Saturday, August 24, 2013
Magical Tools & Supplies
Depending on how you decide to practice magic there are a variety of tools
and supplies you may choose to use in your workings. This is a list of the
most common items. Most magical people never use them all, though may have
experience with the majority after a few years. You are encouraged to
experiment with as may of them as you see fit usually your intuition guides
you to the most natural way in which you should work.
Sacred salt -
Magically charged sea salt. A jar of sacred salt is a basic nessessity to
any practitioner of magic, period. Spread some Salt over any threshold to
assure that no Negative Energy/Entities may cross. A pinch over the
shoulder stops that which is following you. Cleanse, purify and consecrate
people, objects and areas by sprinkling with the salts or a mixture of salt
and water. Used weekly as a bathe it keeps your Energy flowing unfettered
and pure for optimum power as well as cleansing and strengthens the Aura.
Candles -
Fire signs often possess many candles. When fire is your power Element you
can more easily build and channel your energy into any working by having a
candle lit within arms length. Altar Candles light the space for the magical
work at hand and spell candles (often of a colour specific to the spell) are
burned as the Intent Candle. It is advisable to have a large store of candles
on hand.By keeping a supply of many different colours and types of candles on
hand you can further hone your energy and intent.
Wands and staves -
Used to direct and focus personal power, made of any number of natural woods
and sometimes tipped with crystals, metals or stones. Certain woods have their
own innate qualities and a careful choice will aid in any spell. If you have
trouble translating your own power in a particular vein, try a wand specifically
for the purpose. Staves (Staffs) and wands are used in directing energy in spell
work. You can and should make one for yourself: take a cutting from the appropriate
living shrub or tree. Always ask the tree first and it is a good idea to leave an
offering or a preset at the base of the tree like honey or quartz. A stick or stem
of pencil width and under a foot long should suffice for a Wand, Staves should be
a few inches longer than you are high and around 2" thick. Sand to smooth off bark.
You may wish to adorn your stave or wand with carvings and magical symbols of
intent depending upon the Wand/Stave's intended use. Lay out on your Altar or out
in the light of the Moon to charge and then assign it it's purpose.
Asperager -
A small twig or branch that is dipped into Salt Water or Sacred liquid and used
to besprinkle people, the Altar, or space. Blessing. This is usually cut right
before it is to be used. As with any plant, ask permission before cutting.
Divination devices -
There are almost too many ways through which we may attempt to divine the
future and likely events. You may have to work with a few of them in order to
see which ones work the best for you and give you the clearest readings. You may
already suspect your chosen method, try that first. Among the myriad methods are
Tarot Cards, Rune Staves/Stones, Scrying Mirror or Bowl, Crystal Ball, Pendulum,
I Ching, Augery.
Tarot Cards -
Divination by Tarot uses the standard meanings associated with the cards
themselves as well as flashes and psychic intuition to see a clear path of
the probable future.
Crystal Ball -
Gazing into the Crystal ball by the light of a single candle brings about
clear visions of past, present and future.
Scrying Mirror or Bowl -
Two other forms of scrying used similarly to the Crystal Ball.
Pendulum -
Yes/No answers, finding location on a map, detect the presence of negative or
positive spirits and energy.
Censor, charcoal, incense -
Air spells are often worked by smouldering incense, at the very least incense
will draw the Element of Air to the aid of any working. You may simply choose
to keep a small box of stick incenses or you might have a censor and smoulder
herbs and resins on a charcoal block.
Smudge Stick -
Use the smoldering smoke of a sage smudge stick to cleanse yourself and your
home or to raise positive vibrations.
Charcoal - Self ignighting charcoal blocks are used to smolder resins and
dried herbs for use as incenses, offerings and smudges for cleansing
Censor - Fireproof container for the burning charcoal and incense.
Incense Holder - For stick or cone incense.
Pentacle -
An effective way to bless a spell or an object is with a blessing pentacle,
this can be any number of things but very basically it is a five pointed star
ringed by a circle often placed upon an altar. The object you wish to make
magical or sacred is then placed upon the pentacle until charged. A small,
silver pentacle worn about the neck serves this purpose as well. It need not
necessarily be a pentacle, as you progress you may very well find that another
symbol suits your magic better. In the North a hammar is used in place of the
pentacle in all these ways.
Athame -
A small ritual knife, usually sharpened on both edges. It should be reserved
for the purpose of magic. Used in casting a magic circle for spell work and
for directing protection. In Wiccan Ceremonial Magic the Athame represents the
Male and The God. Some, when the get theirs, after cleansing its energy, anoint
it with their own blood. This is not recommended for any but the most adept who
have years of serious practice in their favor.
Sax or Magical Knife -
This small bladed knife is used to cut herbs, scratch symbols onto candles, cut
cords ect. Never use it for anything besides magical work.
Chalice -
A large silver cup is used in some rites to drink holy toasts as it symbolizes
the Womb, Water, Feminine and the Goddess. This is primarily a tool of Wiccan
Ceremonial Magic.
Cauldron -
A fireproof, cast iron pot that represents the womb of creation it is used for
a variety of purposes such as indoor fire scrying, potion making, water scrying,
tinctures and brews ect.
Cauldron Spirits -
A tincture of alcohol and sacred herbs used to create Cauldron Fire. This fire is
used in Elemental Fire Spells and as a substitute for Bonfire
Emergencies -
Beyond sacred salt there are a few other elements you may wish to keep on hand
in case of emergency. Keeping yourself safe and being prepared to fight back
when needful are basic nessessities. Copper, silver, sea salt, brick dust, icons,
cross, holy water.
Brickdust -
Sprinkled as a barrier against Deamonic Entities barring their entry into your
home or sacred space.
Ribbons, cords, pouches -
You may wish to have an assortment of small coloured cloth pouches and lengths
of cord, ribbon or string if you wish to make herb bags, spell pouches and if you
wish to practice cord magic.
Herbs -
Earth signs will probably have quite a collection or herbs, woods, resins and
other plant materials in their work area. Even a simple and modest supply can be
of great value in magic. They can be burned as incense or offerings, made into
small spell bags to be carried or placed at a remote location to aid in the
strength and accuracy of your spell or working. If you are inclined, potions,
infusions and tinctures can be made.
Oils -
Water signs may acquire more than a few bottles of oils, avatars and unguents
on shelves or in boxes. Anoint candles and other objects to imbue them with
your intent. The goals achieved with oil are reached through aroma and the
vibration signature inherent in the particular oil.
Crystals and Stones -
A collection of tumbles stones and crystal points can be used to augment spells
especially Elemental Earth Spells.
Journal -
You will want to keep a record to aid you in your progress. A journal is
a place to put favored information, symbols and spells as well as to record
your experiences with the Otherworld, tarot readings and dreams. It is
recommended that you use a separate journal for dreams to keep right by the bed.
Your journal must be blank when you start it and not used for any other purpose.
Pen, Ink and Parchment -
For journal writing and certain spells and symbols.
Matches -
For lighting candles, incense smudge, Cauldron Spirits, ect...
Vase -
A Vase on the Altar is useful for holding flowers and fresh herbs used in spells
and rites.
Tibetan Singing Bowl -
Sonic cleansing vibrations strengthen Aura and balance Chakras.
Magic School,
Magical Items,
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