Saturday, August 31, 2013
Tarot - The Tower
The Meaning of The Tower Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 16 in the Major Arcarna (Trump Cards) The Tower falls and
nothing that was before can stand, you must rebuild upon a solid
foundation of truth. The Tower frequently stands for the collapse
of a system of belief because that system was built upon lies, tricks
or misunderstandings. Though the devastation is hard to bear what
come after will serve you better.
On Love The Tower Can Come At A Time When You Are Beginning To See
Your Beloved In A Different Light. Who You Thought You Were With
May Have Been Largely An Illusion, Whether Deliberately Deceived
Or Just Blinded By Love You Will Be Forced To See Things As They
Really Are Now.
In Career Readings The Tower Brings Change Of An Often Disruptive
Kind. Your Position May Be Eliminated, You May Be Forced To Transfer
Or The Hierarchy Of Your Company May Change Completely.
Tarot - The Devil
The Meaning of The Devil Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 15 in the Major Arcarna (Trump Cards) The Devil Is Not
The Biblical Devil Per Se, Rather He Stands For The Material Concerns
Running Roughshod Over Everything Else. When We Have Shackled Ourselves
To The Things And Situations That Do Not Bring Us Any True Happiness, To
Earthly Illusions And Overly Wanton Behaviors Or Addictions The Devil
Card Comes Up.
If Reversed Or Near Negative Cards The Devil Is A Warning Against
Treachery, Lies, Drug And Alcohol Addiction, Immoral Actions Of All
In Love The Devil Stands For Infidelity, Lies And Abusive Relationships.
If Near Positive Cards The Devil Can Represent A Kinky And Active Sex
In Career Readings There May Be Someone In Your Work Environment
Who Is A Danger To You Because Of Their Addictive Behaviors.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Tarot - Temperance
The Meaning of The Temperance Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 14 in the Major Arcarna (Trump Cards) Temperance Is
Both The Necessity And The Power To Balance, Mix and Meld Elements
In A Situation Like A Divine Chemist. The Alchemy Of Spirit. When
The Temperance Card Is Drawn Moderation And Balance Bring Untold
Happiness And Success. The Key To The Matter Is Harmonious Integration.
If Reversed Or Near Negative Cards Temperance Warns Against Addiction
And Overindulgences Of Any Kind As They Will Bring Great Harm At This
Time. Take Care To Eat Right And Exercise As Your Health May Be An
Issue Due To Imbalance. Possible Chemical Imbalance.
In Love Temperance Tells You To Hold Your Tongue And Take Care To
Be Balanced In Your Approach, Too Much Partying May Get In The Way
Of The Natural Flow Of Your Relationship.
In Career Readings Temperance Asks You To Find A Job That Leaves
You Feeling Balanced And Grounded. Late Nights And Stress Are To
Be Avoided.
Tarot - Death
The Meaning of The Death Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 13 in the Major Arcarna (Trump Cards) Death Transforms
Life Irrevocably And To Its Core. Sweeping Away People And Things In
Our Lives That Are No Longer Fit, Fruitful Or Healthy. Death May Not
Be Welcome But Without It We Would Have No Room For Growth.
If Reversed Or Near Negative Cards Death Can Be Long Overdue, Old
Ways And Situations Linger And Fester. There Is No Clearing Away And
Until There Is Nothing New Can Thrive.
In Love Readings Death Signals The End Of What Once Was. There Are
Break-Ups And Divorces Or The Love Has Just Gone Out Of The
Relationship Leaving Only A shell. It Is Time To Move On To Something
With Promise.
In career readings Death Tells You That To Make Progress You Must Move
Away From That Which No longer Serves Your Purposes, The Job You Have
May Not Be The One For You, There May No Longer Be Room For Growth.
Tarot - The Hanged Man
The Meaning of The Hanged Man Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 12 in the Major Arcarna (Trump Cards) The Hanged Man
predicts a time when all progress and activity is suspended. Like
the winters of old, nothing can move untill the time comes for
renewed action. The Hanged Man is Odin, hung from the World Tree
to gain the wisdom of the Ages. Use this time for self reflection,
reassessment and self improvement. A Period Of Inaction.
If reversed or near negative cards you are feeling lonely and shunned,
pushed out from society and your circle of friends. Regroup, reassess
and then when the time is right, start again fresh.
In love The hanged Man says that you should not try to make any
moves or changes at this time, settle in and make due with what
you have now,
In career readings The Hanged Man Says That You Are Being Held Back,
Your Effect Is Not Being Felt And Nothing You Do Seems To Matter.
Look To The Other Cards To See What You Can Do To Change This.
Tarot - Justice
The Meaning of The Justice Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 11 in the Major Arcarna (Trump Cards) Justice Stands
For Truth, Equality, Logic, Right Action And The Balancing Of The
Scales In All Things. The Justice Card Can Refer To Legalities And
Court Cases As Well. Karma, What You Sew In Life So Shall You Reap
And Justice Is There To Mark These Times. She Is Not A Card To Be
Feared Unless You Have Acted Unfairly, Then She Asks You To Right
The Wrongs That You Are Responsible For.
If reversed or near negative cards She Speaks Of Injustice And
Warns That If You Are Responsible, Now Is The Time To Put Things
Right. If You Have Been Just, Then Take Care To Ferret Out The One
Who Must Be Brought To Justice!
In love The Justice Card Can Stand For Legal Weddings, Name Changes
And The Adoption Of Children As Well As Legal Immigration For You
Or Your Lover.
In career readings Justice Speaks Of A Need For Honesty And Fairness.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Tarot - The Wheel of Fortune
The Meaning of The Wheel of Fortune Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 10 in the Major Arcarna (Trump Cards) The Wheel of Fortune
turns up to throw a curve into the course of your life. Those at the top
of the World are on their way back down and those down on their luck are
in for a ride to the top. The Wheel of Fortune is the ultimate card of
luck and fate. Whatever is in store for you it will be a big change.
If reversed or near negative cards The Wheel of Fortune may hit you
hard, knocking you off your feet and making you ask just what is happening.
Bad luck and negative turns of events.
In love The Wheel of Fortune is lucky, you may meet someone very unexpected.
If you are in a relationship, there will be changes, you may be in for a
bumpy ride.
In career readings The Wheel of Fortune says that today may be your lucky
day, get the job you want, that promotion, a new position opens up and
you are chosen for it without even asking.
Tarot - The Hermit
The Meaning of The Hermit Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 9 in the Major Arcarna (Trump Cards) The Hermit bodes a
time when the only true company you can keep is your own. A time to
quiet your mind and draw into yourself to find the hidden enlightenment.
The wisdom hinted at in The Hermit card is ageless, he is Time itself.
After you have locked yourself away from the World to see inside yourself
you will emerge ever wiser to share again with others.
If reversed or near negative cards The Hermit is a lonely card. For
some reason you have withdrawn from society, friends and family.
In love The Hermit card says that you need time for introspection and
self discovery before you will be ready to get involved in a relationship.
Take some time for yourself and self improvement, later you will be at
your best and ready to give of yourself to a partner.
In career readings The Hermit can mean the work of a spiritual leader
or scholar. In a more mundane sense it can mean anonymity or working
from home.
Tarot - Strength
The Meaning of The Strength Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 8 in the Major Arcarna (Trump Cards) is Strength. Not so much
strength in the physical sense rather fortitude as the old name for this
card is given. Strength tells you that in this matter it is essential
that you keep it together and from that you will gain the upper hand.
If reversed or near negative cards the need to hold on and be strong
is even more important, there could be danger if you let go and allow
yourself to fall apart. Things may take a while but if you are strong
you will make it through a better person.
In love Strength tells of a supportive partner.
In career readings Strength suggests that you may be in for a long haul.
Keep submitting resumes and do not let the rejection get you down.
Remember, all you need is one offer to come through, all the others
simply do not matter in the end.
Tarot - The Chariot
The Meaning of The Chariot Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 7 in the Major Arcarna (Trump Cards) The Chariot has control
of both sides of his being and with the power of that control moves forward
at a breathtaking speed. There are two sides to every human's nature and
they are often in conflict, pulling us in different directions. The Chariot
tells of one who does not suppress either nature, rather he is able to
reign them together to make forward progress.
If reversed or near negative cards the horses of our dual nature are
running rampant and the Chariot is on its way to being torn in two.
Control is needed if you wish to avoid a breakdown. Possible mental
break or melt down.
In Love The Chariot signifies success through bringing together conflicting
parts and pieces.
In career readings The Chariot can point to driving or vehicles, even a
long commute. A general harbinger of success in careers and business.
Tarot - The Lovers
The Meaning of The Lovers Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 6 in the Major Arcarna (Trump Cards) The Lovers, or
as it was once called in older decks "Love". This card comes up in a
reading when love is an issue.
There are important decisions to be made with your heart and your head.
Which lover to choose, whether to commit, how to treat your partner and
how you wish to be treated.
If reversed or near negative cards The Lovers can point to poly-amory,
cheating hearts and difficult decisions. A lack of essential affection
and/or communication.
In Love The Lovers portends a hot fling or satisfying love relationship
either way it will be exciting and important, sometimes even a soul
In career readings The Lovers points to decision making, communication
and business partnerships. Perhaps a new partner or a merger.
Tarot - The Hierophant
The Meaning of The Hierophant Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 5 in the Major Arcarna (Trump Cards) is The Hierophant,
spiritual consort of The High Priestess. Where her knowledge of the
spirit was held deep within, The Hierophant speaks out loud and
clear in front of his congregation. He is The Establishment,
convention, authority and The System. He takes the Divine and
brings it down to us in mundane terms.
If reversed or near negative cards The Hierophant can be far too
stiffing and influence. It could be telling you to take care
to heed convention and make sure not to make waves.
In love The Hierophant can mean legal marriage, look for cups
cards and The Lovers near by.
In a career reading The Hierophant says to be conventional
and to do things by the book in order to make a good impression
and climb the ladder.
Tarot - The Emperor
The Meaning of The Emperor Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 4 in the Major Arcarna (Trump Cards) is The Emperor. Lord of
order and authority the Emperor is the leader and father of all. He has
a very demanding job, taking care of his land and subjects but he never
shirks his responsibility. He is wise and strong he has seen it all
and he rules fairly with deep insight. His rules are strict but they
are made for the good of all. He has built and overseen the construction
of an entire kingdom and his edicts bring further order, you must follow
his rules and when you do, you will live a long and happy life.
If reversed or near negative cards The Emperor is a tyrant who rules with
an iron fist. His will is law and any who dare to go against him will
be summarily crushed. An abusive husband or father.
In love The Emperor is a solid man, wise and a good provider and husband.
In career readings The Emperor often represents the boss and authority
possibly you are in for a promotion or shall be asked to take on more
Tarot - The Empress
The Meaning of the The Empress Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 3 in the Major Arcana (Trump Cards) is the fertile Empress.
Mother of all material fruitfulness she promotes all that is born to
grow in this life. She can portend marriages and children. She is the
Natural Woman herself, consort of The Emperor and co-ruler of the
Material World. As such she can represent a Mother as well as Motherhood
a midwife or childcare worker.
If reversed of near negative cards the Empress can be temperamental
and impossible to please. She can be like a distant queen or movie
starlet who wants everyone to worship her without a care for their needs.
She can throw tantrums and be pompous or overly vain. A smothering
In Love the Empress is the epitome of sensuality, a delight to the senses
and brings great happiness and fertility. There is opportunity for great
love without hardship. A nurturing mother and a loving wife.
In Career readings the Empress grants luck, especially in fields that
have to do with nature. Gardening, herbalism, wine making and even
art. The Empress multiples the finer things if you are willing to tend to
them lovingly.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Tarot - The High Priestess
The Meaning of The High Priestess Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 2 in the Major Arcana (Trump Cards) is the mysterious
High Priestess. The Dark Feminine who is the silent Queen of Intuition
never speaks but reveals the secrets of the Universe through dreams,
feelings and intuitive knowing. Often her appearance in a reading tells
you that there is more going on than is seen and you know it, some
how. Secrets and hidden knowledge.
If reversed or near negative cards she can be cold and hold her secrets
maddening those to whom she appears. You may be blocking out your intuition
and closing yourself off from your innate spirituality or simply refusing
to pay attention to the voice in the back of your mind.
In Love readings for a man The High Priestess represents the woman of
your dreams, though she may be unobtainable. Maybe you have just placed
her on a pedestal. For a woman she bodes well for a spiritual love
connection that transcends the normal mundane boundaries or she can
herald a time when you prefer to keep your own company.
In career readings she points to intuitive jobs such as tarot reading
and psychics. She may be saying that you need to take up a course of
study to further your career, though this may mean taking a break from
the work itself. If you are dissatisfied at work, you should hold off
on making any moves, wait and see.
Tarot - The Magician
The Meaning of The Magician Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Card number 1 in the Major Arcana (Trump Cards) of the Tarot is the archetypal
Magician. With the innate ability to use each of the Elements represented by
the four suits of the Tarot on the altar in front of him he is creator of his
own destiny! He masters all and surmounts all obstacles with a placid facade and
a knowing sparkle in his eye.
The Magician Card most often represents yourself in a reading and when he does
he is telling you to use your own power to forge ahead to success in the matter.
Your talents are many, use them.
If reversed or near negative cards the Magician becomes the untrustworthy
charlatan, one who with deceptive words and slight of hand makes fools of
others as he cares only for himself, and his own power. He sees the World
as his own but does nothing to contribute.
In Love the Magician is charming, magical and powerful. He can transform
your life as he steals your heart. Make sure he is around positive cards.
In Career readings The Magician is a masterful jack-of-all-trades and
bodes well in things such as marketing, selling and start ups. If you
can visualize it, you can make it so!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Tarot - The Fool
The Meaning of The Fool Card
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
Numbered 0 in the Major Arcana (Trump Cards) The Fool Card is the Cosmic Child
of the Universe as he sets about on his journey. We all take the Fool's journey in this life,
several times in fact. When we enter a new phase in life, embark upon a new venture ect...
There is a sense of wonder and amazement with the Fool, everything is being seen and
experienced as if for the first time! The unknown brings excitement rather than fear,
expectation rather than uncertainty.
If well aspected, as in upright and near positive cards the Fool tells you that, though it
may seem foolish, the plans you have been putting together will go well and bring exciting
new learning experiences. Setting out in a strange career, moving to a foreign land, dating
someone you would never think of dating in the past, be the Fool and gain his perspective
from the exploration of new ventures.
When reversed or near negative cards like the Tower or The Devil, the Fool portends
dangerously immature decisions and childish foolishness. You need to think more deeply
about your path and make more sound and conventional decisions.
In Love the Fool brings a fresh perspective full of fun and trust, reminiscent of first love.
This relationship may heal old wounds of betrayal and cynicism allowing you to love and
be loved boundlessly!
For Careers the Fool tells of ingenuity and a totally new prospective in your established
career or, more likely a jump to one that you have no real experience with and the Fool
bodes well for you! Take the plunge!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Modern Magical Societies
The OCS Society for Magical Sciences
Years ago in New England a number of magical people found themselves meeting
frequently to work many kinds of magic to aid those close to themselves and ended
up teaching each other all that they knew. Over time they took to battling against
various forces of destruction affecting the lives of people the World over. For years
the tasks got harder and more dangerous, becoming a relentless fight against
anything that was working evil on a large scale. This activity took its toll on the group
and their mission was inevitably changed.
The OCS was eventually reformed becoming a more academic Magical Society
now numbering five official members and many unofficial liaisons. The mission being
the relentlesss study, discussion and dissemination of many levels of magical knowledge
without the normal secrecy attached. The members of the OCS are individuals and
each have their own special knowledge and talents. Unlike Magical Societies of the
past, there is an open sharing of every type of Magic known, between them there are
generations of different Magical Traditions as well as many years of personal practice.
The OCS has always been a closed group though recently members have been in
serious deliberation over the matter of opening the group to new memberships.
The Golden Dawn
Known as "The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn" is the first of three
Magical Orders that were started in England in the late 19th century.
Through initiation members are taught a number of magical systems and
esoteric philosophies. Most fundamental of which is the understanding
of the four Elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water.
There teachings are a patchwork of "Truths" and wisdoms taken from such
sources as Ancient Egypt, Christianity, Judaism and Hellenist Greece.
The main function of these teachings is to bring the students into "The
Light of Truth".
"The Ruby Rose and Cross of Gold" The Rosicrucian Order is a magical
system and they except members of all faiths and spiritual paths.
This is the second magical order after the "Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn" in which those who have completed the requirements of the First Order
are taught more advanced magics and principals like Alchemy and Astral travel.
They teach people how the whole of the spectrum of metaphysics is connected
and us with it. Their goal is to become the most powerful you as a person can be.
The third magical order accessible to only a few is the order of "The Secret Chiefs".
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Celtic Neo-paganism
Celtic neo-paganism encompasses may different orders which may be of interest to those
of Celtic heritage. Some of the main spiritual paths hereunder are "The Druidic
Order", "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn", "Celtic Wicca", "Celtic
Reconstruction" and "Celtic Neo-shamanism".
Celtic Wicca
A standard form of Wicca in which the Celtic Gods and Fairies are featured most
prominently. The ancient Celtic Gods most worshiped are: The Morrigan, a triple
Goddess who's aspects include Badb, Macha and Nemain. She is called Terror Queen
and often appears as a raven or crow.
Brigit, also a triple Goddess. She has two sisters who are named Brigit. They are
the daughters of the Dagda of the Tuatha De Dannan. They are deities of poetry,
healing and the smithy.
The Dagda, called "The Good God" as he was good at everything he tried. He has a
club of power and a cauldron. The club could kill as well as resurrect. He is a
father God and protector of the Clan.
Lugh, Spear God, lightening God and trickster of the Tuatha De Dannan. Worshiped
at the harvest festival Lughnasadh.
Cernunos is the horned God of male animals, fertility and the land below (underworld).
A God of the cycles of birth, life, death and rebirth.
The Tuatha De Dannan are a race of Gods who lived in Tara. They are the people of
the Goddess Danu. The Dagda was their High King. They invaded Ireland and took it
over from the Fir Bolg. Also revered in Celtic Wicca are the Sidhe, the Fairies who
live underground in mounds called Hollow Hills.
Druids were, in ancient Gaul, Britain and Ireland, the Priestly class before
the common era. Their secret training was conducted in secluded groves and in
caves and it is no longer known exactly what they learned. It is known however,
that the Druids practiced human sacrifice of what kind and to what end is still
Noted for their worship of the Moon and Nature and especially trees, there is an
account written by a Roman Pliny the Elder which tells of the ritual of the Oak and
the Mistletoe wherein the Druids, dressed in white cloaks climbed an oak tree with
a golden scythe and cut down the mistletoe letting it fall into a white cloth. Two white
bulls with gilded horns were then sacrificed and a feast was held. This was said to be done
so that the Mistletoe could impart fertility on any animal who was given a drink
containing it.
Though what the Druids did exactly remains unknown some claiming to have connections
to those of the old Druid Order who have passed have amassed and interesting amount
of UPG (Unsubstantiated Personal Gnosis) with a mind toward reconstruction.
There are modern day practitioners who make pilgrimages to Stone Henge at the Summer
Solstice June 21st and Winter Solstice of each year.
Magical Uses of Flowers
Apple Blossom : Attracts Love, The Feminine, Promotes Fertility,
Fosters Fidelity, Good Harvest, Healing, Immortality,
Blesses Marriage, The Planet of Venus, The Element of
Aster : Attracts Love, Trust, Shared Sentiments, Brings Variety,
Autumnal Equinox, The Feminine, The Planet of Venus,
The Element of Water
Bleeding Heart : Attracts Love When Grown in the Garden, if Grown
Indoors Place a Penny in the Soil, The Feminine, The
Planet of Venus, The Element of Water
Bluebell : Brings Good Luck, Truth, Constancy. Increases Strength,
Plant on Graves as a Comforting Memorial (With Rosemary
for Remembrance)
Blue Flag : Money Drawing Spells to Attract Wealth, Use the Root,
The Feminine, The Planet of Venus, The Element of Water
Camellia : Riches, Excellence, Grants Luxury, The Moon, The Feminine,
The Element of Water
Carnation : Used in Protection, Increases Strength Especially in
Those Who are Sick, Promotes Healing, Pride, Fosters
Beauty, Passion, The Masculine, The Sun, The Element of
Chamomile : Draws Money, Aids in Sleep, Attracts Love, Used in
Purification Spells, Brings Good Luck, Draws Money,
Promotes Peace, The Sun, Tranquility, Facilitates
Healing, Reduction of Stress, Restful Sleep, Aids
in Meditation, Gambling Luck, Attracts wealth, The
Masculine, The Sun, The Element of Water
Chrysanthemum : Used in Protection Spells, Protects the Health of
The Mind, The Moon (Asia), The Masculine, The Sun, The
Element of Fire
Cornflower : Psychism, Delicacy, The Leaves Yield a Magical Blue Ink,
The Planets of Venus and Saturn, The Patron Herb of Herbalists
Columbine : Enhances Courage, Attracts Love, Resolve to Win, Animal Magic,
Birds, The Feminine, The Planet of Venus, The Element of Water
Crocus : Hope, Attracts Love, Facilitates Visions, Aphrodisiac, Beginnings,
Aids in Divination, The Planet of Mercury, Recognition,
The Spring Time, Increases Strength, The Planet Venus.
Attracts Wealth, Youthful Joy, The Feminine
Cyclamen : Promotes Fertility, Used in Protection Spells, Sparks Lust,
Bolsters Confidence, Handfasting, Facilitates Joy, Increases
the Libido, The Planet of Mars, Wards off Nightmares,
Relationships, Blesses Weddings, The Feminine, The Planet of
Venus, The Element of Water
Daffodil : Attracts Love, Grants Fertility, Brings Good Luck, Promotes
Chivalry, Gains Respect
Daisy : Innocence, Faithful Love, Promotes Purity, Brings Good Luck
Edelweiss : Grants Invisibility in Magical Workings, Bullet-Proofing,
Increases Compassion
Euphorbia : Purification Spells, Used in Protection Spells,
Gardenia : Attracts Love, Promotes Peace, Facilitates Healing, Brings
Comfort to the Sick and Ailing, Increases Spirituality,
Geranium : Grants Fertility, Facilitates Health, Attracts Love, Used in
Protection Spells, Aids in Childbirth, Grants Conception,
Happiness, Promotes Prosperity, Useful in Uncrossing
Heather : Used in Protection Spells, Rain Making, Brings Good Luck,
Increases Cooperation, Attracts the Faeries, The Feminine,
Blesses Marriage, The Planet of Mercury, Promotes Peace,
Venus, The Element of Water
Hibiscus : Sparks Lust, Attracts Love, Facilitates Divination, Promotes
the Dream State
Honeysuckle : Draws Money, Increases Psychic Powers, Used in Protection
Spells, The Element of Earth, Promotes Fidelity, Fosters
Generosity, Increases Intuition, Attracts Love, The Maiden,
Blesses Marriage, The Planet of Mercury, Spring
Hydrangea : Used in Hex Breaking, Attracts Faithful Love, Useful in
Iris : Used in Purification Spells, Grants Wisdom, Messages, Good News
Jasmine : Attracts Love, Draws Money, Grants Wealth, Promotes Prophetic
Dreams, Inspiration and New Ideas
Ladys slipper : Used in Protection Spells, Promotes Beauty
Larkspur : Facilitates Health, Used in Protection Spells, The Feminine,
Ghosts, Heroes, Protects Livestock, Repels Scorpions and Snakes, Warriors,
The Element of Water
Lavender : Attracts Love, Used in Protection Spells, Aids in Sleep,
Chastity, Promotes Longevity, Useful in Purification,
Fosters Happiness, Promotes Peace, Facilitates Healing,
The Element of Air, Grants Fertility, The Planet of
Mercury, Mind
Lilac : Useful in Exorcism, Used in Protection Spells, Beauty, Innocence
Lily : Used in Protection Spells, Breaking Love spells, Grants Fertility,
Renewal, Blesses Marriage, Fosters Happiness, Promotes Prosperity
Lily of the Valley : Increases Mental Powers, Fosters Happiness, Repels
Negative Energy, Stops Harassment, longevity in marriage
Looestrife : Promotes Peace, Used in Protection Spells, Pretense
Magnolia : Promotes Fidelity, Brings Dignity, Nature
Marigold : The Sun, Used in Protection Spells, Promotes Prophetic Dreams,
Success in Business and Legal Matters, Increases Psychic Powers,
Attracts Love, The Masculine, The Element of Fire, Ancestors, The Dead
Mimosa : Used in Protection Spells, Attracts Love, Promotes Prophetic
Dreams, Useful in Purification
Orchid : Attracts Love, Fosters Beauty, Promotes Sexual Activity,
Aphrodisiac, Sexual Potency, Blesses Weddings and Handfastings
Pansy : Attracts Love, Used in Rain Magic, Attracts Love, Facilitates
Passion Flower : Promotes Peace, Aids in Sleep, Brings Friendship
Peony : Used in Protection from Hexes, Brings Good Luck, Good Fortune,
Promotes Prosperity, Attracts The Faeries
Periwinkle : Attracts Love, Sparks Lust, Increases Mental Powers, Draws
Money, Used in Protection Spells
Poppy : Grants Fertility, Attracts Love, Promotes Prosperity, Abundance,
Aids in Sleep, Draws Money, Brings Good Luck, Grants Invisibility
in Magical Workings, Agriculture, Soldiers, The Dead, Death,
The Moon
Primrose : Used in Protection Spells, Attracts Love, Used to Reveal
the Truth and Break Secrets
Rose : Attracts Love, Promotes Psychic Powers, Facilitates Healing,
Attracts Love, Promotes Divination, Brings Good Luck, Used in
Protection Spells, Sacred to Aphrodite, Fosters Happiness,
Promotes Security, Blesses Weddings, Hang a Rose over the Table
to Keep Meetings Secret
Sunflower : Promotes Fertility, Grants Wishes, Facilitates Health, Grants
Wisdom, Pride, Appreciation, The Masculine, The Sun, The Element
of Fire
Sweetpea : Fosters Friendship, Promotes Chastity, Increases Courage,
Grants Strength, Promotes Peace, Attracts Love, Joy, Increases
Spiritul Strength, Truth, Grants Arcane Wisdom
Tulip : Attracts and Expresses Love, Promotes Prosperity, Fosters Happiness,
Helps Reliese Fear, Keeps One Safe, Abundance
Violet : Used in Protection Spells, Brings Good Luck, Attracts Love,
Sparks Lust, Grants Wishes, Promotes Peace, Facilitates Healing,
Faithfulness, Promotes Peace, The Planet of Venus
Love spell,
Salem, MA, USA
Magical Tools & Supplies
Depending on how you decide to practice magic there are a variety of tools
and supplies you may choose to use in your workings. This is a list of the
most common items. Most magical people never use them all, though may have
experience with the majority after a few years. You are encouraged to
experiment with as may of them as you see fit usually your intuition guides
you to the most natural way in which you should work.
Sacred salt -
Magically charged sea salt. A jar of sacred salt is a basic nessessity to
any practitioner of magic, period. Spread some Salt over any threshold to
assure that no Negative Energy/Entities may cross. A pinch over the
shoulder stops that which is following you. Cleanse, purify and consecrate
people, objects and areas by sprinkling with the salts or a mixture of salt
and water. Used weekly as a bathe it keeps your Energy flowing unfettered
and pure for optimum power as well as cleansing and strengthens the Aura.
Candles -
Fire signs often possess many candles. When fire is your power Element you
can more easily build and channel your energy into any working by having a
candle lit within arms length. Altar Candles light the space for the magical
work at hand and spell candles (often of a colour specific to the spell) are
burned as the Intent Candle. It is advisable to have a large store of candles
on hand.By keeping a supply of many different colours and types of candles on
hand you can further hone your energy and intent.
Wands and staves -
Used to direct and focus personal power, made of any number of natural woods
and sometimes tipped with crystals, metals or stones. Certain woods have their
own innate qualities and a careful choice will aid in any spell. If you have
trouble translating your own power in a particular vein, try a wand specifically
for the purpose. Staves (Staffs) and wands are used in directing energy in spell
work. You can and should make one for yourself: take a cutting from the appropriate
living shrub or tree. Always ask the tree first and it is a good idea to leave an
offering or a preset at the base of the tree like honey or quartz. A stick or stem
of pencil width and under a foot long should suffice for a Wand, Staves should be
a few inches longer than you are high and around 2" thick. Sand to smooth off bark.
You may wish to adorn your stave or wand with carvings and magical symbols of
intent depending upon the Wand/Stave's intended use. Lay out on your Altar or out
in the light of the Moon to charge and then assign it it's purpose.
Asperager -
A small twig or branch that is dipped into Salt Water or Sacred liquid and used
to besprinkle people, the Altar, or space. Blessing. This is usually cut right
before it is to be used. As with any plant, ask permission before cutting.
Divination devices -
There are almost too many ways through which we may attempt to divine the
future and likely events. You may have to work with a few of them in order to
see which ones work the best for you and give you the clearest readings. You may
already suspect your chosen method, try that first. Among the myriad methods are
Tarot Cards, Rune Staves/Stones, Scrying Mirror or Bowl, Crystal Ball, Pendulum,
I Ching, Augery.
Tarot Cards -
Divination by Tarot uses the standard meanings associated with the cards
themselves as well as flashes and psychic intuition to see a clear path of
the probable future.
Crystal Ball -
Gazing into the Crystal ball by the light of a single candle brings about
clear visions of past, present and future.
Scrying Mirror or Bowl -
Two other forms of scrying used similarly to the Crystal Ball.
Pendulum -
Yes/No answers, finding location on a map, detect the presence of negative or
positive spirits and energy.
Censor, charcoal, incense -
Air spells are often worked by smouldering incense, at the very least incense
will draw the Element of Air to the aid of any working. You may simply choose
to keep a small box of stick incenses or you might have a censor and smoulder
herbs and resins on a charcoal block.
Smudge Stick -
Use the smoldering smoke of a sage smudge stick to cleanse yourself and your
home or to raise positive vibrations.
Charcoal - Self ignighting charcoal blocks are used to smolder resins and
dried herbs for use as incenses, offerings and smudges for cleansing
Censor - Fireproof container for the burning charcoal and incense.
Incense Holder - For stick or cone incense.
Pentacle -
An effective way to bless a spell or an object is with a blessing pentacle,
this can be any number of things but very basically it is a five pointed star
ringed by a circle often placed upon an altar. The object you wish to make
magical or sacred is then placed upon the pentacle until charged. A small,
silver pentacle worn about the neck serves this purpose as well. It need not
necessarily be a pentacle, as you progress you may very well find that another
symbol suits your magic better. In the North a hammar is used in place of the
pentacle in all these ways.
Athame -
A small ritual knife, usually sharpened on both edges. It should be reserved
for the purpose of magic. Used in casting a magic circle for spell work and
for directing protection. In Wiccan Ceremonial Magic the Athame represents the
Male and The God. Some, when the get theirs, after cleansing its energy, anoint
it with their own blood. This is not recommended for any but the most adept who
have years of serious practice in their favor.
Sax or Magical Knife -
This small bladed knife is used to cut herbs, scratch symbols onto candles, cut
cords ect. Never use it for anything besides magical work.
Chalice -
A large silver cup is used in some rites to drink holy toasts as it symbolizes
the Womb, Water, Feminine and the Goddess. This is primarily a tool of Wiccan
Ceremonial Magic.
Cauldron -
A fireproof, cast iron pot that represents the womb of creation it is used for
a variety of purposes such as indoor fire scrying, potion making, water scrying,
tinctures and brews ect.
Cauldron Spirits -
A tincture of alcohol and sacred herbs used to create Cauldron Fire. This fire is
used in Elemental Fire Spells and as a substitute for Bonfire
Emergencies -
Beyond sacred salt there are a few other elements you may wish to keep on hand
in case of emergency. Keeping yourself safe and being prepared to fight back
when needful are basic nessessities. Copper, silver, sea salt, brick dust, icons,
cross, holy water.
Brickdust -
Sprinkled as a barrier against Deamonic Entities barring their entry into your
home or sacred space.
Ribbons, cords, pouches -
You may wish to have an assortment of small coloured cloth pouches and lengths
of cord, ribbon or string if you wish to make herb bags, spell pouches and if you
wish to practice cord magic.
Herbs -
Earth signs will probably have quite a collection or herbs, woods, resins and
other plant materials in their work area. Even a simple and modest supply can be
of great value in magic. They can be burned as incense or offerings, made into
small spell bags to be carried or placed at a remote location to aid in the
strength and accuracy of your spell or working. If you are inclined, potions,
infusions and tinctures can be made.
Oils -
Water signs may acquire more than a few bottles of oils, avatars and unguents
on shelves or in boxes. Anoint candles and other objects to imbue them with
your intent. The goals achieved with oil are reached through aroma and the
vibration signature inherent in the particular oil.
Crystals and Stones -
A collection of tumbles stones and crystal points can be used to augment spells
especially Elemental Earth Spells.
Journal -
You will want to keep a record to aid you in your progress. A journal is
a place to put favored information, symbols and spells as well as to record
your experiences with the Otherworld, tarot readings and dreams. It is
recommended that you use a separate journal for dreams to keep right by the bed.
Your journal must be blank when you start it and not used for any other purpose.
Pen, Ink and Parchment -
For journal writing and certain spells and symbols.
Matches -
For lighting candles, incense smudge, Cauldron Spirits, ect...
Vase -
A Vase on the Altar is useful for holding flowers and fresh herbs used in spells
and rites.
Tibetan Singing Bowl -
Sonic cleansing vibrations strengthen Aura and balance Chakras.
Choosing a Magical Path
How to choose a Magical Path
The decision to pursue a study in Magic itself very often leads to choosing
what is called a "Magical Path". This is an important decision as you will
only flourish if you are working on the path that is best for you. Choosing
the wrong path is not irreversible, but leads to delays and wastes time.
Review the different ways to find your path and the overviews of the many
paths themselves before undertaking to devote yourself to any.
One way to determine your new path is through the stories and "mythologies" of
different regions. Are you in love with Beowulf? The Lord of the Rings? Do you
love the "Clash of the Titans" or read the Odyssey? Have you read the Kalevala
5-6 times? The path those stories belong to could the one for you.
Music is also something to consider, are you the only one you know addicted to
Latin music? Is Celtic or harp music always playing in your car? Do Buddhist
tapes make it out of your yoga room and into work with you? Are you ever awaiting
the release of the next Viking Metal Epic? Ask yourself if your taste in music
may be a key to your true spirituality as music itself comes to us through the Soul.
Do you practice yoga? Are you in Karate? Do you take German Longsword classes?
Do you read voraciously? Are you forever wandering the forests touching every
tree and searching for Fairies? Do you have a favored Cleric character in D&D?
Have you had the urge to take up belly dancing for reasons other than fitness? Do
you recycle everything? Often what you already do is a key to what path your soul
wants to take. Action logically leads to action so pay close attention to your own.
What is your innate personality like? Are you peaceful and quiet? Are you drawn
to the Military? Do you want to change your environment through magic? Do you
feel that life is to be lived for the moment and everything is to be experienced?
Are you no nonsense and highly analytical? Do you prefer a scientific approach?
The type of personality that you have is a major point to consider when choosing a
religious path. You must find a good fit as you will probably fail at trying to
change your personality completely to fit any religion. This in fact may be why
you were dissatisfied with your birth religion in the first place and it is
best not to make that mistake in choosing your new path.
Is there a New Age store or Magic Shoppe in your area? A pagan pride day? Even
large bookstores have "Metaphysical" sections in which you can browse. These
places and the people you meet there may give you some ideas.Notice what you like,
what you gravitate toward. What do they have in common? Do you just love all the
trinkets involved in Wiccan spellcasting? Are those African art carvings and masks
calling to you, whispering secrets? Must you beat on every drum you see or are the
Tibetan singing bowls your fascination? Does the very flame of a lit spell candle
shine into your very heart?
The Internet is by far one of the greatest tools you can use when finding you path
as well as a help along your way. There are a wealth of sites devoted to the
dissemination of information and groups you can join. Any path you can think of has
links somewhere on the web. Through the many message boards you can find other
like minded people with which to share your thoughts and ideas.
Sitting in a quite darkened room with soft music, chanting, lying on the beach and
listening to the waves, climbing a mountain and wandering through the forest are all
excellent ways of getting to a point where you can quite yourself and take yourself
out of the hurried rush of everyday life long enough to listen to your heart and soul.
Listen carefully and you may be reached by the Gods. It may sound hokey but the Gods
have called many people this way and there is a good chance that by following this
simple exercise several times that you may hear their voice as well. Take a small
note pad to record anything you may hear or any impressions you may get while on this
meditative journey. Look over these notes in quiet moments that you may have.
What may at first seem like silliness may in time be seen for what it is really worth.
The Icelanders conducted a practice called Utisetta (Sitting out) wherein they would
go to a wild and remote location and sit on a blanket over night. Any animals seen to
come into their vicinity and show themselves were considered their spirit guides.
The voice of Odin, God of Wisdom and secrets was heard through the rustling of
the leaves.
Other Things to Consider
Do you want to work alone or with a group? This will determine whether you will work
and study as a solitary practitioner or seek out a group, Kindred, Coven, Grove, Hearth
or Magical Society. Are you introverted and a self learner? Do you blossom and come
into your own when in a group context? Are mountains of book and your own intuition
all you need or do you seek the knowledge of others as well to help you grow?
The Soul Complex in Magic
What is The Soul and how to reclaim possession of it.
In our modern society we have mearly one word for the whole of the human soul.
Everything non-material within a person is encapsulated in this single word,
interchangeable with the word Spirit so that any differentiation has become lost.
Any culture with extensive understanding of a concept will have a rich vocabulary
that it uses to discuss the subject in full. If you want to fully understand and
develop any important concept you must have terminology with which to frame it
The Human Soul is a mufti-dimensional form that is inextricable from, and works in
tandem with the Physical Body. It is naturally centered within the physical body itself,
from there it extends out past the physical limits of the body. The soul has many parts
and these soul parts are made of Subtle Energy of different frequencies. Some parts are
immortal and follow a being from life to life and some are unique to each singular
The Breath of Life, Chi, Prana, Odinic Force, these are names for the vital energy in
the body of the Soul which runs throughout the body and encompasses the Chakras, our body's
energy centers. The health of this energy system is directly linked to that of the
body, to lose this is to die. When one works Black Magic they invariably find that
they begin to sicken in this area of the Soul.
The Heart in the Soul Complex is the seat of energetic emotion this is where you process
the feeling of all energy. In your Heart lies your faculty for empathy and intuitive
feelings for which there are no words.
There is even a portion of the soul complex that affects the physical features of the
body itself and can be used to project into other places, like the Astral Body. This
is the part the Shaman uses when they travel to the "Other World" or Spirit dimension
within our own World.
There is a portion of the Soul Complex made up of its own parts that together form a kind
of Soul Brain. Within this brain there is the unconscious bit that has its finger dipped
in the Collective Unconscious of Man and The Universe, the Great Well of Knowledge both
good and ill. All of Humanity's ideas and experiences past, present and all possible
futures. This portion of the soul is not uniquely our own but rather
comes to be a part of us to aid us and grant us wisdom while alive. A protective source of
advice akin to the conscience or the so-called Higher Self and intuition.
Then there are the conscious bits of the Soul's Brain Complex. Thought and memory.
Though the physical brain may fire neurons when you are thinking, thought does not
occur primarily in the physical Brain, rather it takes place in the non physical Mind.
Where the Will resides so too does personal power and those few who develop the Will
develop additional skills such as charisma and are adept in the use of magic. When
one is said to lead a charmed life it is the effects of the developed Will at
work in all things, this is the ideal state for every person in life.
Will has been called a gift of the Gods and the Divine Spark Inside, Man's True Power.
A portion of the Soul is passed through the family line, this Folk Soul is your connection
to your Ancestors and your Ancestral lands as well. This piece is immortal and
as it goes along from person to person, incarnation to incarnation it grows evermore
complex and intricate. This is also what allows one to reincarnate into one's own
family as is very often done.
Reclaiming possession of your Soul
It is of paramount importance that you remember that your Soul, like your Will
is your personal source of power and potency in this World and must never
be given over to another, be it God or man! No decent entity will ask for control
of either one for any reason. You can be sure evil is afoot whenever you are made
an offer in return for either. What God, Spirit or man could ever respect you
once you had dis-empowered yourself and given your very self over to another?
If you have gone through Christian Baptism your soul has been pledged to the
Christian God. You may have been Baptized as an infant or chosen it for yourself
when you had reached age of consent.
Either way you may should regain control of your Soul and with it your Will and Destiny.
Provided here are a few methods for reversing a Baptism.
If you were Baptized as an infant or otherwise pledged before age or reason to any God
you may wish to follow this form: In the sea, a lake, a stream of clean flowing water or
in a tub of water at home coat yourself with any silver you can find and submerge yourself.
Upon resurfacing state: "I reclaim my Soul from the chains of my parents promises as is my
If you underwent Baptism of your own free Will but wish to reclaim your Soul from the Christian God
you may try this: Cover yourself in any silver you can find and in a pure body of water by the light
of the moon submerge yourself. when you have resurfaced state: "I reclaim my Soul as my own and
renounce the power of my ignorant promises!" Feel no remorse at this statement, you must truly
mean to have it relinquished and any guilt or doubt as to your rightful ownership will serve
to negate the working.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Dispelling Negative Energy With Sage Smudge
By Fern, OCS Herbalist
Occasionally you will feel oppressed by either a build up of Negative
Energy, a Negative Magical Entity or an attack. The symptoms are easily
identified, you may feel off, depressed, become sick, have a pessimistic
attitude or start arguments unnecessarily. You may just feel that
Negative Energy has built up in your body, your home or your sacred
space. At any rate, is time to cleanse.
Sage is an excellent smudge herb, a small dried bundle is ignited and
then blown out to smoldering. Then it becomes a wand of cleansing smoke.
Alternatively you can ignite a charcoal block (not the type used in
barbecue) and burn some loose sage upon that. You may choose to used a
mixture of sage and sweet-grass or another herb but sage is best even alone.
Pure Sea Salt or Silver & Holy Water Sea Salts are powerful cleansers
as well and can be strewn upon the ground, or dissolved in water to use as
a wash for magical items or a cleansing bathe. Bathing in these salts can be
done on a daily basis to prevent energetic infection and keep your vibrations
high, if you regularly practice magic, this is highly recommended!
You will want to cleanse yourself before you undertake any other cleansing to
prevent redepositing the negativity as you go. Any braids, knots or belts
should be undone before the cleanse as they can hold the energy. While you
cleanse, visualize the Negative Energies flowing down out of your body and
down into the ground and then replace the energy by drawing Positive Energy
down from the Universe. Whenever you clear Negative Energy you must make
sure to replace it with positive or else you create a sort of vacuum that
will simply draw the Negative Energy back and possibly even more with it.
Once you have the smudge going, place your hands in the stream of the smoke,
rubbing them together as you would whilst washing them. With your hands cup
the smoke and waft it down over the top of your head several times and move
the smoke down the body front and back till you reach the feet. While you
cleanse push the negativity down into the Earth. The Earth is the most
powerful grounding agent there is, it will convert the energy and purify it,
this will not harm the Earth at all. You may now rebraid and fasten your belt.
After cleansing yourself take the smudge with you to the highest point in the
home or building. In a counter clockwise motion go through every room, corner
to corner wafting the smoke. Feathers are useful in spreading the smoke especially
if you are using loose sage. Banish the Negative Energy with simple powerful
words or prayers and be sure to draw down Positive Energy to replace it. Do not
forget the closets, cupboards, drawers under the beds and up chimneys. Follow
this procedure down through each level until you reach the cellar or lowest floor.
If necessary, place Sea salt in water and sprinkle some down every drain and in
the toilets.
Now smile and breath easy, enjoy the Positive Vibrations and witness the
benefits of living in a positively charged environment!
Magical Cleansing,
Negative Energy,
Positive Energy,
Salem, MA, USA
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Quick and Easy Tarot Card Meanings
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
These are exceedingly simplified meanings for each card in the Tarot Deck,
invaluably useful for those just starting to read the cards by themselves.
After you have become acquainted with these meanings using the cards will
show you more and more of the myriad messages contained within the Tarot.
The Major Arcana
0, The Fool : Childlike new starts
1, The Magician : Master of skills
2, The High Priestess : Intuition
3, The Empress : Mother Nature
4, The Emperor : Father figure
5, The Hierophant : The Establishment
6, The Lovers : Love
7, The Chariot : Holding opposite forces together
8, Justice : Fairness, Law
9, The Hermit : Choosing solitude
10, The Wheel of Fortune : Changing luck
11, Strength : Fortitude
12, The Hanged Man : Suspension
13, Death : Endings
14, Temperance : Moderation
15, The Devil : Primitive drives
16, The Tower : It all falls down
17, The Star : Hope
18, The Moon : Confusion
19, The Sun : Your day in the Sun
20, Judgement : Pay the piper
21, The World : Accomplishment
The Minor Arcana
Ace of Swords : Yes, Pure logic
2 of Swords : Stalemate
3 of Swords : Heartbreak
4 of Swords : Resting
5 of Swords : Self-interest
6 of Swords : Sadness/Recovery
7 of Swords : Going it alone or behind someones back
8 of Swords : Feeling bound
9 of Swords : Nightmares, Cruelty
10 of Swords : Complete mental Anguish
Page of Swords : Telephone Messages
Knight of Swords : Rushing in to a situation
Queen of Swords : An intellectual Woman
King of Swords : An intellectual man
Ace of Wands : Yes, Pure Creativity
2 of Wands : Originality
3 of Wands : Visionary
4 of Wands : Celebration
5 of Wands : Competition
6 of Wands : Victory
7 of Wands : Fight for yourself
8 of Wands : Speed
9 of Wands : Hang tough
10 of Wands : Over burdened
Page of Wands : Internet messages
Knight of Wands : An adventurer
Queen of Wands : A creative woman
King of Wands ; A creative man
Ace of Cups : Yes, Pure love
2 of Cups : Emotional union
3 of Cups : Parties
4 of Cups : Dissatisfaction
5 of Cups : Emotional grieving
6 of Cups : Nostalgia
7 of Cups : Desires
8 of Cups : Walking away
9 of Cups : Emotional Satisfaction (Wish Card)
10 of Cups : A happy Relationship (marriage)
Page of Cups : Love Messages
Knight of Cups : Proposal, invitation
Queen of Cups : A woman in touch with her emotions and intuition
King of Cups : A man in touch with his feelings
Ace of Pentacles : Yes, Pure Material goods (money)
2 of Pentacles : Balancing money
3 of Pentacles : Working together
4 of Pentacles : Holding on, Greed, Savings
5 of Pentacles : Lack of money
6 of Pentacles : Charity
7 of Pentacles : Expanding projects
8 of Pentacles : Apprentice
9 of Pentacles : Comfortable life
10 of Pentacles : Home/Legacy
Page of Pentacles : Written Letters, gifts
Knight of Pentacles : Pataince
Queen of Pentacles : A wealthy woman
King of Pentacles : A wealthy man
Card Reading,
Hanged Man,
Tarot Card Meanings,
Tarot Meanings,
The Chariot,
The Star,
The Sun,
The World,
Wheel of Fortune
Salem, MA, USA
Introduction to the Tarot
By Crystal, OCS Clairvoyant Psychic
The traditional tarot deck is comprised of 78 illustrated cards. The
cards are of two orders, The Major Arcana and The Minor Arcana. The
Major Arcana, referred to as The Trump Cards are pictorial archetypes
such as The Sun, The Moon, The World, Death, The Emperor and the
Empress. These cards express grand themes. The Minor Arcana are similar
to the cards in a regular playing deck with four suits, Cups, Pentacles,
Wands, and Swords. They are numbered aces to ten in each suit with Kings,
Queens, Knights and Pages. The cards are shuffled and spread face down
in a fan shape so that the questioner (Querant) may choose their cards.
There are myriad layouts for card readings the simplest of which is the
single card spread. By picking a solitary card from the deck you can get
a very direct understanding of the situation though there will be no
other cards with which to show obstacles, past influences ect.
Common methods to answer direct questions are the Three and the Five Card
Spreads. A Three Card spread is laid out from left to right and read as
past, present and future respectively.
How to Do A Celtic Cross Spread
A more complete layout is the Celtic Cross Spread. a ten card spread that
offers many points of information. After choosing ten cards from the faced
down fanned deck the first card is placed in the center (1) the second is
laid across this (2), the third, forth, fifth, and sixth cards are placed
around the center cross clock-wise starting under the first two cards
(3),(4),(5),(6) and form the outer cross, the remaining four cards are
laid one above the other along the side with the last card at the top.
The First Card (1) Shows the current position of the client, the heart of
the matter upon which the reading is based.
The Second Card (2) Is that which crosses the client, something that is
impacting them directly at the time of the reading.
These two cards make up the Inner Cross and should be interpreted together.
The Third Card (3) Shows the root cause most pertinent to the reading, this
lies generally in the distant past.
The Fourth Card (4) Is the forces in the recent past that bear upon the
clients question.
The Fifth Card (5) Is the wisdom of the higher self and can offer insight
into what steps should be taken by the client to achieve the best results.
The Sixth Card (6) The card of the near future, that which can be expected
to happen soon in the clients life and has bearing upon the question at hand.
These four cards make up the Outer Cross and should be interpreted together.
The Seventh Card (7) Is a card of the Self, the qualities positive of
negative that the client possesses that contribute to the Outcome.
The Eight Card (8) Outside Influences, the forces of other people and things
seen and unseen that are working upon the Outcome
The Ninth Card (9) Either "Hopes and Dreams" or "Advice" this card adds
insight to that which is hidden but important none the less, to the Outcome.
The Tenth Card (10) The Outcome. This is the long term outcome that can be
expected in the clients life, if it is undesirable the client is instructed
by the other cards on how best to change it. The Most probable Outcome.
Celtic Cross,
Celtic Cross Spread,
Reading Cards,
Tarot Cards,
Tarot Spread,
Salem, MA, USA
Magical Properties and Uses of Herbs T-Z
By Fern, OCS Herbalist
Tansy : Facilitates Health, Promotes Longevity, Immortality, Death, Rebirth,
The Feminine, Funerals, Imbolc, Ostara, The Planet Venus, War,
The Element of Water, Youth Elixer
Tea : Riches, Increases Courage, Builds Strength, Growth in Savings Accounts
Thistle : Increases Strength, Used in Protection Magic, Hex Breaking,
Facilitates Healing
Thistle, Holy : Used in Purification Spells, Hex Breaking
Thyme : Facilitates Health, Promotes Healing, Reastful Sleep, Increases Dreams,
Promotes Psychic Powers, Attracts Love, Purification Spells,
Increases Courage, Used in Banishing Spells, Burn as a Smudge,
The Planet Venus, The Element of Water
Tobacco : Promotes Healing, Used in Purification Spells, Use as an Offering to
and for Communication with Spirits and the Dead
Turmeric : Used in Purification Spells
Valerian : Attracts Love, Promotes Sleep, Purification of Sacred Space,
Used in Protection Magic, Facilitates Acceptance, Animals, Cats, Rid
Yourself of Guilt, The Planet Jupiter, Fosters Positivity, Samhain,
Yule, Water, A Substitution for Graveyard Dirt
Vanilla : Attracts Love, Sparks Lust, Increases Mental Powers
Vervain : Attracts Love, Protection (All-purpose), Purification Spells, Promotes
Peace, Draws Money, Youth Elixer, Chastity, Promotes Sleep, Facilitates
Healing, Promotes Prosperity, Uncrossing, The Planet Jupiter and Venus,
Cleansing, One of the Seven Sacred Herbs of the Druids
Vetivert : Attracts Love, Hex Breaking, Brings Good Luck, Draws Money, Anti-Theft,
Secures Bank Accounts and Safe Deposit Boxes
Wheat : Grants Fertility, Draws Money
Wintergreen : Protection Magic, Facilitates Healing, Hex Breaking
Witch Hazel : Protection Magic, Promotes Chastity
Wolf's Bane (Aconite) : *Poisonous* Protection Spells, Invisibility in Magical
Working, Aether, The Element of Fire, Protects Livestock,The Planets
of Mars and Saturn, Facilitates Shapeshifting
Aloes, Wood : Attracts Love, Promotes Spirituality
Woodruff : Assures Victory, Protection Spells, Draws Money
Wormwood : *Poisonous* Promotes Psychic Powers, Protection Spells, Attracts Love,
Summoning Spirits, Element of Air, Facilitates Divination, Promotes
Dreams, Removes Anger and Inhibits Violence, Protection from Curses,
Facilitates Clairvoyance
Yarrow : Increases Courage, Blesses Hand-Fasting, Attracts Love, Peaceful Marital
Relations, Promotes Psychic Powers, Aids in Divination, Exorcism and
Banishing Negativity, Facilitates Healing, Planet Venus, Element of
Water, Divanation with The Iching
Yerba Mate : Promotes Fidelity, Attracts Love, Sparks Lust
Yerba Santa : Fosters Beauty, Facilitates Healing, Promotes Psychic Powers, Used
in Protection Spells
Yucca : Transmutation, Used in Protection Spells, Purification Spells
Macical Properties and Uses of Herbs P-S
By Fern, OCS Herbalist
Parsley : Used in Protection Spells, Purification Spells, Attracts Love,
The Element of Air, Attracts Butterflies, Death, Rebirth, The
Masculine, The Planet of Mercury, Increases Strength
Patchouly : Draws Money, Grants Fertility, Sparks Lust, Attracts love,
Promotes Business Growth
Pea : Draws Money, Attracts Love, Savings Accounts and Safe Deposit Boxes
Pennyroyal : Increases Strength, Protection Magic, Promotes Peace, "Penner's
Oil", Domestic Harmony, Reduces Anxiety, Calms Rough Seas and
Prevents Sea Sickness, The Masculine, The Element of Fire, The
Planet of Mars, Provides Safe Travel of the Dead to the Next Life
Pepper, Black : Used in Protection Magic, Aids in Exorcism, The planet of
Mars, The Element of Fire, Promotes Passion, Used in Breaking
Peppermint : Used in Purification magic, Promotes Sleep, Attracts Love,
Facilitates Healing, Promotes Psychic Powers, Restful Sleep,
Clears out Sickness and Negative Energy
Pistachio : Used in Breaking Love Spells placed upon You
Pokeweed : *Poisonous* Increases Courage, Hex Breaking, Aids in Exorcism,
Uncrossing, Makes a Dark Purple Magical Ink, Used in Protection
Magic, The Planet of Uranus
Pomegranate : Facilitates Divination, Brings Good Luck, Grants Wishes,
Increases Wealth, Promotes Fertility, Eat the Seeds Daily
to Become Pregnant, Love
Potato : Used in Image Magic, Facilitates Healing, Promotes Stability
Purslane : Promotes Sleep, Attracts Love, Brings Good Luck, Used in Protection
Spells, Fosters Happiness
Raspberry : Used in Protection Spells, Attracts Love, Stops Bleeding
Rice : Brings Abundance, Used in Protection Spells, Brings Rain, Promotes
Fertility, Draws Money, The Element of Earth, The Feminine, Brings
Prosperity, The Sun, Increases Wealth
Roots : Used in Protection Spells, Raises Power, Facilitates Divination
Rosemary : Used in Protection Magic, Attracts Love, Sparks Lust, Increases
Mental Powers, Aids in Exorcism, Purification Spells, Facilitates
Healing, Aids Sleep, Youth Elixer, Banishing Spells, Promotes Beauty,
Brings Blessings, Cleansing, Promotes Fidelity, The Masculine,
Promotes Meditation, Banishes Nightmares, Remembrance, The Sun,
Blesses Weddings, Attracts Faeries
Rue : Promotes Health, Prevents Illness and Speeds Recovery, Increases
Mental Powers, Aids in Exorcism, Attracts Love, Used in
Used in Protection Spells Against Evil, Purification Spells,
Removing Negativity, Breaking Hexes and Curses
Rye : Attracts Love, Promotes Fidelity in a Relationship
Saffron : Love Aphrodisiac, Facilitates Healing, Fosters Happiness, Wind
Raising and Weather Control, Sparks Lust, Increases Strength,
Promotes Psychic Powers, Brings Good luck
Sage : Burn Sage as a Smudge to Rid your Home or Ritual Area of Negativity
and Raise Positive Vibrations, Immortality, Promotes Longevity,
Grants Wisdom, Used in Protection Spells, Grants Wishes, The
Element of Air, Funerals, Heals Grief, The Planet of Jupiter,
Self Purification
St.Johns Wort : Facilitates Health, Increases Power, Used in Protection
Spells, Increases Strength, Attracts Love, Facilitates Divination,
Fosters Happiness, Death, Aids in Exorcism, The Element of Fire,
Midsummer, Rebirth, Burn as a Smudge, The Sun, Good for Women
Sandalwood : Used in Protection Spells, Facilitates Healing, Aids in Exorcism,
Promotes Spirituality, Clears Negativity, Aligns the Chakras, Aids
in Meditation
Sarsaparilla : Attracts Love, Draws Money
Sassafras : Facilitates Health, Draws Money
Scullcap : *Poisonous* Attracts Love, Promotes Fidelity, Fosters Peace,
Relaxation and Peaceful Sleep, Binds Oaths and Consecrates Vows,
Diffuses Disharmony
Sesame : Draws Money, Sparks Lust, Increases Value in Stocks and Investments
Solomons Seal : Used in Protection Magic, Aids in Exorcism, Facilitates
Southern Wood : Attracts Love, Sparks Lust, Used in Protection magic
Spearmint : Facilitates Healing, Attracts Love, Increases Mental Powers,
Used for Protection while Sleeping
Star, Anise : Promotes Psychic Powers, Brings Good Luck
Strawberry : Attracts Love, Brings Good Luck
Sweetgrass : Useful in Calling Spirits, Raises Positive Energy, Burn as a
Smudge. Cleansing, Purification, Grants Wisdom, The Masculine,
The Element of Air, Promotes Longevity, Used Often with Sage
Magical Prpoerties and Uses of Herbs M-O
By Fern, OCS Herbalist
Mace : Promotes Psychic Powers, Increases Mental Powers
Maidenhair : Self Love, The Goddess, The Planet Venus, Increases one's
Attractiveness, Promotes Beauty, Used in Protection Spells,
Inner Goddess
Male Fern : Brings Good Luck, Attracts Love, The Root is called the "Lucky
Hand" Collected on Midsummer's Eve and is very Powerful, Used
in Protection Spells, An Aphrodisiac for Men, Fertility Gods,
Enhances Potency When Burned in Rites.
Mallow : Attracts Love, Used in Protection Spells, Aids in Exorcism
Mandrake : *Poisonous* Used in Protection Spells, Attracts Love, Draws
Money, Promotes Fertility, Facilitates Health, The Element of
Fire, Fosters Happiness, The Masculine, The Planet of Mercury,
Promotes Prosperity, Sex
Marjoram : Used in Protection Spells, Attracts Love, Fosters Happiness,
Facilitates Health, Draws Money, Promotes Healing, Grants Sweet
Dreams, Used in Cleansing and Purification
Mastic : Promotes Psychic Powers, Manifestations, Sparks Lust
May Apple : *Poisonous* Draws Money, Grants Fertility, Hiding, Invisibility
of Magical Workings, Used in Protection Spells, Promotes
Meadow Rue : Facilitates Divination
Meadowsweet : Attracts Love, Facilitates Divination, Promotes Peace, Fosters
Mint : Draws Money, Attracts Love, Brings Good Luck, Facilitates Healing,
Aids in Exorcism, Promotes Travel, Used in Protection Spells,
Increases Energy, Furthers Communication, Promotes Vitality,
Draws in positive spirits
Mistletoe : Used in Protection Spells, Attracts Love, Hunting Luck, Grants
Fertility, Facilitates Health, Aids in Exorcism, Banishing, The
Sun, Promotes Dreams, Forgiveness/reconciliation, Brings Good
Luck, Midsummer, Yule, The Most Sacred of the Seven Sacred Herbs
of the Druids
Moss : Brings Good Luck, Attracting Money, Useful in Banking and Investments
Mugwort : Increases Strength, Promotes Psychic Powers, Used in Protection
Spells, Prophetic Dreams, Facilitates Divination, Promotes
Healing, Aids in Astral Projection, Help in Childbirth, The Element
of Earth, The Moon, Burn as a Smudge, The Planet of Venus
Mullein : Increases Courage, Used in Protection against Nightmares and
Negative Magic, Facilitates Health, Attracts Love, Promotes
Divination, Aids in Exorcism, Spirit Invocation, Used in place of
Graveyard Dirt
Mustard : Promotes Fertility, Used in Protection Spells, Increases Mental
Myrrh : Used in Protection Spells, Aids in Exorcism, Facilitates Healing,
Promotes Spirituality, Aids in Meditation, The Feminine, Represents
The Goddess, Enhances any Magical Working, Burned with Frankincense
as a Temple Incense
Myrtle : Attracts Love, True Friendship, Promotes Fertility, Youth Elixir,
Promotes Peace, Draws Money
Nettle : Aids in Exorcism, Useful in Banishing, Uncrossing, Protection Spells,
Facilitates Healing, Sparks Lust, The Element of Fire, The Planet of
Mars, Turns back spells on the one who cast them, Dispells Fear and
Negativity, Drives away Negative Energy and Negative Spirits
Nutmeg : Attracts Money and Prosperity, Luck Charms, Used in Protection Spells,
Helpful in Breaking Hexes
Oats : Drawing/Attracting Money, Nerve Relaxing, Offering to Horse Gods and
Fertility Gods
Onion : Used in Protection Spells, Aids in Exorcism, Facilitates Healing, Draws
Money, Promotes Prophetic Dreams, Sparks Lust
Oregano : Promotes Happiness, Increases Strength, Promotes Vitality, Raises
Orris Root : Attracts Love, Used in Personal Protection Spells, Facilitates
Divination, Fosters Communication, Opens Dialogs with People,
(powdered) Love Drawing Powder, love, Romance and Mates, The
Planet of Venus
Breaking Curses,
Healing Magic,
Love Spells,
Money Spells,
Removing Negativity
Salem, MA, USA
Magical Properties and Uses of Herbs H-L
By Fern, OCS Herbalist
Heather : Used in Protection Spells, Rain Making Spells, Brings Good Luck,
Facilitates Cooperation, Attracts Faeries, The Feminine, Blesses
Marriage, The Planet of Mercury, Promotes Peace, The Planet Venus,
The Element of Water
Heliotrope : Aids in Exorcism, Promotes Prophetic Dreams, Facilitates Healing,
Creates Wealth, Invisibility in Magical Workings, Banishing,
Devotion, The Element of Fire, Attracts Love, Herb of the Sun
Hellebore : *Poisonous* Used in Protection Spells, Banishing, Aids in Exorcism,
Facilitates Healing, Increases Intelligence, Invisibility in
Magical Workings, The Planet Mars and Saturn, The Element of Water
Hemlock : *Poisonous* Protection Against Magic, Socrates Drank Hemlock when
Sentenced To Death
Hemp : Facilitates Healing, Attracts Love, Promotes Psychic Visions, Aids in
Meditation, Amplifies Magical Workings, Raises Positive Energy,
Banishes Negativity, Used in Protection Spells, Promotes Peace
Henbane : *Poisonous* Love Attraction, One of the Seven Sacred Herbs of the
High John the Conqueror : Draws Money, Attracts Love, Assures Success, Fosters
Happiness, The Planet of Saturn, The Element of Earth, Protection
from Malignant Magic, Breaks Curses, Success in Court, Promotes
Prosperity, Used as an Anointing Oil
Hops : Facilitates Healing, Promotes Sleep, The Planet of Mars, The Element of
Water, Used in Home Brewing for Health, Increases Female
Horehound : Used in Protection Spells, Increases Mental Powers, Aids in Exorcism,
Facilitates Healing, The Planet of Mercury, The Element of Earth,
Horseradish : Purification Spells, Aids in Exorcism, The Masculine, The Planet of
Mars, The Element of Fire, Wards off Malignant Magic, Useful in
Curse Breaking
Horsetail : Used in Snake Charming, Grants Fertility when Placed in the
Bedroom, The Feminine, The Planet of Saturn,The Element of Earth
Hyssop : Used in Purification Spells, Protection Spells, Heals Bruises, The
Masculine, The Planet od Jupiter, The Element of Fire, Use to
Purify and Cleanse People and Objects of Negative Energy and
Malignant Magic
Irish Moss : Draws Money, Brings Good Luck, Used in Protection Spells, Slow and
Steady Material Growth such as Investments, Stocks, Bonds and CDs
Ivy : Used in Protection Spells, Facilitates Healing, Promotes Faithfulness,
Blesses Weddings, Protects Brides, love and Fertility, Grown
Outside to Discourage Unwanted Guests
Jasmine : Attracts Love, Draws Wealth and Money, Restful Sleep and Prophetic
Dreams, Brings Inspiration and New Ideas
Joe-Pye Weed : Attracts Love, Gains Respect, Gambling, Facilitates
Healing, Brings Good Luck
Kava-Kave : Facilitates Visions, Used in Protection Spells, Brings Good Luck,
Removes Curses and Malignant Magics, Relaxes Nerves, Sacred Drink
of the Pacific Islanders
Knotweed : Sparrow's Tongue, Used in Binding, Facilitates Health, Releases
Ladys mantle : Attracts Love, Use in Baths to help with Lady's Monthly Problems,
Lavender : Attracts Love, Used in Protection Spells, Aids Sleep, Chastity,
Longevity, Purification Spells, Promotes Happiness, Fosters
Peace, The Element of Air, Grants Fertility, The Planet of
Mercury, The Mind
Leek : Attracts Love, Used in Protection Spells, Aids in Exorcism, Leeks are
Presented at Birth or on a Baby's Name Day for Blessings and
Lemongrass : Lemongrass is Used in Cleansing and Purification, Repels snakes,
Clears Obstacles, Changes Luck, Facilitates Harmonious
Communication, Sparks Lust, Promotes Psychic Powers
Lemon Verbena : Used in Purification Spells, Attracts Love, The Feminine, The
Planet of Venus, The Element of Air, Youth Elixir, Promotes
Beauty and Increases Attractiveness to the Opposite Sex, Placed
Under the Pillow to Prevent Dreams
Lettuce : Promotes Chastity, Used in Protection Spells, Attracts Love,
Facilitates Divination, Aids Sleep
Licorice : Attracts Love, Sparks Lust, Promotes Fidelity, Aphrodisiac, Aids
in the Safe Passage of the Dead into the Next Life
Life Everlasting : Promotes Longevity, Facilitates Health, Healing and
Prevention of Illness, Youth Elixir, Prevents Nightmares
when Placed Under Pillow, Drink as a Daily Tea for a Long
Liverwort : Used in Protection Spells, Attracts Love and Attention
Lovage : Carry to Attract Love, Add to other Herbs to Increase Attractiveness,
Used in Physical Cleansing, Useful in Protection Spells, The
Masculine, The Sun, The Element of Water, Releases Negativity,
Curse Breaking,
Love Spells,
Salem, MA, USA
Monday, August 12, 2013
Magical Properties and Uses of Herbs E-G
By Fern, OCS Herbalist
Echinacea : Adds Strength to Spells in Which it is Used, Given as an Offering,
Raises Power, Increases Magical Strength
Elecampane : Attracts Love, Used in Protection Spells, Promotes Psychic
Powers, The Planet Mercury, The Element of Water
Eucalyptus : Purifying Herb, Hang Leaves Over the Bed or Stuff Them Inside
of Pillows to Heal the Infirmed, Promotes Health and Healing,
Used in Protection Spells, The Moon, The Element of Air
Eyebright : Increases Mental Powers, Promotes Psychic Power when Drunk as
a Tea, The Element of Air, Used to Gain Clarity, Fosters Joy,The Sun,
Thanks, Aids in Transition, Facilitates Visions when Applied to the Eyelids
Fennel : Used in Protection Spells, Facilitates Healing, Purification Spells, Wards
off Ticks, Repells Evil Spirits, The Masculine, The Planet of Mercury,The
Element of Fire
Fenugreek : Draws Money, Grand Plant to have Growing Around You, The
Masculine, The Planet of Mercury, The Element of Air
Fern : Burned Out of Doors to Bring Rain, Used in Protection Spells, Brings Luck,
Riches, Eternal Youth, Facilitates Health, Aids in Exorcism, Dispels
Negativity, Promotes Mental Clarity, Cleanses and Purifies
Feverfew : Protection from Accidents, Relieves Headaches, Reduction of Pain,
The Masculine, Facilitates Travel, Aids in Uncrossing, Herb of Venus,
The Element of Water
Fig : Facilitates Divination, Grants Fertility, Attracts Love, Heals Impotency, Restful
Sleep, Brings Good Luck, Safe Homecoming
Figwort : Facilitates Health, Used in Protection Spells, The Feminine, The Planet
Venus, The Element of Water, Burn in the Mid Summer Bonfires
Flax : Seeds Draws Money, Used in Protection Spells, Flax Flowers Increase
Beauty, Promotes Psychic Powers, Facilitates Healing, The Masculine,
The Element of Fire, The Planet Mercury
Foxglove : (Digitalis) *Poisonous* Protection of the Home, Contact with the
Underworld, Attracts the Faeries, The Planet Saturn and Venus, A
Grand and Beautiful Protective Plant for the Garden
Frankincense : Used in Consecration, Protection Spells, Aids in Exorcism, Promotes
Spirituality, Facilitates Meditation, The Masculine, The Sun, The Element
of Fire, Drives Away Evil and Negative Energy when Burned, Used as the
Primary Ingredient in Temple Incense
Fumitory : Draws Money, Aids in Exorcism, The Feminine, The Planet Saturn, The
Element of Earth
Galangal : Used in Protection Spells, Sparks Lust, Facilitates Health, Draws Money,
Promotes Psychic Powers, Hex-Breaking, The Masculine, The Planet
Mars, The Element of Fire
Garlic : Used in Protection Spells, Aids in Exorcism, Purification spells, Facilitates
Healing, Sparks Lust, Anti-Theft, Breakups, The Element of Fire,The Planet
Mars, The Masculine, Promotes Passion, Increases Strength, Useful in
Uncrossing, Use Garlic Against Negative Energy, Harmful Magic, Spirits and
Jealous People
Gentian : Attracts Love, Increases Power, The Planet Mars, The Masculine, The
Element of Fire, The Root is Used in Health Tonics (Moxie)
Ginger : Attracts Love, Draws Money, Assures Success in Magical Workings,
Quiets Storms at Sea, Increases Power, Fire, Facilitates Healing, Health,
Promotes Passion, Relationships, Adds Strength and Speed to Spells
Ginseng : Attracts Love, Grants Wishes, Facilitates Healing, Brings Beauty,
Used in Protection Spells, Wards off Evil, Curse Breaking, Sparks Lust,
Increases Sexual Potency, Ginseng Root Can be Used as a Substitute for
Mandrake Root
Goats Rue : Rutwica (Not the Same As "Rue") Facilitates Healing, Promotes Health,
Aids Milk Production
Goldenrod : Draws Money, Facilitates Divination, Attracts Love, Locates Lost Items
and Valuable Treasures, Brings Good Luck when Found Growing by Your
Golden Seal : Facilitates Healing, Draws Money, Assures Success. Use to Increase
the Power of a Spell, Attraction Magic, The Planet Venus, The Element
of Fire, Wards off Evil
Gorse : Draws Money, Attracts Love, Romance and Protection of Weddings,
Blesses Handfasting, Protects Against Negativity and Dark Magick,
Spring Time, Equinox, Ostara
Grains of Paradise : Sparks Lust, Brings Good Luck, Attracts Love, Draws Money,
Grants Wishes, Used in Protection Spells
Grape : Grants Fertility, Garden Magic, Increases Mental Powers, Draws Money,
Promotes Prosperity, Grants Wishes, Fosters Joy and Happiness
Ground Ivy : Facilitates Divination, Protection Against Magic,Carry to Overcome
Shyness, Peaceful Sleep, Promotes Meditation, Facilitates Healing, Attracts
Love, Fosters Friendship, Promotes Fidelity Add whenMaking Home
Made Beer for Health, Mid Summer's Eve
Salem, MA, USA
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