Thursday, October 10, 2013

Theosophy - The Theosophical Movement

The Theosophy Movement was spearheaded by Madame Helena Petrovna
Blavatsky. She founded the Theosophical Society in 1875 to promote
what is termed in the Greek "God Wisdom".

The idea that certain ideals and virtues lead a person closer to
what she called "The Absolute".

A few of these things are Science, Philosophy, Astronomy, even
Philanthropy. Also noted is the belief in a seven layered soul
construct in every being.

Everyone is said to have begun as pure spirit, next becoming great
sexless beings like the people of the mythic "Hyperboria" to the polar
north, moving then on to the giant "Lemurians" who were of human
consciousness and capable of sexual reproduction then as the people
of "Atlantis". Blavatsky claims that most humans now are in the fifth
cycle and working toward a Lemurian cycle next in our evolution.

Blavatsky authored her first tome "Isis Unveiled" in the year 1877 and
her second major work "The Secret Doctrine" in 1888 which contains a
commentary on The "Book of Dzyan".

Some of the most famous, people influenced by Blavatsky and the
Theosophical Movement are, Guido von List and his followers such as
Lanz von Liebenfels, the members of the Nazi "The Thule Society" and later
Rudolf Steiner as well as the creator of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,

One of her most notable opponent, though one of many, is entertainer
and Magician Harry Houdini.

Goddess Worship

Though obviously a favorite among women there are a good number of men that
consider themselves Goddess Worshipers. The Goddess in this path is seen as
the creatrix, protector, teacher and nurturer of everything in existence.

There is no one set Goddess instead many Goddesses are worshiped as principals
of the Divine Goddess Principle. In this way it is likened to Wicca but without a
strong /MaleGod presence. In Wicca, the Goddess is the "First among Equals".

They invoke the Gaia principal, that the Earth herself is a Goddess and
everything that is a part of the Earth is an integral part of the Goddess. As
such they are deeply aware of ecological concerns. Harming the Earth is harming
their Mother Goddess.

Many see this form of worship a great redress for the harm that has been wrought
over thousands of years by the patro-centeric Abrahamic religions.


"The Way of The Gods"
Traditional spiritual path of the Japanese. It is estimated that over
130,000,000 people are Shinto. Peace and beauty are sought in this
way of life.

Shinto is a very simple spiritual path that has much power there is no
real God worship in Shinto. A purely animistic view gives that "Kami" are
the Divine in everything from people to trees. It is said that there are
8 million Kami and this has been interpreted to mean that there are Kami
for everything that there is. The major Kami in Shinto are:

Amaterasu "Great Goddess who shines from the Heavens" she is the Sun Kami
and it is from her that the Japanese Royal line descends.
Uzume The Dawn Kami,
Kami-no-Kaze The Wind Kami who is so old that he was there at the time of
Hachiman-shin or Yawata no Kami The Kami of War and Protector of Japan,
Inari the androgenous Rice Kami who grants fertility,
Izanagi Kami of Creation and Life and his wife/sister Izanami Kami of
Creation and Death, they are the parents of Amaterasu, Susanoo and Tsukuyomi.
Omoikane The Kami of Wisdom and Council of The Kami themselves,
Raiden The Kami (or Oni) of Thunder and Lightning,
Owatatsumi Dragon God of The Sea,
Suijin Kami of Water,
Susanoo-no-Mikoto The Storm Kami,
Tsukiyomino Mikoto The Moon Kami and brother of Amaterasu and Susanoo.

Along with the Great Kami are the Seven Lucky Gods

Benten Goddess of the Flowing, such as words, knowledge, thoughts and poetry
Tamonten Punisher of Criminals and God of Fortunate Warriors
Daikoku God of The Wealth of The Harvest and The Household
Yebisu The Laughing God, First child of Izanagi and Izanami
Fukurokuju, Sothern Pole Star God of Longevity and Wisdom
Hotei God of Contentment and Abundance "Laughing Buddha"
Kudokuden Goddess of Beauty, Happiness and Fertility

The Kami are neither good nor evil and are capable of both and anything
in between. "Things are as they are."

Aside from Kami there are also Oni, Kappa and Yurei.

Oni are something like Otherworldly Deamons who, although not specifically
evil, do often bring disaster, death and plague. Some dead turn into Oni
and others into Yurei.
Yurei are ghosts, and they can be dangerous as they are unsettled and often
quite unhappy.

Though there are no church services in the Shinto religion there are
many shrines big and small. Everything from a tiny niche by the road side
to a full sized temple for many attendants and monks. Each family has a
personal shrine in their house. Usually a small niche or table layed out
with statues of Kami, pictures of ancestors, candles and offerings of
incense and often strung over with zig-zag strips of paper or straw called a
Shimenawa for protection. They mimic the public shrines in every way on a miniature scale.

An ancient and unbroken tradition of ancestor veneration is still very strong
in the practice of Shinto as are moral codes of conduct. These aspects as well
as the awareness of the Kami are integral parts of everyday life.

The practices associated with the Shinto lifestyle are harvest
celebrations as well as others to mark the passing of the seasons of the
year. It is surmised that these are the reasons that Japan has been so easily
able to move forward into the future while not for a moment forgetting it's
past, continuing on with a core sense of self.

Lunar Magic

Working Magic With The Moon

 The light shed from the face of the Moon is not its own but that of the Sun as
it lies hidden beyond the horizon. The Moon is a beaming beacon of borrowed light
and not the self-illuminated object it appears to be at first glance. When we see
by the reflected light of the Moon there is an ethereal quality to all we view,
though it is often driven from us by the more direct light of the Sun. We see
these mysterious things most often at night and they later flee into the shadows.
As The Sun rules the magic of the Physical World, so the Moon does rule that of
the Otherworld, the unmade and the unseen.

 The Moon and all she governs is feminine and highly mysterious. Women are
empowered and feel at home in the Moon's influence and men are intoxicated by
its subtle and enigmatic workings as they are by women themselves. Indeed
working with the Moon promotes knowledge of women and mystery.

 The nature of the power that the Moon wields is manifold and changeable as it
cycles through New Moon to full and back again. Her energy ebbs and flows like
the tides which she also rules. As the Moon waxes it grows stronger and this is
the time for any magic that relates to waxing and increase. Conversely, during the
time the Moon is waning and growing dark we work spells cleanse, remove and undo
that which we find undesirable.

 Magic can be affected any time you put your will toward your intention. Utilizing
the effects of the Moon is in no way necessary, mearly another powerful force you
can use to your advantage.

 If you wish to gain power from the Moon you may perform an Esbat. An Esbat is a
Lunar Rite which is performed at any of the three phases of the Moon's power. A
Full Moon Esbat is any rite to gain the power of the Full Moon and would be done
in the interest of spells and workings of growth and increase. The New sometimes
called "Dark" Moon Esbat and the Waxing Crescent Esbat are for clearing away the
old and broken and for starting new projects respectively.

Esbats are used to honour Lunar Deities if you wish to do so. They are of great
help with Lunar Magic to say the least.

 A simple example of an Esbat. Choose a phase of the Moon, (Full, Waxing or Dark)
from which you wish to draw power and find the next time the moon enters that
phase. Choose a candle and cloth of the appropriate colour (See below) and a proper
incense. On the night of or just before the desired phase of the Moon choose a
quiet spot in front of a window through which you have a good view of the Moon and
its light shines in upon you as you work (or shadow as with the Dark Moon). You may
choose to have a candle and a small cloth to place underneath, some incense, matches,
and a candle snuffer.

 In front of the window set the candle in a holder on top of the cloth, light
the incense and let it smoulder. Light the candle and speak some words to the
effect that you are harnessing the power of the "Full/Waxing/Dark" Moon. You
can state that the power be channeled into you at that moment or that it be
channeled into the candle. If you are just starting out you may want to choose
to have the energy stored in the candle, that way when you wish to cast a spell
and the Moon is out of the proper phase you need only light the candle to release
the stored energy. This can be added to any spell. If you are stating that the
Energy be stored in the candle, visualize it pouring into the candle until it is
fully charged then snuff the candle and store it till needed.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Spell Correspondences

Use these lists of correspondences along with your
own intuition to craft spells at will.

Substitutions should be made at your disgression,
paying in mind the sympathies involved. Any act or
object with a strong sympathy may be used in a Rite
or a spell successfully. Use your senses to decide
when in doubt or find council. For example, it is
not hard to see why Gold has strong sympathies to
both the Sun and to Wealth. This is the principal
you should use in your Spellcraft.

To test an object, colour, herb or stone for use
in a spell, place your hand on it and meditate on
it and your intention. You need not meditate very
long, you should be able to feel quite quickly if
the object and your intent are linked by strong
sympathies, whether or not they are listed here.
Let your intuition be your compass.

The Sun - Spell Correspondence

          THE SUN  
Colours: Gold, Yellow.
Element: Fire
Stones & Metals: Gold, Amber, Ametrine, Carnelian, Cat's Eye, Citrine,
 Herkimer Diamond, Diamond, Pyrite, Quartz, Ruby, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye,
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Sunday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Mistletoe, Rosemary, Rue, Saffron, Sage,
 Goldenseal, Heliotrope, Angelica, Bay, Centaury, Cinnamon, Citron,
 Thyme, Ginseng, Goldenrod, High John the Conqueror, Yarrow,
 Adder's Tongue, Agrimony, Allspice, Borage, Caraway Seed, Celandine,
 Eyebright, Galangal Root, Cinnamon, Mistletoe, Wood Aloe, Sandalwood.
Resins: Benzoin, Copal, Frankincense, Gum Arabic, Gum Mastic.
Woods: Oak, Ash, Birch, Fir, Walnut, Juniper, Cedar Wood.
Flower: Sunflower, Chamomile, Daisy, Marigold.
Fruit: Orange, Tangerine, Pineapple, Oat.
Symbols: Quartered Circle
Animals: Eagle, Phoenix.
The Sun governs: Love, Success, Day, Fire, Masculinity, Illumination,
 The Self, Ego, Authority Figures, Promotion, Friendship, Healing,
 World Leaders, Gods and the Divine, Fathers.

The Moon - Spell Correspondence

       THE MOON  
Colours: Silver, White.
Element: Water
Stones & Metals: Moonstone, Selenite, Silver.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Moon
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Lemon Balm, Poppy Seed, Calamus.
Resins: Myrrh, Camphor.
Woods: Willow, Sandalwood.
Flower: Gardenia, Jasmine, Lotus.
Fruit: Coconut, Grape, Lemon.
Symbols: Crescent Moon
Animals: Owl, Cat.
The Moon governs: Night, Women, Water, Intuition, Children/Birth,
 The Home & Family, Herb Gardens, Celibacy, Tides, Brewing, Divination,
 Rebirth, Reincarnation, Dreams, Psychic Abilities, Introspection,
 Secrets, Meditation.

Mercury - Spell Correspondence

Colours: Orange
Element: Air
Stones & Metals: Alexandrite, Mercury.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: 3 PM
Planet: Mercury
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Thyme, Dill, Fennel, Lemon Verbena, Lavender,
 Peppermint, Bergamot Mint, Caraway, Lemon Grass.
Resins: Mastic
Woods: Ash
Flower: Lavender
Nut: Almond
Symbols: Caduceus
Animals: Birds            
Mercury governs: The Mind, Air, Thought, Silver Tongue, Commerce,
 Communications, Letters, The Internet, The Wind, Words, Writing, poetry,
 The Phone, PDAs and Computers, Travel, Studying, Learning, Teaching,
 Divination, Prediction, Self Improvement, Celibacy.

Venus - Spell Correspondence

Colours: Green, Rose.
Element: Water
Stones & Metals: Emerald, Rose Quartz, Malachite, Copper.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus
Herbs, Incense & Oils:  Angelica, Red Clover, Ladies' Mantle, Lemon Balm,
 Lemon Verbena, Yarrow, Pennyroyal, Peppermint, Orris Root, Tansy, Myrtle,
 Tonka, Tuberose, Ylang-ylang, Spearmint, Thyme.
Resins: Vanilla
Woods: Willow, Apple, Cherry.
Flower: Rose, Crocus, Heather, Hyacinth, Violet, Apple Blossom, Rose Geranium,
 Orchid, Magnolia, Daisy, Jasmine, Sweet Pea, Lilly of the Valley.
Fruit: Apple, Raspberry, Strawberry, Pear, Plum, Apricot, Honey.
Symbols: Heart
Animals: Doves, Swans.
Venus governs: Women, Love, Beauty, Art, Self Love, Pleasure, Music, Perfume,
 Partnership, Sensuality, Relaxation, Gems, Jewelry, Attraction, Mothers.


Mars - Spell Correspondence

Colours: Dark Red
Element: Fire
Stones & Metals: Agate, Carnelian, Iron.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: 6 AM
Planet: Mars
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Ginger, Thorn, Mandrake, Marjoram, Nettles, Paprika,
 Bleeding Heart, Blood Root, Hemlock, Briony, Cayenne, Juniper Berry,
 Red Pepper, Peppercorn, Horseradish, Male Fern, Rue.
Resins: Dragon's Blood
Woods:  Red Oak, Beech, Cherry, Holly, Pine.
Flower: Red Poppy
Fruit: Pomegranate, Onion, Cashew.
Symbols: Spear, Sword.
Animals: Horse
Mars governs: The Will, Blood, Strength, Sex Drive, Conflict, Battle, Victory,
 Aggression, Change, Hunting, Surgery, Lust, Physical Strength & Energy,
 Courage, Protection (Active), Politics, Debate, Athletes, Action, Sports &
 Competition, War, Contests, Potency, Sex, Male Fertility, Anger, Determination,
 Speed, Assertiveness, Independence, Health, Self-confidence, Success, Persistence,
 Vitality, Powerful Emotions, Fire, Overcoming Obstacles, Men, Masculinity, Soldiers.

Jupiter - Spell Corrospondence


Colours: Purple (Sometimes Yellow)
Element: Fire & Air
Stones & Metals: Amethyst, Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Lace Agate, Ametrine,
 Blue Apatite, Blue Calcite, Lepidolite, Labradorite, Merlinite, Sodalite,
 Spectrolite, Sugilite, Blue Tiger’s Eye, Blue Tourmaline, Turquoise, Brass,
 Bronze, Tin.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Thursday
Time of Day: Evening
Planet: Jupiter
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Clove, Nutmeg, Sage, Star Anise, Oak Moss, Anise,
 Cinquefoil, Hyssop, Sassafras, Sassparilla.
Resins: Copal                
Woods: Juniper, Oak, Poplar.
Flower: Honeysuckle
Fruit: Grapes
Symbols: Planetary Symbol, Crown.
Animals: Horse, Eagle.    
Jupiter governs: Wealth, Money, Success, Power, Business & Commerce, Acquiring
 wealth & Treasure, Prosperity, Material Goods, Luck, Gambling, Financial
 speculation, Achievements & Awards, Ambition, Prestige, Honour, Lawyers,
 Legal affairs and Justice, Expansion, Happiness, Health, Male Fertility, Marriage,
 Education, Spiritual Learning, Religion, Spiritual Teachers, leadership,
 Public Life, Fame, Responsibility, Kings, Politics, Protection while traveling,
 Friendships, Parties and gatherings, Growth, Visionaries, Charity.

Saturn - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Black, Brown.
Element: Earth                
Stones & Metals: Lead, Hematite, Garnet.
Lunar Phase: Dark Moon
Day of the Week: Saturday
Time of Day: 3 AM
Planet: Saturn
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Hemlock, Aconite, Nightshade, Mandrake, Moss, Rue,
 Witch Hazel, Patchouli, Hellebore.
Resins:  Myrrh, Mastic.                
Woods: Cypress, Beech, Elm, Walnut, Yew.
Flower:  Amaranth,  Cornflower, Morning Glory.
Fruit:  Quince, Potato.                  
Symbols: Planetary Symbol, Scythe.
Saturn governs: Limits, Ending, Death, Discipline, Boundaries, Thresholds,
 Buildings, Structure, Contraction, Time, Decay, Destroying Disease, Order,
 Elderly People, Funerals, Karma, Reincarnation.

Elemental Air - Spell Corrospondance

           ELEMENTAL AIR    
Colours: Yellows
Element: Air
Direction: East
Season: Spring
Stones & Metals: Cirtine, Mercury (Quicksilver).
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: Dawn
Planet: Mercury
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Lemon Verbena, Mace, Marjoram,
 Parsley, Peppermint, Sage, Star Anise, Citron, Anise,
 Bergamot Mint, Lemon Grass.
Resins: Benzoin, Gum Arabic, Gum Mastic.
Woods: Ash, Acacia
Flower: Lavender
Nut: Almond
Symbols: Smoke, Incense.
Animals: Birds
Air governs: Thought, Intellect, Writing, Poetry,
 Journalism, Communications, The Mind, Air,
 Thought, Speech, Commerce, Letters, The Internet,
 The Wind, Words, Writing, The Phone, PDAs and
 Computers, Travel, Studying, Learning, Teaching,
 Divination, Prediction, Self Improvement, Flight.

Elemental Earth - Spell Corroespondance

Colours: Green, Brown, Gold.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Season: Winter
Stones & Metals: Gold, Pyrite, Smoky Quartz.
Lunar Phase: Dark Moon
Day of the Week: Friday, Saturday.
Time of Day: 9 AM
Planet: Earth
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Mugwort, Patchouli, Vervain,
 Bistort, Horehound, Vetivert.
Resins: Pine
Woods: Alder, Cypress.
Flower: Narcisis, Primrose, Magnolia, Honeysuckle.
Fruit: Rhubarb
Symbols: Pentacle, Square.
Animals: Horse
Earth governs: Growth, Stability, Wealth, Fertility,
 Jobs, Promotions, Money, Business, Material Objects,
 Farming, Healthy Foods, Ecology, Stocks & Bonds,
 Antiques, Museums, Construction, Buildings, Progress.

Elemental Fire - Spell Corrospondance

Colours: Reds
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Season: Summer
Stones & Metals: Agate, Carnelian, Flint.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Basil, Bay, Cinnamon, Clove, Coriander, Dill,
 Fennel, Galangal, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Rosemary, Tobacco, Woodruff,
 Allspice, Garlic, Grain of Paradise, Angelica.
Resins: Copal, Dragon's Blood, Frankincense.
Woods: Juniper, Cedar Wood.
Flower: Carnation, Heliotrope.
Fruit: Orange, Lime.
Symbols: Flame, Triangle.
Animals: Salamander, Horse.                    
Fire governs: Energy, Activity, Motion, The Will, Blood, Strength,
 Sex Drive, Conflict, Battle, Victory, Aggression, Change, Hunting,
 Surgery, Lust, Physical Strength & Energy, Courage, Protection (Active),
 Politics, Debate, Athletes, Action, Sports & Competition, War, Contests,
 Potency, Sex, Anger, Determination, Speed, Assertiveness, Independence,
 Health, Self-confidence, Success, Vitality, Powerful Emotions, Fire,
 Overcoming Obstacles, Men, Masculinity, Soldiers.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Elemental Water - Spell Correspondence

Colours: Blues
Element: Water
Direction: West
Season: Autumn
Stones & Metals: Aquamarine, Iolite, Sodalite.
Lunar Phase: Waning Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Comfrey,
 Eucalyptus, Orris Root, Spearmint, Tansy, Thyme, Calamus,
 Cardamom, Catnip, Licorice.
Resins: Myrrh, Camphor.
Woods: Birch, Sandalwood, Elder.
Flower: Gardenia, Heather, Hyacinth, Iris, Jasmine, Lilac,
 Rose, Violet, Apple Blossom.
Fruit: Cherry, Coconut, Lemon.
Symbols: Wave, Cup.
Animals: Fish                
Water governs: Emotions, Love, Oils, Women, Beauty, Art,
 Self Love, Pleasure, Music, Perfume, Partnership,
 Sensuality, Relaxation, Gems, Jewelry, Attraction,
 Mothers, Flowing Movement.

Sleep Spell - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Light Blue, Robin's Egg.
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Amethyst, Jade
Lunar Phase: Waning Moon
Day of the Week: Friday, as needed.
Time of Day: Evening, Sunset.
Planet: Moon
Resins: Sandalwood
Woods: Willow
Flower: Poppy
Animals: Sheep & Lambs.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Chamomile, Lavender.


Creativity - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Orange                  
Element: Air      
Direction: East          
Stones & Metals: Fluorite, Mercury, Citrine.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: 3 PM              
Planet: Mercury
Resins: Mastic
Woods: Ash                    
Flower: Lavender                    
Nut: Almond                    
Symbols: Winged Messenger, Torch.
Animals: Fox, Birds.                  
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Thyme, Dill, Fennel, Lemon Verbena,
 Lavender, Peppermint, Bergamot Mint, Caraway, Lemon Grass.

When you hit a creative block or are tasked with something creative
craft a Creativity Spell to get things moving.                

Finish A Project - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Brown, Orange.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Pyrite
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus  
Resins: Pine
Woods: Alder, Willow.
Fruit: Plum, Apricot, Honey.                    
Symbols: Square
Animals: Horse
Flower: Narcisis, Lilly of the Valley.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Patchouli, Lemon Verbena, Yarrow.

It is very important for creative people to actually finish a project
before moving on though this is often difficult. A Spell like this can
help you do just that.

Lost People - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Brown & Orange.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Magnetite, Lodestone.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: 5 PM
Planet: Venus
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Willow
Flower: Forget me not
Symbols: Compass
Animals: Blood Hound, Dog.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Patchouli, Lemon Verbena, Yarrow.

Find Lost Items - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Brown
Element: Earth
Direction: North                
Stones & Metals: Magnetite, Lodestone.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Thursday
Time of Day: 5 PM
Planet: Venus
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Willow
Symbols: Compass
Animals: Ferret, Weasel.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Patchouli, Lemon Verbena, Yarrow.


Wisdom - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Yellow, Blue.
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Labradorite, Mercury, Citrine.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day:  Morning
Planet: Mercury
Resins: Frankincense
Fruit: Apple
Symbols: Hermit, Well
Animals: Owl
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Lemon Verbena, Mace, Marjoram,
 Parsley, Peppermint, Sage.

Travel - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Yellow, Orange.
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Mercury, Citrine.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: Morning
Planet: Mercury
Resins: Frankincense
Symbols: Ship, Auto, Aeroplane.
Animals: Birds (Air), Whales (Sea), Horse (Land)
Gods: Hermes, Mercury, Odin
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Lemon Verbena, Mace, Marjoram,
 Parsley, Peppermint, Sage.

Studying/Tests - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Yellow
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Mercury, Citrine.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: 3 PM
Planet: Mercury
Resins: Mastic
Woods: Ash, Beech.
Flower: Lavender
Symbols: Torch
Animals: Owl
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Rosemary, Lemon Verbena, Mace,
 Marjoram, Parsley, Peppermint, Sage.

Find A Solution - Spell Correspondence

     FIND A SOLUTION                 

Colours: Bright Yellow
Element: Air        
Direction: East          
Stones & Metals: Calcite, Mercury, Citrine.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: 3 PM
Planet: Mercury
Resins: Mastic
Woods: Ash                    
Flower: Lavender
Symbols: Spark
Animals: Fox
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Rosemary, Lemon Verbena, Mace,
 Marjoram, Parsley, Peppermint, Sage.

Beauty - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Rose Pink
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Amber, Gold, Copper.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: 6 PM
Planet: Venus
Resins: Vanilla
Woods: Sandalwood
Flower: Rose, Peony.
Fruit: Apple
Symbols: Blooming Rose                  
Animals: Swan, Cat.                    
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Lavender, Rose    

Charge a beauty cream or moisturizer and apply daily
with your intention in mind.

Magical Invisibility - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Black, Grey
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Onyx
Lunar Phase: Dark Moon
Day of the Week: Saturday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Saturn
Flower: Poppy, Monk's Hood.
Symbols: Dagaz Rune
Animals: Cat, Owl, Chameleon.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Chickory

To keep others from seeing your magical workings
from a distance, create a spell for invisibility.

Mark a Dagaz Rune with your finger and visualize it
in red, do this over any object you wish no one to
notice. Visualize the rune over yourself if you wish
to remain undetectable.

Strengthen Will - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Red
Element: Fire
Stones & Metals: Ametrine
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday          
Time of Day: 6 PM              
Planet: Mars                  
Resins: Frankincense, Dragon's Blood.
Woods: Oak
Symbols: Strong Oak Tree
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Basil, Bay, Cinnamon, Clove,
 Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Galangal, Nutmeg,
 Peppermint, Rosemary, Tobacco, Woodruff, Allspice,
 Garlic, Grain of Paradise, Angelica.

Court Case - Spell Corresopndence


Colours: Orange
Element: Air
Stones & Metals: Mercury, Citrine.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Thursday
Time of Day: Morning
Planet: Jupiter
Resins: Frankincense
Symbols: Scales, Court Rune.
Animals: Crow                    
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Sage, Oak Moss, Cinquefoil,
 Hyssop, Sassafras.      

Make sure you are innocent of any blame or you may be
unsuccessful, or worse.

Love Spell - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Pinks and Rose.
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Rose Quartz, Copper.
Lunar Phase: Waxing/Full Moon                          
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus
Resins: Copal, Dragon's Blood, Gum Mastic, Vanilla.
Woods: Apple, Juniper.
Fruit: Orange, Lemon, Lime.
Symbols: Heart
Animals: Swans, Doves, Rabbits.
Flower: Red Rose, Jasmine, Orchid, Violet, Yarrow,
 Apple Blossom, Rose Geranium, Hibiscus, Lotus,
 Mimosa, Stephenoutus, Sweet Pea, Gardenia, Tuberose.  
Herbs, Incence & Oils: Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clove,
 Coriander, Dill, Ginger, Lavender, Lemon Balm,
 Lemon Verbena, Marjoram, Orris Root, Peppermint,
 Rosemary, Thyme, Vervain, Catnip, Chickweed, Cumin,
 Myrtle, Palmerosa, Plumeria, Sassparilla, Tonka,
 Ylang-ylang, Basil.

Gain A Wife - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Pink
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Rose Quartz, Copper.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: 6 PM
Planet: Venus & Moon
Resins: Vanilla
Woods: Hawthorn
Flower: Red Rose
Symbols: Woman
Animals: Goose, Swan, Hen.
Fruit: Apple, Pomegranate
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon Balm,
 Lemon Verbena, Marjoram, Orris Root, Catnip, Myrtle,
 Palmerosa, Sassparilla, Tonka, Ylang-ylang, Basil.

Use this if you wish your current love to become your
wife. Combine with a love spell if you are single and
your aim is to find a love to settle down with.

Gain A Husband - Spell Corrospondence

     GAIN A HUSBAND                

Colours: Gold
Element: Water  
Direction: West              
Stones & Metals: Gold
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Sunday
Time of Day:  6 PM              
Planet: Sun
Resins: Copal
Woods: Oak
Flower: Amaranth
Fruit: Acorn
Symbols: Ring
Animals: Bear (teddy)
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Vanilla, Cinnamon, Clove,
 Coriander, Ginger, Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme,
 Vervain, Myrtle,  Sassparilla, Tonka, Basil.

Use this if you wish your current love to become your
husband. Combine with a love spell if you are single and
your aim is to find a love to settle down with.

Fertility - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Green
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Silver
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Dawn
Planet: Moon
Resins: Copal
Woods: Birch
Flower: Lily
Fruit: Apple
Symbols: Perthro Rune, Stork.
Animals: Cow, Goose.

Healthy Birth - Spell Correspondence


Colours: White                  
Element: Earth
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Carnelian, Malachite.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Dawn
Planet: Moon
Resins: Pine, Myrrh.
Woods: Birch                    
Flower: Lily
Fruit: Apple
Symbols: Dawn Sun, Birth Rune.
Animals: Cow, Goose.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Fir, Balsam.

Find A Lover - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Red
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Carnelian, Loadstone, Garnet.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Evening
Planet: Venus
Resins: Dragon's Blood
Woods: Apple
Flower: Red Roses
Fruit: Pomegranate
Symbols: Genetles
Animals: Humming Bird
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Ginger

Lust - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Red
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Gold
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Mars
Resins: Vanilla
Woods: Lilac
Fruit: Pomegranate                  
Symbols: Phallus, Spear.
Animals: Rabbits
Flower: Hibiscus, Stephanoutus, Tuberose.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Ginger, Patchouli, Cinnamon,
 Clove, Parsley, Peppermint, Rosemary, Saffron,
 Carraway, Ginseng, Lemon Grass, Nettle, Sesame,
 Yerba Mate.

Broken Heart - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Pink & Light Blue.
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Aquamarine, Rose Quartz,
 Blue Lace Agate.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus
Resins: Camphor, Copal.
Woods: Ash                    
Flower: Amaranth
Animals: Deer
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon Balm,
 Lemon Verbena, Marjoram, Orris Root, Rosemary, Thyme,
 Vervain, Myrtle, Palmerosa, Tonka, Ylang-ylang,

Luck - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Gold, Green.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Iceland Spar, Gold, Pyrite.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Thursday
Time of Day: Noon till 5pm
Planet: Jupiter
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Hazel
Fruit: Orange
Symbols: Four Leaf Clover, Wheel.
Animals: Rabbits, Goldfish, Frogs, crickets.
Flower: Heather, Violet, Rose.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Fern, Nutmeg, Poppy Seed,
 Star Anise, Allspice, Calamas, Grains of Paradise,
 Irish Moss, Spikenard, Tonka, Vetivert.


Wealth - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Gold, Silver, Green, Brown.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Gold, White Gold, Platinum, Silver.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Jupiter
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Elder, Pine, Cedar Wood.
Fruit: Orange, Almond.
Symbols: Coins
Animals: Dragons
Flower: Clover, Buttercup, Chamomile, Jasmine,
 Heliotrope, Honeysuckle.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Ginger, Basil, Cinnamon, Clove,
 Dill, Galangal, Nutmeg, Patchouli, Peppermint, Sage,
 Vervain, Wood Aloe, Woodruff, Allspice, Bergamot Mint,
 Calamus, Cinquefoil, Hyssop, Myrtle, Sassafrass,
 Tonka, Vetivert.

Quick Money - Spell Correspondence

     QUICK MONEY              

Colours: Green
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Loadstone, Gold, Silver, Copper.
Lunar Phase: Waxing or Full Moon
Day of the Week: Thursday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus
Resins: Myrrh
Woods: Elder, Pine, Cedar Wood.
Fruit: Orange, Almond.
Symbols: Dice, Coins.
Flower: Clover, Chamomile, Jasmine, Heliotrope,
Herbs, Incence & Oils:  Ginger, Basil, Cinnamon,
 Clove, Dill, Galangal, Nutmeg, Patchouli, Peppermint,
 Sage, Vervain, Wood Aloe, Woodruff, Alspice,
 Bergamot Mint, Calamus, Cinquefoil, Hyssop, Myrtle,
 Sassafrass, Tonka, Vetivert.

Employment - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Brown, Green.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Pyrite, Gold.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: 6 AM
Planet: Earth
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Oak, Elder
Flower: Chamomile
Fruit: Pecan
Symbols: Horse
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Patchouli, Mugwort.


Happiness - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Pink
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Rose Quartz
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus
Resins: Copal
Woods: Hazel
Fruit: Pineapple
Nut: Sesame
Symbols: Smiling Lips
Flower: Hyacinth, Lavender, Apple Blossom
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Marjoram, Saffron,
 St. John's Wort, Catnip, Meadowsweet.

Wishes - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Rainbow, Iridescence.
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Crystal, Quartz.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Sunday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Resins: Sandalwood
Woods: Willow, Beech.                    
Flower: Dandilion
Symbols: Polaris the North Star, Shooting Star.

Throwing coins into the sea and asking a blessing
from the Sea Gods is a simple way to gain a wish.
It works very well to increase monies.

Peace - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Light Blue
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Turquoise
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: 6 AM
Planet: Venus
Resins: Sandalwood
Woods: Sandalwood
Fruit: Olive
Symbols: Peace Sign, Dove.
Animals: Doves
Flower: Lotus, Violet, Lavender.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Gardenia, Lilac, Cumin,
 Magnolia, Meadowsweet, Narcicis, Pennyroyal,

The Olive Branch was offered as a sign of Peace in the
past because it took 50 years for the tree to mature
and bear olives. In a war torn country there can be no
olives. Remember to allow yourself peace of mind so
that the thoughts and Energies that are most important
are allowed their time to bear fruit.

Depression - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Light Blue, Greenish Blue.
Element: Water
Direction: West
Stones & Metals: Amber, Blue Lace Agate.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Sunset
Planet: Venus
Resins: Sandalwood
Woods:  Cypress
Flower: Royal Lily
Symbols: Sun breaking through clouds.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Marjoram

Courage - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Red
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Garnet, Carnelian.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Mars
Resins: Dragon's Blood, Frankincense.
Woods: Oak
Fruit: Pomigranet
Symbols: Sword
Animals: Bear, Lion
Flower: Geranium, Rose Geranium, Sweet Pea.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Black Pepper, Thyme, Allspice,

Strength - Spell Corresondence

     POWER (Strength)        

Colours: Bright Red
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Carnelian
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Mars
Resins: Dragon's Blood, Gum Mastic, Vanilla.
Woods: Oak
Flower: Carnation
Fruit: Tangerine
Symbols: Lightning
Animals: Bear
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Ginger, Allspice.

Use to gain and store physical power.

Magic Power - Spell Correspondence

     POWER (Magic)

Colours: Purple
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Iolite, Bloodstone, Quartz.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Jupiter
Resins: Dragon's Blood, Gum Mastic, Vanilla.
Woods: Oak
Flower: Carnation
Fruit: Tangerine
Symbols: Pentacle, Lightning, Torch.
Animals: Cat, Dragon
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Ginger, Allspice.

Use to gain and store magical power.

Fame - Spell Correspondence

     FAME (Public Renound)

Colours: Red
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Diamond
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Oak, Beech.
Flower: Sunflower
Symbols: Crown
Animals: Eagle, Lion, Peacock.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Basil, Bay, Cinnamon, Clove,
 Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Galangal, Nutmeg,
 Peppermint, Rosemary, Tobacco, Woodruff, Alspice,
 Garlic, Grain of Paradise, Angelica.

Use to gain public recognition.

Physical Skill - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Reds
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Carnelian
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Resins: Copal, Dragon's Blood, Frankincense.
Woods: Juniper, Cedar Wood.
Fruit: Orange, Lime.
Symbols: Trophy
Animals: Horse
Flower: Carnation, Heliotrope
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Basil, Bay, Cinnamon, Clove,
 Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Galangal, Nutmeg,
 Peppermint, Rosemary, Tobacco, Woodruff, Alspice,
 Garlic, Grain of Paradise, Angelica.

Use to gain proficiency in battle, sport, dance
or in any physically competitive field.


Health - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Blue or Green.
Element: Water or Earth.
Direction: West or North.
Stones & Metals: Jade, Bloodstone, Alexandrite.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Friday
Time of Day: 3 PM
Planet: Mercury
Resins: Myrrh, Pine.
Woods: Willow, Eucalyptus, Cedar Wood, Juniper.
Fruit: Lime
Symbols: Caduceus
Animals: Bear
Flower: Rose, Gardenia, Heliotrope, Honeysuckle,
 Violet, Carnation.
Herbs, Incence & Oils: Bay, Cinnamon, Coriander,
 Fennel, Lemon Balm, Mugwort, Peppermint, Poppy Seed,
 Rosemary, Saffron, Spearmint, Thyme, Alspice,
 Angelica, Calamus, Citron, Palmerosa, Chyanne,
 Sassafrass, Spikenard, Wintergreen, Yerba Santa.

To promote health in people, plants and animals.


Serious Illness - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Black, Red.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Bloodstone
Lunar Phase: Dark Moon
Day of the Week: Saturday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Saturn
Resins: Copal, Dragon's Blood, Frankincense, Myrrh,
 Gum Arabic.
Woods: Eucalyptus, Pine, Juniper, Sandalwood,
 Cedar Wood, Cypress.
Fruit: Apple
Flower: Heather, Rose, Lavender, Lilac, Violet,
 Marigold, Carnation, Geranium, Peony, Rose Geranium.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Mistletoe, Mandrake,
 Black Pepper, Rue, Sage, Bay, Basil, Cinnamon, Clove,
 Clover, Dill, Fennel, Fern, Mugwort, Patchouli,
 Peppermint, Valerian, Vervain, Wormwood, Angelica,
 Anise, Bergamot Mint, Cinquefoil, Flax, Pennyroyal,
 Thistle, Vetivert

Use when either yourself or someone you care for is
gravely ill or injured.

Protection - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Black, White, Red.
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Hemitite, Onyx, Obsidian, Bloodstone,  Iron.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Sunday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Resins: Copal, Dragon's Blood, Frankincense, Myrrh,
 Gum Arabic.
Woods: Rowan, Pine, Juniper, Sandalwood, Cedar Wood,
Symbols: Elhaz Rune, Pentacle, Shield.
Animals: Dragon, Eagle, Grizzley Bear.
Flower: Heather, Hyacynth, Rose, Lavender, Lilac,
 Violet, Marigold, Carnation, Gerainium, Honeysuckle,
 Hyssop, Peony, Rose Geranium, Lotus, Mimosa.
Herbs, Incence & Oils: Mistletoe, Mandrake,
 Black Pepper, Rue, Sage, Bay, Basil, Cinnamon, Clove,
 Clover, Dill, Fennel, Fern, Galangal, Mugwort,
 Orris Root, Patchouli, Peppermint, Valerian, Vervain,
 Wood Aloe, Woodruff, Wormwood, Angelica, Anise,
 Balm of Gilliad, Bergamot Mint, Calamus, Carraway,
 Cinquefoil, Cumin, Flax, Naiouli, Pennyroyal,
 Thistle, Vetivert, Eucalyptus.

Charm a red thread and wear it for protection.


Protection Of Surgery - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Red & Yellow.
Element: Fire & Air.
Direction: South-East
Stones & Metals: Bloodstone, Hemetite, Iron.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Sunday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Woods: Rowan, Pine, Juniper, Sandalwood, Cedar Wood,
Symbols: Elhaz Rune, Pentacle.
Animals: Dragon, Eagle.
Flower: Heather, Rose, Lavender, Lilac, Violet,
 Marigold, Carnation, Geranium, Hyssop, Peony,
 Rose Geranium.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Mistletoe, Mandrake,
 Black Pepper, Rue, Sage, Bay, Basil, Cinnamon, Clove,
 Clover, Dill, Fennel, Fern, Galangal, Mugwort,
 Orris Root, Patchouli, Peppermint, Valerian, Vervain,
 Wormwood, Angelica, Anise, Bergamot Mint, Calamus,
 Carraway, Cinquefoil, Flax, Pennyroyal, Thistle,
 Vetivert, Eucalyptus.
Resins:Dragon's Blood, Frankincense, Myrrh.

To aid and protect yourself or another when surgery
is necessary.

Job Promotion - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Orange, Gold, Platinum.
Element: Earth
Direction: North
Stones & Metals: Gold
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Thursday
Time of Day: Noon
Planet: Sun
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Oak
Flower: Sunflower
Fruit: Sunflower Seed
Animals: Bull
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Basil, Sage, Allspice.

Purification - Spell Correspondence


Colours: White
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Stones & Metals: Salt, Flint, Iron.
Lunar Phase: Waxing/Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Night
Planet: Mars
Resins: Copal, Benzoin, Frankincense, Myrrh,
 Gum Arabic, Camphor.
Woods: Birch, Cedar Wood.
Fruit: Lemon, Lime
Symbols: Sacred Fire
Animals: Phoenix
Flower: Lavender, Hyssop, Mimosa.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Bay, Chamomile, Cinnamon,
 Fennel, Lemon Verbena, Parsley, Peppermint, Pine,
 Rosemary, Sandalwood, Thyme, Tobacco, Valerian,
 Vervain, Anise, Eucalyptus, Calamus.

Do a purification spell or take a purification
bath in Sacred Salts when you feel tainted or
if you feel that a spell may have been cast upon you.

Psychic Awareness - Spell Correspondence

     PSYCHIC AWARENESS                  

Colours: Iridescence, Opalescence, White.
Element: Quintessence (The 5th Element).
Direction: Center (or use intuition).
Stones & Metals: Opal
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Moon
Resins: Gum Arabic, Gum Mastic, Camphor.
Woods: Cassia, Willow
Fruit: Orange
Symbols: Third Eye
Animals: Owl, Peacock
Flower: Lilac, Marigold, Rose, Yarrow, Heliotrope,
 Honeysuckle, Tuberose.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Bay, Acacia, Wormwood.

Divination - Spell Correspondence


Colours: White, Black, Yellow.
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Clear Quartz
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Moon
Resins: Camphor
Woods: Beech
Fruit: Orange
Symbols: Tarot, Crystal Ball.
Animals: Owl
Flower: Hibiscus
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Clove, Orris Root, Anise,

Do a simple spell before reading cards or using other
methods of divination. Use to charge Divination Tools.

Psychic Dreams - Spell Correspondence


Colours: White, Iridescence, Opalescence.
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Opal, Amethyst, Emerald.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Moon & Neptune
Resins: Camphor
Woods: Holly
Symbols: Dream Catcher, Spider Web.
Animals: Owl
Flower: Jasmine, Marigold, Rose, Heliotrope, Mimosa.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Cinquefoil

Make a Dream-catcher and charge it with the intent to
guide you to special dreams.

Spirituality - Spell Correspondence


Colours: White, Opalescence, Iridescence.
Element: Quintessence (The 5th Element).
Direction: Center (or use intuition).
Stones & Metals: Clear Quartz Crystal Points
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Moon
Resins: Copal, Frankincense, Myrrh.
Woods: Pine, Sandalwood.
Animals: Eagle
Flower: Gardenia, Jasmine.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Cinnamon, Sage.

For those wishing to deepen their spiritual
experiences and to become closer to Spirit itself.

Remember Your Dreams - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Light Yellow
Element: Air
Direction: East                
Stones & Metals: Herkimer Diamond, Amethyst, Crystal.
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Monday
Time of Day: Before Bedtime
Planet: Moon & Mercury
Resins: Sandalwood
Woods: Willow
Symbols: Spider Web
Animals: Owl            
Flower: Lavender
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Rosemary, Lavender.

 Do a simple spell, call on Morpheus and ask to be
allowed to remember your dreams. Keep any insightful
or important dreams recorded in a journal, do this
before you forget the details!

Making Dreams Reality - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Rainbow
Element: Water & Earth.
Direction: Center or North.
Stones & Metals: Opal, Amethyst.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Moon
Day of the Week: Thursday
Time of Day: Late Morning
Planet: Neptune & Earth
Resins: Frankincense
Woods: Beech
Symbols: Rainbow                
Animals: Unicorn
Gods: Rihannon  
Flower: Delphinium
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Patchouli, Chamomile.      

 Craft a spell to manifest your dream life into
reality. It is said that Rhiannon grants wishes to
those who but ask for them.

Astral Travel - Spell Correspondence


Colours: White, Opalescence, Iridescence.
Element: Quintessence (5th Element).
Direction: Center (or use intuition).
Stones & Metals: Carnelian, Opal, Amethyst,
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday, Friday.
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Neptune                  
Resins: Benzoin
Woods: Alder, Poplar, Black Walnut.
Animals: Reindeer
Flower: Delphinium, Jasmine.
Herbs, Incense & Oils: Dittany of Create.

Do a simple spell before you go to sleep
and take note of what occurred when you awaken.

To See Magical Creatures - Spell Correspondence


Colours: Light Yellow
Element: Air
Direction: East
Stones & Metals: Opal
Lunar Phase: Full Moon
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: Midnight
Planet: Neptune                  
Resins: Sandalwood
Woods: Hazel
Fruit: Hazel Nut
Animals: Unicorn
Gods: Fairies, Elves.
Flower: Lily of the Valley
Herbs, Incence & Oils: Lily of the Valley

For those who wish to expand the scope of their magic
sight and see or interact with magical creatures.
Midsummernight's Eve, the night before the Summer
Solstice is an excellent time for a spell like this,
especially to see the Fairie Folk.

Magical Altars

Sacred Workspace

 An altar is more than a table or shelf of a bookcase that is set with
candles and magical tools, they are a sacred space apart from mundane
space and time. They can range in size and complexity depending on their
owner and their intended use. A magical practitioner can choose to have
more than one altar, one OCS member has a general altar indoors for
spellcraft and winter rites, one stone altar outdoors for high holidays,
nature magic and summer rites and a small altar dedicated to her patron
Gods. A coven or magical group may have a larger table set with many
acutremont and there are some people who have little more than a special
box or shelf upon which they can light candles.

 When you have decided what type of altar you require next you may want to
consider its placement. Witches align their altars to the East and the rising
sun. Asatruar place their's facing North. Another idea is to use a round
table and place it in the center of your workspace, this allows for
multi-directionallity and if practicing with a group all members can gather
around the altar equally like the Round Table of Camelot.

 A very basic altar would be a wooden table or one with a stone top upon
this table you may set a cloth, white would serve for general workings as
would black. You could change the cloth to any colour for specific workings
or use a small cloth square of the colour that works best for your intent.
Some altar candles will shed the light you need to see by, these are usually
white tapers in tall holders. A good supply of smaller coloured tapers will
prove an asset for spellcraft. Some represent the elements on their altars by
placing things of Earth in the Northern corner, Fire in the South, Water in
the West, and Air in the East. You may want an incense censor, an Athame or
wand, a chalice or cauldron, and images of ancestors, Gods or spirits that
aid you in your workings.

A temporary altar may be carried to any place that you wish when you intend to
work at another's home or in nature.