Society in 1875 to promote
what is termed in the Greek "God Wisdom".
The idea that certain ideals and virtues lead a person closer to
what she called "The Absolute".
A few of these things are Science, Philosophy, Astronomy, even
Philanthropy. Also noted is the belief in a seven layered soul
construct in every being.
Everyone is said to have begun as pure spirit, next becoming great
sexless beings like the people of the mythic "Hyperboria" to the polar
north, moving then on to the giant "Lemurians" who were of human
consciousness and capable of sexual reproduction then as the people
of "Atlantis". Blavatsky claims that most humans now are in the fifth
cycle and working toward a Lemurian cycle next in our evolution.
Blavatsky authored her first tome "Isis Unveiled" in the year 1877 and
her second major work "The Secret Doctrine" in 1888 which contains a
commentary on The "Book of Dzyan".
Some of the most famous, people influenced by Blavatsky and the
Theosophical Movement are, Guido von List and his followers such as
Lanz von Liebenfels, the members of the Nazi "The Thule Society" and later
Rudolf Steiner as well as the creator of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
One of her most notable opponent, though one of many, is entertainer
and Magician Harry Houdini.
Goddess Worship
Though obviously a favorite among women there are a good number of men that
consider themselves Goddess Worshipers. The Goddess in this path is seen as
the creatrix, protector, teacher and nurturer of everything in existence.
There is no one set Goddess instead many Goddesses are worshiped as principals
of the Divine Goddess Principle. In this way it is likened to Wicca but without a
strong /MaleGod presence. In Wicca, the Goddess is the "First among Equals".
They invoke the Gaia principal, that the Earth herself is a Goddess and
everything that is a part of the Earth is an integral part of the Goddess. As
such they are deeply aware of ecological concerns. Harming the Earth is harming
their Mother Goddess.
Many see this form of worship a great redress for the harm that has been wrought
over thousands of years by the patro-centeric Abrahamic religions.
"The Way of The Gods"
Traditional spiritual path of the Japanese. It is estimated that over
130,000,000 people are Shinto. Peace and beauty are sought in this
way of life.
Shinto is a very simple spiritual path that has much power there is no
real God worship in Shinto. A purely animistic view gives that "Kami" are
the Divine in everything from people to trees. It is said that there are
8 million Kami and this has been interpreted to mean that there are Kami
for everything that there is. The major Kami in Shinto are:
Amaterasu "Great Goddess who shines from the Heavens" she is the Sun Kami
and it is from her that the Japanese Royal line descends.
Uzume The Dawn Kami,
Kami-no-Kaze The Wind Kami who is so old that he was there at the time of
Hachiman-shin or Yawata no Kami The Kami of War and Protector of Japan,
Inari the androgenous Rice Kami who grants fertility,
Izanagi Kami of Creation and Life and his wife/sister Izanami Kami of
Creation and Death, they are the parents of Amaterasu, Susanoo and Tsukuyomi.
Omoikane The Kami of Wisdom and Council of The Kami themselves,
Raiden The Kami (or Oni) of Thunder and Lightning,
Owatatsumi Dragon God of The Sea,
Suijin Kami of Water,
Susanoo-no-Mikoto The Storm Kami,
Tsukiyomino Mikoto The Moon Kami and brother of Amaterasu and Susanoo.
Along with the Great Kami are the Seven Lucky Gods
Benten Goddess of the Flowing, such as words, knowledge, thoughts and poetry
Tamonten Punisher of Criminals and God of Fortunate Warriors
Daikoku God of The Wealth of The Harvest and The Household
Yebisu The Laughing God, First child of Izanagi and Izanami
Fukurokuju, Sothern Pole Star God of Longevity and Wisdom
Hotei God of Contentment and Abundance "Laughing Buddha"
Kudokuden Goddess of Beauty, Happiness and Fertility
The Kami are neither good nor evil and are capable of both and anything
in between. "Things are as they are."
Aside from Kami there are also Oni, Kappa and Yurei.
Oni are something like Otherworldly Deamons who, although not specifically
evil, do often bring disaster, death and plague. Some dead turn into Oni
and others into Yurei.
Yurei are ghosts, and they can be dangerous as they are unsettled and often
quite unhappy.
Though there are no church services in the Shinto religion there are
many shrines big and small. Everything from a tiny niche by the road side
to a full sized temple for many attendants and monks. Each family has a
personal shrine in their house. Usually a small niche or table layed out
with statues of Kami, pictures of ancestors, candles and offerings of
incense and often strung over with zig-zag strips of paper or straw called a
Shimenawa for protection. They mimic the public shrines in every way on a miniature scale.
An ancient and unbroken tradition of ancestor veneration is still very strong
in the practice of Shinto as are moral codes of conduct. These aspects as well
as the awareness of the Kami are integral parts of everyday life.
The practices associated with the Shinto lifestyle are harvest
celebrations as well as others to mark the passing of the seasons of the
year. It is surmised that these are the reasons that Japan has been so easily
able to move forward into the future while not for a moment forgetting it's
past, continuing on with a core sense of self.
candle magic,
Magic School,
Lunar Magic
Working Magic With The Moon
The light shed from the face of the Moon is not its own but that of the Sun as
it lies hidden beyond the horizon. The Moon is a beaming beacon of borrowed light
and not the self-illuminated object it appears to be at first glance. When we see
by the reflected light of the Moon there is an ethereal quality to all we view,
though it is often driven from us by the more direct light of the Sun. We see
these mysterious things most often at night and they later flee into the shadows.
As The Sun rules the magic of the Physical World, so the Moon does rule that of
the Otherworld, the unmade and the unseen.
The Moon and all she governs is feminine and highly mysterious. Women are
empowered and feel at home in the Moon's influence and men are intoxicated by
its subtle and enigmatic workings as they are by women themselves. Indeed
working with the Moon promotes knowledge of women and mystery.
The nature of the power that the Moon wields is manifold and changeable as it
cycles through New Moon to full and back again. Her energy ebbs and flows like
the tides which she also rules. As the Moon waxes it grows stronger and this is
the time for any magic that relates to waxing and increase. Conversely, during the
time the Moon is waning and growing dark we work spells cleanse, remove and undo
that which we find undesirable.
Magic can be affected any time you put your will toward your intention. Utilizing
the effects of the Moon is in no way necessary, mearly another powerful force you
can use to your advantage.
If you wish to gain power from the Moon you may perform an Esbat. An Esbat is a
Lunar Rite which is performed at any of the three phases of the Moon's power. A
Full Moon Esbat is any rite to gain the power of the Full Moon and would be done
in the interest of spells and workings of growth and increase. The New sometimes
called "Dark" Moon Esbat and the Waxing Crescent Esbat are for clearing away the
old and broken and for starting new projects respectively.
Esbats are used to honour Lunar Deities if you wish to do so. They are of great
help with Lunar Magic to say the least.
A simple example of an Esbat. Choose a phase of the Moon, (Full, Waxing or Dark)
from which you wish to draw power and find the next time the moon enters that
phase. Choose a candle and cloth of the appropriate colour (See below) and a proper
incense. On the night of or just before the desired phase of the Moon choose a
quiet spot in front of a window through which you have a good view of the Moon and
its light shines in upon you as you work (or shadow as with the Dark Moon). You may
choose to have a candle and a small cloth to place underneath, some incense, matches,
and a candle snuffer.
In front of the window set the candle in a holder on top of the cloth, light
the incense and let it smoulder. Light the candle and speak some words to the
effect that you are harnessing the power of the "Full/Waxing/Dark" Moon. You
can state that the power be channeled into you at that moment or that it be
channeled into the candle. If you are just starting out you may want to choose
to have the energy stored in the candle, that way when you wish to cast a spell
and the Moon is out of the proper phase you need only light the candle to release
the stored energy. This can be added to any spell. If you are stating that the
Energy be stored in the candle, visualize it pouring into the candle until it is
fully charged then snuff the candle and store it till needed.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Spell Correspondences
Use these lists of correspondences along with your
own intuition to craft spells at will.
Substitutions should be made at your disgression,
paying in mind the sympathies involved. Any act or
object with a strong sympathy may be used in a Rite
or a spell successfully. Use your senses to decide
when in doubt or find council. For example, it is
not hard to see why Gold has strong sympathies to
both the Sun and to Wealth. This is the principal
you should use in your Spellcraft.
To test an object, colour, herb or stone for use
in a spell, place your hand on it and meditate on
it and your intention. You need not meditate very
long, you should be able to feel quite quickly if
the object and your intent are linked by strong
sympathies, whether or not they are listed here.
Let your intuition be your compass.
The Sun - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Gold, Yellow.
Element: Fire
Stones & Metals: Gold, Amber, Ametrine, Carnelian, Cat's Eye, Citrine,
Herkimer Diamond, Diamond, Pyrite, Quartz, Ruby, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye,
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Sunday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Mistletoe, Rosemary, Rue, Saffron, Sage,
Goldenseal, Heliotrope, Angelica, Bay, Centaury, Cinnamon, Citron,
Thyme, Ginseng, Goldenrod, High John the Conqueror, Yarrow,
Adder's Tongue, Agrimony, Allspice, Borage, Caraway Seed, Celandine,
Eyebright, Galangal Root, Cinnamon, Mistletoe, Wood Aloe, Sandalwood.
Resins: Benzoin, Copal, Frankincense, Gum Arabic, Gum Mastic.
Woods: Oak, Ash, Birch, Fir, Walnut, Juniper, Cedar Wood.
Flower: Sunflower, Chamomile, Daisy, Marigold.
Fruit: Orange, Tangerine, Pineapple, Oat.
Symbols: Quartered Circle
Animals: Eagle, Phoenix.
The Sun governs: Love, Success, Day, Fire, Masculinity, Illumination,
The Self, Ego, Authority Figures, Promotion, Friendship, Healing,
World Leaders, Gods and the Divine, Fathers.
The Moon - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Silver, White.
Element: Water
Stones & Metals: Moonstone, Selenite, Silver.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Moon
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Lemon Balm, Poppy Seed, Calamus.
Resins: Myrrh, Camphor.
Woods: Willow, Sandalwood.
Flower: Gardenia, Jasmine, Lotus.
Fruit: Coconut, Grape, Lemon.
Symbols: Crescent Moon
Animals: Owl, Cat.
The Moon governs: Night, Women, Water, Intuition, Children/Birth,
The Home & Family, Herb Gardens, Celibacy, Tides, Brewing, Divination,
Rebirth, Reincarnation, Dreams, Psychic Abilities, Introspection,
Secrets, Meditation.
Mercury - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Orange
Element: Air
Stones & Metals: Alexandrite, Mercury.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: 3 PM
Planet: Mercury
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Thyme, Dill, Fennel, Lemon Verbena, Lavender,
Peppermint, Bergamot Mint, Caraway, Lemon Grass.
Resins: Mastic
Woods: Ash
Flower: Lavender
Nut: Almond
Symbols: Caduceus
Animals: Birds
Mercury governs: The Mind, Air, Thought, Silver Tongue, Commerce,
Communications, Letters, The Internet, The Wind, Words, Writing, poetry,
The Phone, PDAs and Computers, Travel, Studying, Learning, Teaching,
Divination, Prediction, Self Improvement, Celibacy.
Venus - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Green, Rose.
Element: Water
Stones & Metals: Emerald, Rose Quartz, Malachite, Copper.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Angelica, Red Clover, Ladies' Mantle, Lemon Balm,
Lemon Verbena, Yarrow, Pennyroyal, Peppermint, Orris Root, Tansy, Myrtle,
Tonka, Tuberose, Ylang-ylang, Spearmint, Thyme.
Resins: Vanilla
Woods: Willow, Apple, Cherry.
Flower: Rose, Crocus, Heather, Hyacinth, Violet, Apple Blossom, Rose Geranium,
Orchid, Magnolia, Daisy, Jasmine, Sweet Pea, Lilly of the Valley.
Fruit: Apple, Raspberry, Strawberry, Pear, Plum, Apricot, Honey.
Symbols: Heart
Animals: Doves, Swans.
Venus governs: Women, Love, Beauty, Art, Self Love, Pleasure, Music, Perfume,
Partnership, Sensuality, Relaxation, Gems, Jewelry, Attraction, Mothers.
Mars - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Dark Red
Element: Fire
Stones & Metals: Agate, Carnelian, Iron.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: 6 AM
Planet: Mars
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Ginger, Thorn, Mandrake, Marjoram, Nettles, Paprika,
Bleeding Heart, Blood Root, Hemlock, Briony, Cayenne, Juniper Berry,
Red Pepper, Peppercorn, Horseradish, Male Fern, Rue.
Resins: Dragon's Blood
Woods: Red Oak, Beech, Cherry, Holly, Pine.
Flower: Red Poppy
Fruit: Pomegranate, Onion, Cashew.
Symbols: Spear, Sword.
Animals: Horse
Mars governs: The Will, Blood, Strength, Sex Drive, Conflict, Battle, Victory,
Aggression, Change, Hunting, Surgery, Lust, Physical Strength & Energy,
Courage, Protection (Active), Politics, Debate, Athletes, Action, Sports &
Competition, War, Contests, Potency, Sex, Male Fertility, Anger, Determination,
Speed, Assertiveness, Independence, Health, Self-confidence, Success, Persistence,
Vitality, Powerful Emotions, Fire, Overcoming Obstacles, Men, Masculinity, Soldiers.
Jupiter - Spell Corrospondence
Colours: Purple (Sometimes Yellow)
Element: Fire & Air
Stones & Metals: Amethyst, Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Lace Agate, Ametrine,
Blue Apatite, Blue Calcite, Lepidolite, Labradorite, Merlinite, Sodalite,
Spectrolite, Sugilite, Blue Tiger’s Eye, Blue Tourmaline, Turquoise, Brass,
Bronze, Tin.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Thursday
Time of Day: Evening
Planet: Jupiter
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Clove, Nutmeg, Sage, Star Anise, Oak Moss, Anise,
Cinquefoil, Hyssop, Sassafras, Sassparilla.
Resins: Copal
Woods: Juniper, Oak, Poplar.
Flower: Honeysuckle
Fruit: Grapes
Symbols: Planetary Symbol, Crown.
Animals: Horse, Eagle.
Jupiter governs: Wealth, Money, Success, Power, Business & Commerce, Acquiring
wealth & Treasure, Prosperity, Material Goods, Luck, Gambling, Financial
speculation, Achievements & Awards, Ambition, Prestige, Honour, Lawyers,
Legal affairs and Justice, Expansion, Happiness, Health, Male Fertility, Marriage,
Education, Spiritual Learning, Religion, Spiritual Teachers, leadership,
Public Life, Fame, Responsibility, Kings, Politics, Protection while traveling,
Friendships, Parties and gatherings, Growth, Visionaries, Charity.
Saturn - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Black, Brown.
Element: Earth
Stones & Metals: Lead, Hematite, Garnet.
Lunar Phase: Dark Moon
Day of the Week: Saturday
Time of Day: 3 AM
Planet: Saturn
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Hemlock, Aconite, Nightshade, Mandrake, Moss, Rue,
Witch Hazel, Patchouli, Hellebore.
Resins: Myrrh, Mastic.
Woods: Cypress, Beech, Elm, Walnut, Yew.
Flower: Amaranth, Cornflower, Morning Glory.
Fruit: Quince, Potato.
Symbols: Planetary Symbol, Scythe.
Saturn governs: Limits, Ending, Death, Discipline, Boundaries, Thresholds,
Buildings, Structure, Contraction, Time, Decay, Destroying Disease, Order,
Elderly People, Funerals, Karma, Reincarnation.
Elemental Air - Spell Corrospondance
Colours: Yellows
Element: Air
Direction: East
Season: Spring
Stones & Metals: Cirtine, Mercury (Quicksilver).
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: Dawn
Planet: Mercury
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Lemon Verbena, Mace, Marjoram,
Parsley, Peppermint, Sage, Star Anise, Citron, Anise,
Bergamot Mint, Lemon Grass.
Resins: Benzoin, Gum Arabic, Gum Mastic.
Woods: Ash, Acacia
Flower: Lavender
Nut: Almond
Symbols: Smoke, Incense.
Animals: Birds
Air governs: Thought, Intellect, Writing, Poetry,
Journalism, Communications, The Mind, Air,
Thought, Speech, Commerce, Letters, The Internet,
The Wind, Words, Writing, The Phone, PDAs and
Computers, Travel, Studying, Learning, Teaching,
Divination, Prediction, Self Improvement, Flight.
Elemental Earth - Spell Corroespondance
Colours: Green, Brown, Gold.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Season: Winter
Stones & Metals: Gold, Pyrite, Smoky Quartz.
Lunar Phase: Dark Moon
Day of the Week: Friday, Saturday.
Time of Day: 9 AM
Planet: Earth
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Mugwort, Patchouli, Vervain,
Bistort, Horehound, Vetivert.
Resins: Pine
Woods: Alder, Cypress.
Flower: Narcisis, Primrose, Magnolia, Honeysuckle.
Fruit: Rhubarb
Symbols: Pentacle, Square.
Animals: Horse
Earth governs: Growth, Stability, Wealth, Fertility,
Jobs, Promotions, Money, Business, Material Objects,
Farming, Healthy Foods, Ecology, Stocks & Bonds,
Antiques, Museums, Construction, Buildings, Progress.
Elemental Fire - Spell Corrospondance
Colours: Reds
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Season: Summer
Stones & Metals: Agate, Carnelian, Flint.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Basil, Bay, Cinnamon, Clove, Coriander, Dill,
Fennel, Galangal, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Rosemary, Tobacco, Woodruff,
Allspice, Garlic, Grain of Paradise, Angelica.
Resins: Copal, Dragon's Blood, Frankincense.
Woods: Juniper, Cedar Wood.
Flower: Carnation, Heliotrope.
Fruit: Orange, Lime.
Symbols: Flame, Triangle.
Animals: Salamander, Horse.
Fire governs: Energy, Activity, Motion, The Will, Blood, Strength,
Sex Drive, Conflict, Battle, Victory, Aggression, Change, Hunting,
Surgery, Lust, Physical Strength & Energy, Courage, Protection (Active),
Politics, Debate, Athletes, Action, Sports & Competition, War, Contests,
Potency, Sex, Anger, Determination, Speed, Assertiveness, Independence,
Health, Self-confidence, Success, Vitality, Powerful Emotions, Fire,
Overcoming Obstacles, Men, Masculinity, Soldiers.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Elemental Water - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Blues
Element: Water
Direction: West
Season: Autumn
Stones & Metals: Aquamarine, Iolite, Sodalite.
Lunar Phase: Waning Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Comfrey,
Eucalyptus, Orris Root, Spearmint, Tansy, Thyme, Calamus,
Cardamom, Catnip, Licorice.
Resins: Myrrh, Camphor.
Woods: Birch, Sandalwood, Elder.
Flower: Gardenia, Heather, Hyacinth, Iris, Jasmine, Lilac,
Rose, Violet, Apple Blossom.
Fruit: Cherry, Coconut, Lemon.
Symbols: Wave, Cup.
Animals: Fish
Water governs: Emotions, Love, Oils, Women, Beauty, Art,
Self Love, Pleasure, Music, Perfume, Partnership,
Sensuality, Relaxation, Gems, Jewelry, Attraction,
Mothers, Flowing Movement.
Sleep Spell - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Light Blue, Robin's Egg.
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Amethyst, Jade
Lunar Phase: Waning Moon
Day of the Week: Friday, as needed.
Time of Day: Evening, Sunset.
Planet: Moon
Resins: Sandalwood
Woods: Willow
Flower: Poppy
Animals: Sheep & Lambs.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Chamomile, Lavender.
Creativity - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Orange
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Fluorite, Mercury, Citrine.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: 3 PM
Planet: Mercury
Resins: Mastic
Woods: Ash
Flower: Lavender
Nut: Almond
Symbols: Winged Messenger, Torch.
Animals: Fox, Birds.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Thyme, Dill, Fennel, Lemon Verbena,
Lavender, Peppermint, Bergamot Mint, Caraway, Lemon Grass.
When you hit a creative block or are tasked with something creative
craft a Creativity Spell to get things moving.
Finish A Project - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Brown, Orange.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Pyrite
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus
Resins: Pine
Woods: Alder, Willow.
Fruit: Plum, Apricot, Honey.
Symbols: Square
Animals: Horse
Flower: Narcisis, Lilly of the Valley.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Patchouli, Lemon Verbena, Yarrow.
It is very important for creative people to actually finish a project
before moving on though this is often difficult. A Spell like this can
help you do just that.
Lost People - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Brown & Orange.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Magnetite, Lodestone.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: 5 PM
Planet: Venus
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Willow
Flower: Forget me not
Symbols: Compass
Animals: Blood Hound, Dog.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Patchouli, Lemon Verbena, Yarrow.
Find Lost Items - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Brown
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Magnetite, Lodestone.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Thursday
Time of Day: 5 PM
Planet: Venus
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Willow
Symbols: Compass
Animals: Ferret, Weasel.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Patchouli, Lemon Verbena, Yarrow.
Wisdom - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Yellow, Blue.
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Labradorite, Mercury, Citrine.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: Morning
Planet: Mercury
Resins: Frankincense
Fruit: Apple
Symbols: Hermit, Well
Animals: Owl
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Lemon Verbena, Mace, Marjoram,
Parsley, Peppermint, Sage.
Travel - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Yellow, Orange.
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Mercury, Citrine.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: Morning
Planet: Mercury
Resins: Frankincense
Symbols: Ship, Auto, Aeroplane.
Animals: Birds (Air), Whales (Sea), Horse (Land)
Gods: Hermes, Mercury, Odin
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Lemon Verbena, Mace, Marjoram,
Parsley, Peppermint, Sage.
Studying/Tests - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Yellow
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Mercury, Citrine.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: 3 PM
Planet: Mercury
Resins: Mastic
Woods: Ash, Beech.
Flower: Lavender
Symbols: Torch
Animals: Owl
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Rosemary, Lemon Verbena, Mace,
Marjoram, Parsley, Peppermint, Sage.
Magic School,
magic spell,
Moon Magic,
Find A Solution - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Bright Yellow
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Calcite, Mercury, Citrine.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: 3 PM
Planet: Mercury
Resins: Mastic
Woods: Ash
Flower: Lavender
Symbols: Spark
Animals: Fox
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Rosemary, Lemon Verbena, Mace,
Marjoram, Parsley, Peppermint, Sage.
Beauty - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Rose Pink
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Amber, Gold, Copper.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: 6 PM
Planet: Venus
Resins: Vanilla
Woods: Sandalwood
Flower: Rose, Peony.
Fruit: Apple
Symbols: Blooming Rose
Animals: Swan, Cat.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Lavender, Rose
Charge a beauty cream or moisturizer and apply daily
with your intention in mind.
Magical Invisibility - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Black, Grey
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Onyx
Lunar Phase: Dark Moon
Day of the Week: Saturday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Saturn
Flower: Poppy, Monk's Hood.
Symbols: Dagaz Rune
Animals: Cat, Owl, Chameleon.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Chickory
To keep others from seeing your magical workings
from a distance, create a spell for invisibility.
Mark a Dagaz Rune with your finger and visualize it
in red, do this over any object you wish no one to
notice. Visualize the rune over yourself if you wish
to remain undetectable.
Strengthen Will - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Red
Element: Fire
Stones & Metals: Ametrine
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: 6 PM
Planet: Mars
Resins: Frankincense, Dragon's Blood.
Woods: Oak
Symbols: Strong Oak Tree
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Basil, Bay, Cinnamon, Clove,
Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Galangal, Nutmeg,
Peppermint, Rosemary, Tobacco, Woodruff, Allspice,
Garlic, Grain of Paradise, Angelica.
Court Case - Spell Corresopndence
Colours: Orange
Element: Air
Stones & Metals: Mercury, Citrine.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Thursday
Time of Day: Morning
Planet: Jupiter
Resins: Frankincense
Symbols: Scales, Court Rune.
Animals: Crow
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Sage, Oak Moss, Cinquefoil,
Hyssop, Sassafras.
Make sure you are innocent of any blame or you may be
unsuccessful, or worse.
Love Spell - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Pinks and Rose.
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Rose Quartz, Copper.
Lunar Phase: Waxing/Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus
Resins: Copal, Dragon's Blood, Gum Mastic, Vanilla.
Woods: Apple, Juniper.
Fruit: Orange, Lemon, Lime.
Symbols: Heart
Animals: Swans, Doves, Rabbits.
Flower: Red Rose, Jasmine, Orchid, Violet, Yarrow,
Apple Blossom, Rose Geranium, Hibiscus, Lotus,
Mimosa, Stephenoutus, Sweet Pea, Gardenia, Tuberose.
Herbs, Incence & Oils: Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clove,
Coriander, Dill, Ginger, Lavender, Lemon Balm,
Lemon Verbena, Marjoram, Orris Root, Peppermint,
Rosemary, Thyme, Vervain, Catnip, Chickweed, Cumin,
Myrtle, Palmerosa, Plumeria, Sassparilla, Tonka,
Ylang-ylang, Basil.
Gain A Wife - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Pink
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Rose Quartz, Copper.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: 6 PM
Planet: Venus & Moon
Resins: Vanilla
Woods: Hawthorn
Flower: Red Rose
Symbols: Woman
Animals: Goose, Swan, Hen.
Fruit: Apple, Pomegranate
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon Balm,
Lemon Verbena, Marjoram, Orris Root, Catnip, Myrtle,
Palmerosa, Sassparilla, Tonka, Ylang-ylang, Basil.
Use this if you wish your current love to become your
wife. Combine with a love spell if you are single and
your aim is to find a love to settle down with.
Gain A Husband - Spell Corrospondence
Colours: Gold
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Gold
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Sunday
Time of Day: 6 PM
Planet: Sun
Resins: Copal
Woods: Oak
Flower: Amaranth
Fruit: Acorn
Symbols: Ring
Animals: Bear (teddy)
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Vanilla, Cinnamon, Clove,
Coriander, Ginger, Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme,
Vervain, Myrtle, Sassparilla, Tonka, Basil.
Use this if you wish your current love to become your
husband. Combine with a love spell if you are single and
your aim is to find a love to settle down with.
Fertility - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Green
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Silver
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Dawn
Planet: Moon
Resins: Copal
Woods: Birch
Flower: Lily
Fruit: Apple
Symbols: Perthro Rune, Stork.
Animals: Cow, Goose.
Healthy Birth - Spell Correspondence
Colours: White
Element: Earth
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Carnelian, Malachite.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Dawn
Planet: Moon
Resins: Pine, Myrrh.
Woods: Birch
Flower: Lily
Fruit: Apple
Symbols: Dawn Sun, Birth Rune.
Animals: Cow, Goose.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Fir, Balsam.
Find A Lover - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Red
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Carnelian, Loadstone, Garnet.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Evening
Planet: Venus
Resins: Dragon's Blood
Woods: Apple
Flower: Red Roses
Fruit: Pomegranate
Symbols: Genetles
Animals: Humming Bird
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Ginger
Lust - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Red
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Gold
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Mars
Resins: Vanilla
Woods: Lilac
Fruit: Pomegranate
Symbols: Phallus, Spear.
Animals: Rabbits
Flower: Hibiscus, Stephanoutus, Tuberose.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Ginger, Patchouli, Cinnamon,
Clove, Parsley, Peppermint, Rosemary, Saffron,
Carraway, Ginseng, Lemon Grass, Nettle, Sesame,
Yerba Mate.
Broken Heart - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Pink & Light Blue.
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Aquamarine, Rose Quartz,
Blue Lace Agate.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus
Resins: Camphor, Copal.
Woods: Ash
Flower: Amaranth
Animals: Deer
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon Balm,
Lemon Verbena, Marjoram, Orris Root, Rosemary, Thyme,
Vervain, Myrtle, Palmerosa, Tonka, Ylang-ylang,
Luck - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Gold, Green.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Iceland Spar, Gold, Pyrite.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Thursday
Time of Day: Noon till 5pm
Planet: Jupiter
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Hazel
Fruit: Orange
Symbols: Four Leaf Clover, Wheel.
Animals: Rabbits, Goldfish, Frogs, crickets.
Flower: Heather, Violet, Rose.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Fern, Nutmeg, Poppy Seed,
Star Anise, Allspice, Calamas, Grains of Paradise,
Irish Moss, Spikenard, Tonka, Vetivert.
Wealth - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Gold, Silver, Green, Brown.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Gold, White Gold, Platinum, Silver.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Jupiter
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Elder, Pine, Cedar Wood.
Fruit: Orange, Almond.
Symbols: Coins
Animals: Dragons
Flower: Clover, Buttercup, Chamomile, Jasmine,
Heliotrope, Honeysuckle.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Ginger, Basil, Cinnamon, Clove,
Dill, Galangal, Nutmeg, Patchouli, Peppermint, Sage,
Vervain, Wood Aloe, Woodruff, Allspice, Bergamot Mint,
Calamus, Cinquefoil, Hyssop, Myrtle, Sassafrass,
Tonka, Vetivert.
Quick Money - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Green
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Loadstone, Gold, Silver, Copper.
Lunar Phase: Waxing or Full Moon
Day of the Week: Thursday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus
Resins: Myrrh
Woods: Elder, Pine, Cedar Wood.
Fruit: Orange, Almond.
Symbols: Dice, Coins.
Flower: Clover, Chamomile, Jasmine, Heliotrope,
Herbs, Incence & Oils: Ginger, Basil, Cinnamon,
Clove, Dill, Galangal, Nutmeg, Patchouli, Peppermint,
Sage, Vervain, Wood Aloe, Woodruff, Alspice,
Bergamot Mint, Calamus, Cinquefoil, Hyssop, Myrtle,
Sassafrass, Tonka, Vetivert.
Employment - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Brown, Green.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Pyrite, Gold.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: 6 AM
Planet: Earth
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Oak, Elder
Flower: Chamomile
Fruit: Pecan
Symbols: Horse
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Patchouli, Mugwort.
Happiness - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Pink
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Rose Quartz
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus
Resins: Copal
Woods: Hazel
Fruit: Pineapple
Nut: Sesame
Symbols: Smiling Lips
Flower: Hyacinth, Lavender, Apple Blossom
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Marjoram, Saffron,
St. John's Wort, Catnip, Meadowsweet.
Wishes - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Rainbow, Iridescence.
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Crystal, Quartz.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Sunday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Resins: Sandalwood
Woods: Willow, Beech.
Flower: Dandilion
Symbols: Polaris the North Star, Shooting Star.
Throwing coins into the sea and asking a blessing
from the Sea Gods is a simple way to gain a wish.
It works very well to increase monies.
Peace - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Light Blue
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Turquoise
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: 6 AM
Planet: Venus
Resins: Sandalwood
Woods: Sandalwood
Fruit: Olive
Symbols: Peace Sign, Dove.
Animals: Doves
Flower: Lotus, Violet, Lavender.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Gardenia, Lilac, Cumin,
Magnolia, Meadowsweet, Narcicis, Pennyroyal,
The Olive Branch was offered as a sign of Peace in the
past because it took 50 years for the tree to mature
and bear olives. In a war torn country there can be no
olives. Remember to allow yourself peace of mind so
that the thoughts and Energies that are most important
are allowed their time to bear fruit.
Depression - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Light Blue, Greenish Blue.
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Amber, Blue Lace Agate.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus
Resins: Sandalwood
Woods: Cypress
Flower: Royal Lily
Symbols: Sun breaking through clouds.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Marjoram
Courage - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Red
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Garnet, Carnelian.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Mars
Resins: Dragon's Blood, Frankincense.
Woods: Oak
Fruit: Pomigranet
Symbols: Sword
Animals: Bear, Lion
Flower: Geranium, Rose Geranium, Sweet Pea.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Black Pepper, Thyme, Allspice,
Strength - Spell Corresondence
POWER (Strength)
Colours: Bright Red
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Carnelian
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Mars
Resins: Dragon's Blood, Gum Mastic, Vanilla.
Woods: Oak
Flower: Carnation
Fruit: Tangerine
Symbols: Lightning
Animals: Bear
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Ginger, Allspice.
Use to gain and store physical power.
Magic Power - Spell Correspondence
POWER (Magic)
Colours: Purple
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Iolite, Bloodstone, Quartz.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Jupiter
Resins: Dragon's Blood, Gum Mastic, Vanilla.
Woods: Oak
Flower: Carnation
Fruit: Tangerine
Symbols: Pentacle, Lightning, Torch.
Animals: Cat, Dragon
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Ginger, Allspice.
Use to gain and store magical power.
Fame - Spell Correspondence
FAME (Public Renound)
Colours: Red
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Diamond
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Oak, Beech.
Flower: Sunflower
Symbols: Crown
Animals: Eagle, Lion, Peacock.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Basil, Bay, Cinnamon, Clove,
Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Galangal, Nutmeg,
Peppermint, Rosemary, Tobacco, Woodruff, Alspice,
Garlic, Grain of Paradise, Angelica.
Use to gain public recognition.
Physical Skill - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Reds
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Carnelian
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Resins: Copal, Dragon's Blood, Frankincense.
Woods: Juniper, Cedar Wood.
Fruit: Orange, Lime.
Symbols: Trophy
Animals: Horse
Flower: Carnation, Heliotrope
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Basil, Bay, Cinnamon, Clove,
Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Galangal, Nutmeg,
Peppermint, Rosemary, Tobacco, Woodruff, Alspice,
Garlic, Grain of Paradise, Angelica.
Use to gain proficiency in battle, sport, dance
or in any physically competitive field.
Health - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Blue or Green.
Element: Water or Earth.
Direction: West or North.
Stones & Metals: Jade, Bloodstone, Alexandrite.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: 3 PM
Planet: Mercury
Resins: Myrrh, Pine.
Woods: Willow, Eucalyptus, Cedar Wood, Juniper.
Fruit: Lime
Symbols: Caduceus
Animals: Bear
Flower: Rose, Gardenia, Heliotrope, Honeysuckle,
Violet, Carnation.
Herbs, Incence & Oils: Bay, Cinnamon, Coriander,
Fennel, Lemon Balm, Mugwort, Peppermint, Poppy Seed,
Rosemary, Saffron, Spearmint, Thyme, Alspice,
Angelica, Calamus, Citron, Palmerosa, Chyanne,
Sassafrass, Spikenard, Wintergreen, Yerba Santa.
To promote health in people, plants and animals.
Serious Illness - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Black, Red.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Bloodstone
Lunar Phase: Dark Moon
Day of the Week: Saturday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Saturn
Resins: Copal, Dragon's Blood, Frankincense, Myrrh,
Gum Arabic.
Woods: Eucalyptus, Pine, Juniper, Sandalwood,
Cedar Wood, Cypress.
Fruit: Apple
Flower: Heather, Rose, Lavender, Lilac, Violet,
Marigold, Carnation, Geranium, Peony, Rose Geranium.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Mistletoe, Mandrake,
Black Pepper, Rue, Sage, Bay, Basil, Cinnamon, Clove,
Clover, Dill, Fennel, Fern, Mugwort, Patchouli,
Peppermint, Valerian, Vervain, Wormwood, Angelica,
Anise, Bergamot Mint, Cinquefoil, Flax, Pennyroyal,
Thistle, Vetivert
Use when either yourself or someone you care for is
gravely ill or injured.
Protection - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Black, White, Red.
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Hemitite, Onyx, Obsidian, Bloodstone, Iron.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Sunday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Resins: Copal, Dragon's Blood, Frankincense, Myrrh,
Gum Arabic.
Woods: Rowan, Pine, Juniper, Sandalwood, Cedar Wood,
Symbols: Elhaz Rune, Pentacle, Shield.
Animals: Dragon, Eagle, Grizzley Bear.
Flower: Heather, Hyacynth, Rose, Lavender, Lilac,
Violet, Marigold, Carnation, Gerainium, Honeysuckle,
Hyssop, Peony, Rose Geranium, Lotus, Mimosa.
Herbs, Incence & Oils: Mistletoe, Mandrake,
Black Pepper, Rue, Sage, Bay, Basil, Cinnamon, Clove,
Clover, Dill, Fennel, Fern, Galangal, Mugwort,
Orris Root, Patchouli, Peppermint, Valerian, Vervain,
Wood Aloe, Woodruff, Wormwood, Angelica, Anise,
Balm of Gilliad, Bergamot Mint, Calamus, Carraway,
Cinquefoil, Cumin, Flax, Naiouli, Pennyroyal,
Thistle, Vetivert, Eucalyptus.
Charm a red thread and wear it for protection.
Protection Of Surgery - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Red & Yellow.
Element: Fire & Air.
Direction: South-East
Stones & Metals: Bloodstone, Hemetite, Iron.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Sunday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Woods: Rowan, Pine, Juniper, Sandalwood, Cedar Wood,
Symbols: Elhaz Rune, Pentacle.
Animals: Dragon, Eagle.
Flower: Heather, Rose, Lavender, Lilac, Violet,
Marigold, Carnation, Geranium, Hyssop, Peony,
Rose Geranium.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Mistletoe, Mandrake,
Black Pepper, Rue, Sage, Bay, Basil, Cinnamon, Clove,
Clover, Dill, Fennel, Fern, Galangal, Mugwort,
Orris Root, Patchouli, Peppermint, Valerian, Vervain,
Wormwood, Angelica, Anise, Bergamot Mint, Calamus,
Carraway, Cinquefoil, Flax, Pennyroyal, Thistle,
Vetivert, Eucalyptus.
Resins:Dragon's Blood, Frankincense, Myrrh.
To aid and protect yourself or another when surgery
is necessary.
Job Promotion - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Orange, Gold, Platinum.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Gold
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Thursday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Oak
Flower: Sunflower
Fruit: Sunflower Seed
Animals: Bull
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Basil, Sage, Allspice.
Purification - Spell Correspondence
Colours: White
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Salt, Flint, Iron.
Lunar Phase: Waxing/Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Night
Planet: Mars
Resins: Copal, Benzoin, Frankincense, Myrrh,
Gum Arabic, Camphor.
Woods: Birch, Cedar Wood.
Fruit: Lemon, Lime
Symbols: Sacred Fire
Animals: Phoenix
Flower: Lavender, Hyssop, Mimosa.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Bay, Chamomile, Cinnamon,
Fennel, Lemon Verbena, Parsley, Peppermint, Pine,
Rosemary, Sandalwood, Thyme, Tobacco, Valerian,
Vervain, Anise, Eucalyptus, Calamus.
Do a purification spell or take a purification
bath in Sacred Salts when you feel tainted or
if you feel that a spell may have been cast upon you.
Psychic Awareness - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Iridescence, Opalescence, White.
Element: Quintessence (The 5th Element).
Direction: Center (or use intuition).
Stones & Metals: Opal
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Moon
Resins: Gum Arabic, Gum Mastic, Camphor.
Woods: Cassia, Willow
Fruit: Orange
Symbols: Third Eye
Animals: Owl, Peacock
Flower: Lilac, Marigold, Rose, Yarrow, Heliotrope,
Honeysuckle, Tuberose.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Bay, Acacia, Wormwood.
Divination - Spell Correspondence
Colours: White, Black, Yellow.
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Clear Quartz
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Moon
Resins: Camphor
Woods: Beech
Fruit: Orange
Symbols: Tarot, Crystal Ball.
Animals: Owl
Flower: Hibiscus
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Clove, Orris Root, Anise,
Do a simple spell before reading cards or using other
methods of divination. Use to charge Divination Tools.
Psychic Dreams - Spell Correspondence
Colours: White, Iridescence, Opalescence.
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Opal, Amethyst, Emerald.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Moon & Neptune
Resins: Camphor
Woods: Holly
Symbols: Dream Catcher, Spider Web.
Animals: Owl
Flower: Jasmine, Marigold, Rose, Heliotrope, Mimosa.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Cinquefoil
Make a Dream-catcher and charge it with the intent to
guide you to special dreams.
Spirituality - Spell Correspondence
Colours: White, Opalescence, Iridescence.
Element: Quintessence (The 5th Element).
Direction: Center (or use intuition).
Stones & Metals: Clear Quartz Crystal Points
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Moon
Resins: Copal, Frankincense, Myrrh.
Woods: Pine, Sandalwood.
Animals: Eagle
Flower: Gardenia, Jasmine.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Cinnamon, Sage.
For those wishing to deepen their spiritual
experiences and to become closer to Spirit itself.
Remember Your Dreams - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Light Yellow
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Herkimer Diamond, Amethyst, Crystal.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Before Bedtime
Planet: Moon & Mercury
Resins: Sandalwood
Woods: Willow
Symbols: Spider Web
Animals: Owl
Flower: Lavender
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Rosemary, Lavender.
Do a simple spell, call on Morpheus and ask to be
allowed to remember your dreams. Keep any insightful
or important dreams recorded in a journal, do this
before you forget the details!
Making Dreams Reality - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Rainbow
Element: Water & Earth.
Direction: Center or North.
Stones & Metals: Opal, Amethyst.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Thursday
Time of Day: Late Morning
Planet: Neptune & Earth
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Beech
Symbols: Rainbow
Animals: Unicorn
Gods: Rihannon
Flower: Delphinium
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Patchouli, Chamomile.
Craft a spell to manifest your dream life into
reality. It is said that Rhiannon grants wishes to
those who but ask for them.
Astral Travel - Spell Correspondence
Colours: White, Opalescence, Iridescence.
Element: Quintessence (5th Element).
Direction: Center (or use intuition).
Stones & Metals: Carnelian, Opal, Amethyst,
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday, Friday.
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Neptune
Resins: Benzoin
Woods: Alder, Poplar, Black Walnut.
Animals: Reindeer
Flower: Delphinium, Jasmine.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Dittany of Create.
Do a simple spell before you go to sleep
and take note of what occurred when you awaken.
To See Magical Creatures - Spell Correspondence
Colours: Light Yellow
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Opal
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Neptune
Resins: Sandalwood
Woods: Hazel
Fruit: Hazel Nut
Animals: Unicorn
Gods: Fairies, Elves.
Flower: Lily of the Valley
Herbs, Incence & Oils: Lily of the Valley
For those who wish to expand the scope of their magic
sight and see or interact with magical creatures.
Midsummernight's Eve, the night before the Summer
Solstice is an excellent time for a spell like this,
especially to see the Fairie Folk.
Magical Altars
Sacred Workspace
An altar is more than a table or shelf of a bookcase that is set with
candles and magical tools, they are a sacred space apart from mundane
space and time. They can range in size and complexity depending on their
owner and their intended use. A magical practitioner can choose to have
more than one altar, one OCS member has a general altar indoors for
spellcraft and winter rites, one stone altar outdoors for high holidays,
nature magic and summer rites and a small altar dedicated to her patron
Gods. A coven or magical group may have a larger table set with many
acutremont and there are some people who have little more than a special
box or shelf upon which they can light candles.
When you have decided what type of altar you require next you may want to
consider its placement. Witches align their altars to the East and the rising
sun. Asatruar place their's facing North. Another idea is to use a round
table and place it in the center of your workspace, this allows for
multi-directionallity and if practicing with a group all members can gather
around the altar equally like the Round Table of Camelot.
A very basic altar would be a wooden table or one with a stone top upon
this table you may set a cloth, white would serve for general workings as
would black. You could change the cloth to any colour for specific workings
or use a small cloth square of the colour that works best for your intent.
Some altar candles will shed the light you need to see by, these are usually
white tapers in tall holders. A good supply of smaller coloured tapers will
prove an asset for spellcraft. Some represent the elements on their altars by
placing things of Earth in the Northern corner, Fire in the South, Water in
the West, and Air in the East. You may want an incense censor, an Athame or
wand, a chalice or cauldron, and images of ancestors, Gods or spirits that
aid you in your workings.
A temporary altar may be carried to any place that you wish when you intend to
work at another's home or in nature.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Magic Potions
Potion is a catch-all word for any herbal simple, brew or
tincture. Using heat the qualities of the magical herbs are
transferred into the liquid. There are many reasons to make
potions. An elixir for strength, a medicinal preparation, a
love potion ect.
Herbal simples are made by boiling any single herb in
purified water, sometimes called a Tea. Depending on the
plant that the simple is made from it may be drunk for
magical, culinary or healing purposes. You must take great
care never to drink a poisonous herb or plant! Get several
reputable Herbal Books and always double check, when in
doubt don't risk anything.
A brew is much the same as a simple excepting that it is
a synthesized combination of herbs combined specifically for
the purpose at hand. Both brews and simples rarely keep for
long. Tinctures on the other hand can be kept for longer
periods of time as they contain alcohol which has
preservative properties.
A tincture is most simply made by soaking an herb or a
combination of herbs in alcohol for a week, shaking it
everyday. At the end of the week separate the liquid from
the used herbs by straining through a cloth. Add new herbs
and repeat each week for another three weeks. At the end of
this period you will have a concentrated tincture.
For maximum effect, start this process on the appropriate
day of the week in the proper phase of the moon. Store
tinctures in a dark glass bottle with a tight seal away
from heat and sunlight.
Candle Magic Lesson
Candle Magic is an effective, time tested way to perform your Spells. With a
few simple, easy to access ingredients you can gather, direct and send out any
intention you wish. By your Will the candle burns to your purpose.
Tools for Candle Magic:
You should have a hearty stock of 6-10" white taper candles on hand at all
times as they make excellent Altar Candles by which you can see during workings.
They will also serve in a pinch for any purpose if they are white.
For specific spells and workings you may want to keep a small collection of 4"
coloured taper candles in most every colour.
Jar Candles are ideal for devotionals and novenas also good gift giving. The
warmth of a candle is a boon to any home.
Anointing Oils - Oils embody the power of Water. By rubbing certain oils on your
candle you can further infuse your spells. Keep a small selection or make your own
as you have the need.
Candle Holders - A set of Altar Candle holders for your white tapers, small spell
cancel holder/s. You may require quite a few different types and develop a
collection as there are many sizes with which you can experiment.
Fireproof Dish/plate - Place this under your candle as it burns to prevent
accidental fires and make wax clean up easier.
Candle Chimney - A cylindrical glass shield can be placed around your candle to
protect it from drafts and things accidentally getting near the flame. This is
especially useful when working out of doors as candles are exceptionally difficult
to keep lit in the open air.
Flame - You should have at the ready; Matches, a lighter or punks with which to
light your candle. Fire born of friction is considered the most sacred. Try a
flint and steel?
Candle Snuffer - Blowing out a flame is considered an insult to Fire and should
be avoided. Snuffing candles with your fingers or a snuffer insures that the flame
is respected. Also, it is safer.
Types of Candle Spells:
Simple Spell: Single time spell, usually using a small
Spell Candle as the Intent Candle.
Useful for a great many spells and
workings. Use an unburned candle
dedicated to your intent burn till it
extinguishes itself.
Novena Spell: 3,5,7 or 9 nights of a spell repeated
once each night for the duration, the
repetition serves to anchor the spell in
the mundane world and maximize its
A Novena can also be done in payment for
especially good favor shown to you by a
God or Ancestor or to keep a vigil.
Always use an unburned candle and once
dedicated do not use it again for any
other purpose.
Devotional Candle: Light to honour or contact a God,
Spirit or Ancestor. Used at any time
necessary. Often times repeated once a
week, month, or year. Such as the
weekday that belongs to that God or
Spirit or on the Birthday or anniversary
of an Ancestor. One large candle is
reserved for each person/spirit/ect and
reused until consumed. Use only a fresh
candle and once it is dedicated never
use it for any other purpose.
Making your own candles gives you the opportunity to manipulate the candles from
their very creation, crafting the colour, scent and vibrational qualities to your
goal. While a candle from the shoppes will serve perfectly well making your own is
just that much better. Traditionally, candles are made in February during Candlemass.
You may choose to make a store of Altar Candle for the year at this time.
As a form of Spellcraft, Candle Magic is excellent for a number of reasons. There
are multiple mediums in which you can work spells and Fire is the most dynamic of the
Four Elements for spell craft and it works the fastest. Unlike the other three
Elements Fire is the only one that is not matter, it is the tangible effect of the
release of Energy as matter changes its form. Fire is Energy and transformation in a
literal sense. It is for this reason Candle Magic has persisted as a favored form of
Essentially you charge the wax and wick of the candle with your intent and light it
ablaze, then the fire transforms it into Energy that your Will can direct.
Outlined here are the basics of performing any Candle Magic spell.
Think of your intent, what it is you want to change and affect. Try to reduce and
simplify this until you have a single word or phrase. Use this word to choose
sympathies such as colour, Element, Day ect...
Workspace should face the direction that is best for the goal.
Place these items your altar or workspace:
Intent Candle: This is your goal.
Incense Stick and holder: Choose an herb that goes with your intent.
Altar Candles: Two plain white taper candles will light your workspace.
Charging Oil: Optional, the oil chosen helps to carry and set the charge you place
within the candle.
Lighter & Candle Snuffer
Additionally you may wish to place stones, herbs, talismans and pictures if they help
you to clarify and focus on your goal.
Before you actually begin your spell you should check your Aura and make sure you are
properly charged and have enough Energy to give to the Spell. If you are low you should
not cast the spell until you have recharged. You can draw Elemental Energy to charge up
for a working, this works either by drawing from your Power Element or by filling up on
the Element that rules your goal. An example would be to charge yourself with Earth
Energy before casting a spell to find work. You must be intuitive as well, draw from the
Sun for a Success spell. Draw from that which is available and has sympathies in line
with your goal. Never draw from your Life Energy or from a person without their consent.
How do you know when you are drawing on your Life Energy? You can feel the difference
when you expend excess, gathered Energy and when you are spending your Life Energy. If you
have you will feel very weak and quite like crap. Rest is the cure in this case.
Dress Candle with Oil:
Stand facing direction best for goal. Put some oil on hands and rub together till it
warms a bit. Place right hand on middle top and left middle bottom full palm contact. Feet
flat on the floor, candle held chest height, focus on intent.
Direct this energy to hands till it pulses. Slide right hand up concentrating this energy
into the candle, release your hand at the top and replace it around the middle. Do same with
your left hand with downward strokes and replace at middle. Continue until candle is fully
charged. You may be able to just hold it in your hands and charge it up.
Putting your Will behind your words speak your intent three times. (exp. "I will find a
Girlfriend" x3 ) and place in holder.
Light Candle:
With lighter or an eternal flame light the candle and the spell will begin to cast itself.
Let candle burn down completely and do not leave unattended. Try not to spend time thinking
of the spell after the candle is lit, this can only confuse the focus.
Ground excess energy:
Turn it into pink or Green and send it into Earth.
Disposal of Candle;
Dispose in a manner decided by the Element that meets goal.
Record all information in Magical Journal.
Magical Cleansing
House Cleansing -
The health of the energy in any house or building inhabited by humans
must be maintained in order to ensure the well-being of the occupants and
visitors. A vibrationally harmonious home promotes a comfortable family
life free of internal strife prevents damaging arguments, self doubt and
allows for the proper outcome in our magical endevors. A home wherein
destructive energies are left to fester will undoubtedly be filled with
tears, fighting and broken dreams as well as a host of possible financial
An effective method of cleansing the energy of a building such as a home
or office is to burn a sage smudge stick and permeate the structure.
Standing at the entrance light the sage and let it smoulder. In every
room going counter-clockwise (wiedershins) if you wish to dispell energy
and clockwise (deosil) if you wish to raise energy. Wave the smudge and
raise it in every corner speaking your intention which in this case is to
dispell any negative or harmful beings or energies. Do every closet, attic,
basement, garage, mirrors and cabinets. Be sure to invite positive energy
in to replace the negative that you have just driven out.
Saunas and cleansing baths are enjoyable ways to cleanse both your body
and your Energy Field (Aura). In the case of those lucky enough to have
access to a real wood sauna or sweatlodge take every advantage of this.
The steam and the birch boughs that are used dispel toxins, stress, negative
Energies and attachments.
Magical Bath: Check and Cleanse Aura, Align Chakras
Clean Tub.
Fill with Water.
Put in oil and Spoon of Sea Salt.
Palms over Bath state 3 times goal.
Put energy from above and below into water through
Get in bath imagine Silver Egg.
Breath in drawing energy needed for success through
head and base spine.
Circles around Auric Egg clearing and strengthening
Breath out negativity and debris.
Center the energy from above and below in the heart
Exit bath and dress.
Magical Protection
Protecting ones self from negative spirits, spells, Fae and any other threat is not
only smart, it is a very serious matter! If you are not properly protected you are
constantly exposed to numerous threats. The negative energy that some people put out
is enough to make you stressed out or even physically ill. There are those out there
who seek to suck the Energy from your very being, they are known as psychic vampyres.
Any number of dangerous situations can be circumvented by being protected at all times.
Do not be afraid or discouraged, protecting yourself is relatively simple and not
terribly difficult. The most basic measure is sacred salt. Sea salt is magically charged
with protection visualizing a protective white light. This salt can be placed in a
circle around any magical working or across any threshold such as a door or a window.
This sacred salt when dissolved in water is useful for washing objects and sprinkling
mirrors as they can become portals for many things. This salt water can also be poured
down drains and toilets as every exit in a building can also be an entrance. Don't
forget the hearth, attic and basement!
If you need an extreme form of protection at your front door you can take a glass
jar and fill it with broken pieces of mirror, iron nails, brick dust and sacred
salt. Close this jar and bury it at your threshold, it will trap all sorts of nasty
things. If you can not bury it, you can keep it in a room.
Brick dust sprinkled across any threshold to prevent infernal spirits from entering.
Iron protects against Fae, but many Fae are highly beneficial so take care when you
choose to use this! Silver can be used to protect against Elves but the above applies
here too. Holy water can protect against Deamons of a lesser order, you do not need a
preist's blessing, your own or that of a powerful magical individual is all that is
Most magical folk wear a protective amulet such as their pentacle, hammar or any other
symbol they wear on a consistent basis, this is simply imbued with protective energy
that may be repeated when you feel it getting low. You can also call upon ancestors,
Gods and guardian spirits in times of need, they are usually quite happy to come to
your aid.
There are three coloures primarily used in spells and workings for Protection. Red is
employed in active protection, defense. Black is used to ground any energy and thus
prevent the attacks from landing. White is cleansing and purifying, like sacred salt.
There are several trees, plant and herbs you can either plant or make talismans from
which provide protection. Rowan, Holly, Oak are among the very best and can be planted
in the earth where you reside.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Sympathetic Magic & Magical Sympathies
When speaking of sympathies in magic you are saying "Like things attract like
things". To attract that which you desire you perform a rite full of magical
sympathies. Everything in a rite can be used to this end, the colour candle you
choose, stones, symbols, even the actions you perform. They are used to create
a microcosm (little world) that will effect the macrocosm in which we all live.
Some ancient acts of sympathetic magic that are still used should be mentioned
here, they will also serve as an example of the main principal of Sympathetic Magic.
When the crops had been planted, the villagers would hold a celebration in
expectation of the plenty they were hoping for when the harvest came. They would
jump as high as they could to show the Gods and the plants themselves that they
wished them to grow to their greatest height. When a game animal was desired their
form was painted on the wall in plenty and the hunters were depicted along side
successful in the hunt. Hunts were also acted out with a "Hunter" reenacting the
killing of a game animal portrayed by a man dressed in the skins of the desired
animal. This magic proved powerful enough for our ancestors to obtain all they
needed to survive.
Gaining Magical Power
Magic is the art and act of using one's Will to affect, change and shape the world
around you. Your Will is used to direct your Personal Power. That power then acts
in concert with Energy of the Universe (Sympathies) and your goal is then achieved.
To effect magical change in the world you must have a strong, disciplined Will and
a store of Personal Power. Without those things no amount of information is enough
to cast a decent spell or working.
Power is not gained by knowledge alone but ultimately by performing hands on. What
good is studying if you never accomplish anything real? You can read and listen
for the rest of your life and never learn as much as you will by putting your Will
into practice.
Repetition is important do things over again, over time. Repeat exercises,
meditations and spells to increase their power and effectiveness. The repetition
builds Personal Power much the same way a body builder builds Physical Power,
through variety and repetition. The numbers 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 13 are often used as
they themselves contain power.
By continuously working with the Elements through spells and Elemental exercises
you will amass power as well as ease and fluidity when drawing Elemental Power.
Strengthening your Will and developing focus Self-discipline strengthens the Will.
Keeping ones word as ones bond is the most basic way you can build an iron Will.
Never make promises you do not know you can keep. Discipline comes in many forms,
if you are athletic then dance, yoga or karate and sports will lend you discipline
as well as strengthening your body. If you are more intellectual then setting goals
of reading or writing and surpassing them will serve to build both Will and a vast
store of knowledge from which you can draw and share.
There are some physical adjustments you can make in your life to gain power. Most
of these methods are used to gain a boost for a certain event or working and are
temporary. Practicing them over time will lend you a natural ease.
Periods of solitude strengthen the Will as well as allowing you to hear the still,
small voice of your Higher Self. Solitude reminds us who we are apart from the people
and things around us, knowing this helps you to focus on that which is your True Will
and not our pettier wants and desires. Solitude is essential in purifying the mind.
Fasting is a practice of either complete abstinence from food or a drastic reduction
in daily caloric intake (around 1,000 calories). Fasting is great for cleansing,
prophecy, spirituality and is a form of sacrifice. This practice builds Will and focus.
Sacrifice is the act of making something sacred and usually involves giving something
of worth in return for a gain. Folks have always given beautiful objects to the Gods
by breaking, burying, burning or casting them into rivers, lakes and the sea. Sacrifice
can be illustrated most simply by the act of sacrificing your time to the practice and
study of magic.
Feasting gathers power of another kind. Through the act of gathering with others and
enjoying good food and drink in abundance you gain joy, power and energy. In a room
where a feast is taking place the energy is extremely palpable. Just think of the way
it feels to attend a Birthday Celebration or a happy family Christmas. Make the best
food you have sacred and then take it into yourself as well as giving to your friends
and family.
Working with others, when you gather together with even one other individual and work
magic toward a shared goal the power and focus you raise is more than it would be had
the both of you worked alone. Imagine what a small, tightknit group accomplishes when
it bands together, as is done in The OCS.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Elemental Magic Correspondences
In Spell correspondence charts you will find the Ruling Element for each spell.
If you choose to practice Elemental Magic you may wish to either work the spell
by its own Element or in your own Power Element. If you are at all proficient with
the Elements it is suggested you work withing the Element appropriate for the spell.
Working in unfamiliar Elements brings greater power by bringing balance and
strengthening your weaknesses. The Element you choose will dictate the sort of spell
you choose to work with the information provided.
By looking at one's Natal Astrological Chart you can determine you Sun Sign. Each
Sign has a corresponding Element of its own.
Aries - Fire, Taurus - Earth, Gemini - Air,
Cancer - Water, Leo - Fire, Virgo - Earth,
Libra - Air, Scorpio - Water, Sagittarius - Fire,
Capricorn - Earth, Aquarius - Air, Pisces - Water.
Knowing both Your Sign's Element and your Power Element and the difference between
them is important. Your Sign's Element may be the same as your Power Element, if this
is so you will be very powerful in that Element but not very versatile with the other
Elements. Some may have a different Sign's Elements and Power Element, this means you
have more options for power-building and are more diverse.
Items of Power for each Element:
Elemental Earth:
Herb Magic, Wands, staves & stones. Cast your spells by choosing an appropriate wood
or stone and carve a symbol of your magical intention. You can create an herbal sachet
or charge a stone with your intent. Bury the item when finished to tap into the stable,
fertile Earth. Collecting, growing and gathering plant material will raise your
connection to Earth and if it is your Power Element then it will foster and raise your
Personal Power.
Forest, Herb Garden, Bower, Flowers, Jewelry, Crystals, the Wood Shop.
Earth's Element is Earth, naturally. Its colours are the green, brown and gold of the
field and forest. To the North its power lies, where winter sleeps. Crystallized and held
in Gold, Pyrite and Quartz. The Earth is Earth and Friday, 9am in the pines and
the cyperess. In her dwell the Dwarves as well as the roots and seeds of all new harvests.
Elemental Fire:
Candle Magic, Bonfires, Solar Magic. Burn the spell to activate it with passionate,
active fire. Candle Magic is ideal for magic born of Elemental Fire. If Fire is your Power
Element then you can, if you wish, cast most of your spells by candle. Concentrating on
the burning flame of the candle will effectively raise your Personal Power allowing you to
direct it to your intent. Bonfires can be made with appropriate woods and herbs added
especially when working together with others to increase the power of the spell.
The Desert, Southern Exposure Window, Fireplace, Outdoors Noon Firepit, Forge, Kiln
Fire is a red spark and flame from the summer in the South. A spark struck with flint or
through the Sun's rays. On Tuesday at noon the Salamander comes forth, dragons bleed and
all is illuminated with the action of Life. Fire is the Sun Steed and the Father of Water.
Elemental Water:
Anointing Magical Baths, Sea Magic. By mixing essential oils with sacred salt you can
charge it with your intention and add it to a bath. Float or cast your spell out upon a
river, lake or Sea to carry your intention gently along the flow of water. You may wish
to cast your spell beside a body of water or in the rain or in your home with the windows
open during a rain storm. There is an abundance of Negative Ions present in these situations
that will empower you, even more so if Water is your Power Element.
The Coast, Rainforest, Bath Tub, Shower, Hot Tub, Sauna, Sea Shore, River or Lake Side,
Island, Boat, Rain, Painting
Water flows robed in the tide and crowned with the moon at sunset. On blue waves from the
West she from the land of Venus, arms filled with roses, violets and apple blossoms, fishes
in her hair. Her kisses bring love, in her absence there are tears.
Elemental Air:
Singing, Chants, Bells, Chimes, Music, Poems, Feathers, smoke and incenses. Choose some
herbs, resins or an incense that supports your intent and chant, sing or rhyme your spell
wither free style or prepared in advance. Send your words out upon the Air, will that your
voice be carried upon the wind so that it may be done as you have said. We all have access
to words and formulating spells with chants and Words of Power allow us to cast at will, any
time and place. If Air is your Power Element you will increase your Personal Power with the
use of well selected Words of Intention. You can even cast a spell this way on an aeroplane.
Mountains, Desk by an open window on second floor, Computer, Wifi, Library, Music, Chimes
Flitting in, floating by, dreaming, streaming, soaring high. The yellow feather of the God
of quicksilver, the quill by which the Spring at dawn is expressed, and every other thought
there is.
Elemental Magic
The Four Cardinal Elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water are the energetic
building blocks of the Magical Universe. They each embody specific qualities
that when properly understood can be used to excellent effect to mould and
change the world around you. We each draw our personal Energy from atleast
one of these Elements.
The Element of Earth is stable and slow to change and rules growth and cycles.
The suit of Pentacles is the Earth suit. Work, money, material goods and bodily
health all come under the Element of Earth. Earth's colours are green, brown and
Air is the Element of the mind and pure intellect. Thought and speech are
governed by Air. Air is a pervasive and highly changeable element. Mercurial
qualities of communication of ideas and principals. The suit of swords is ruled by
the Element of Air. Air's colours are yellow and orange.
Water is fluid and subtle, its currents are that of emotion and feeling.
Relationships, friendships and love are governed by the Element of Water as is
the suit of cups. Water's colours are the shades of blue.
Fire is the Element who's spark kindles all creativity and governs the growth of
all creative projects and endevors. Art and new ways of being are ruled by Fire
and its suit is that of Wands. Fire's colour is red.
Each individual has a "Power Element" that they can draw upon to recharge and
increase their personal power. There is an excersise that you can perform alone or
with others to find your Power Element. Having other magical persons present helps
because they can watch your Aura to see which element has the most effect upon and
within you. Ideally you could make a camping trip to a spot in the woods by a lake
or a river, even the sea. Make sure there is a safe place for a fire pit as well.
This will create an ideal environment for each of the four stages of this exercise
as well as an excellent opportunity to bond with other magical individuals if you go
in a small group.
Firstly find a place in a field or the woods where you will not be disturbed and
try drawing the Earth's energy up through your feet and hands then through all your
Chakras. How does this feel? Are you empowered? Do you find it easy to pull from
the Earth or do you feel resistance? If there is another with you have them observe
you to see what effect the Earth's energy has on you.
Next go to a lake, river or ocean and imerse yourself in the water, atleast your
hands and feet, if water is hard to find you can use a bath or a shower though
nature is best for this exercise. Draw in the water's energy through your hands and
feet and through your Chakras. Ask yourself all the questions you asked at the Earth
exercise and if you have anyone with you have them observe your level of energy.
For the Air exercise go to a clearing or a hill, if possible climb a bit up a
mountain if there is one in the area. Stand in the stream of the Air's flow under the
open sky and raise your hands. draw in the energy of the air flowing around you and
the sky above you. Again ask the pertinent questions and have the others check as you
check them in turn. You will want to take note of anything you feel or think in each
of these exercises to at the summation you can make your decision as to what element
you favor though it should be fairly obvious when you have encountered your true Power
Element. These exercises will also allow you to get to know the feel and the
differences inherent in each element giving you valuable, intimate knowledge of each.
You may now build a fire in the pit or if this is not possible, have a lighter you can
spark and hold cupped in your hands. Standing before the fire pit, reach your hands
toward the flames and draw the fire's energy into your body and through your Chakras.
Take extreme care not to burn yourself or light any loose clothing ablaze. If fire is
not your element you may burn more easily than one who is favored by Fire. Ask the
questions and observe as before. When you have finished these four exercises you can
sit back by the fire and discuss what you have learned about yourselves and the
Elements themselves. You should now be very aware which Element best serves you and
this will be the one you draw from in the future when you are feeling drained or if you
need more power before practicing magic.
Seeing, Hearing & Intuition
These are all traits innate in each of us, labeled "paranormal" by the mainstream
scientists of our day, they are however very much a normal part of the human
experience. Most human children can "See" and "Hear" what most adults have been
conditioned out of. Intuition is one of the few things that are still accepted
by most of us, though few know exactly what it is and from where it comes. We
just learn to trust it because it leads us so well. If you have been conditioned
out of hearing, seeing and listening to your intuition you must work to get these
invaluable skills back. They are your's by birthright and will serve you in ways
you can never anticipate throughout your lifetimes.
Magical sight is not quite like visual sight, the sight your eyes give. It is a
bit like a visual memory, like the after image of an occurance. Many times the
images you see with your magical sight will be more vivid and stick with you
through your entire life, other times it is faint and hard to grasp and hold on to.
This faintness and difficulty is often the case with those who are first learning
to see. It is worth noting that when one is first seeing one may have blurry visual
sight for a day or so after, that will resolve itself naturally and should be taken
as a sign that you are progressing, it will not be a regular occurance. One's
magical sight does not come from the eyes, you can see some things with your eyes
closed or over great distances and time. Magical sight is a function of the brow
chakra, the third eye and this is why it is important to keep this chakra open.
Many of us close this in our childhood. Upon reopening you will experience a
profound awakening.
Magical hearing is akin to magical sight in that it does not usually come to us
through the ears and can sound like the memory of a voice or sound rather than
like hearing in real time in real life. It can often be a bit tricky telling the
difference though. If you have ever heard the voice of a ghost or a spirit, that
is magical hearing. The fact that it does not come to us through the ears accounts
for the fact that often one person will hear something where another in the same
place will hear nothing. Magical hearing is different from intuition.
Almost every one has experienced intuition, that soft and often insistent voice in
the back of your head that tells you things that you could not possibly know yourself.
That intuitive voice is the voice of your higher self and comes to us through our
Crown Chakra. Cleansing and opening this chakra paves the way for intuitive
instructions and you need not be told how valuable this is in magical and mundane
life. If you are doubtful if the voice you hear is magical hearing, your own mental
voice or intuition, intuition is the first voice you hear before you even have time
to process or formulate a thought. Magical hearing is usually in a different voice
than your own thoughts, we usually think in our own voice.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Introduction To Astrology
Who we are now starts with our position in the Universe when we were born.
The Energies of the stars and the planets are our first sources of power and
as such carry with them significant knowledge and insight into our strengths
and weaknesses, our goals and our limitation. By looking at one's Natal
Astrological Chart you can learn much but even cursory understanding of your
Zodiac Sign (Sun Sign) will empower you in your life and magical workings.
Though listed as a pseudoscience many people, even those who are not into any
sort of "Alternative Religion" know their sign and read their weekly
horoscopes. Astrology is fascinating and has been a focus of a great many
civilizations.The idea that many of our personality traits and even our
destinies are written in the stars has a strong pull on the human psyche and
using this knowledge can bring many benefits.
You may have had your Natal (birth) chart done by an Astrologer or from a
program on the internet. These can be very in-depth and insightful giving
points where we excel and opportunities to improve our lives simply by
understanding our exact position in the Zodiac.
The Greek Zodiac is the most popular in the Western world. It consists of twelve
signs named for the constellations of stars in the sky at the time for which they
There are four Cardinal signs - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer.
Four Fixed signs - Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio.
And Four Mutable signs - Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
Three Fire signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Three Earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Three Air signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
And Three Water signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
The Chinese Zodiac is favored in the East as in Asia predominantly. There are
twelve signs that are designated by year of birth.
Year of the Rat, Year of the Ox, Year of the Tiger, Year of the Rabbit, Year of
the Dragon, Year of the Snake, Year of the Horse, Year of the Goat, Year of the
Monkey, Year of the Rooster, Year of the Dog and the Year of the Pig. To find your
sign try a site that has a list of birth years that correspond to each sign.
Use the tables in the pages listed below to tap into the Power of your Birth Sign
or to gain greater understanding of the other Signs.
Sagittarius Aquarius,
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